Visible to the public Research on Point-To-Point Encryption Method of Power System Communication Data Based on Block Chain Technology

TitleResearch on Point-To-Point Encryption Method of Power System Communication Data Based on Block Chain Technology
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsQin, Hao, Li, Zhi, Hu, Peng, Zhang, Yulong, Dai, Yuwen
Conference Name2019 12th International Conference on Intelligent Computation Technology and Automation (ICICTA)
KeywordsAsymmetric Encryption, asymmetric key encryption, block chain technology, blockchain technology, communication data, communication data content, communication data encryption methods, communication data point, compositionality, data block, Design Method, Distributed databases, Encryption, encryption identifier, Human Behavior, Metrics, point-to-point encryption, point-to-point encryption method, power system communication data, power system stability, Power systems, pubcrawl, Public key, public key cryptography, public key distribution scheme, Receivers, Resiliency, transfer key
AbstractAiming at the poor stability of traditional communication data encryption methods, a point-to-point encryption method of power system communication data based on block chain technology is studied and designed. According to the principle of asymmetric key encryption, the design method makes use of the decentralization and consensus mechanism of block chain technology to develop the public key distribution scheme. After the public key distribution is completed, the sender and receiver of communication data generate the transfer key and pair the key with the public key to realize the pairing between data points. Xor and modular exponentiation are performed on the communication data content, and prime Numbers are used to fill the content data block. The receiver decrypts the data according to the encryption identifier of the data content, and completes the design of the encryption method of communication data point to ground. Through the comparison with the traditional encryption method, it is proved that the larger the amount of encrypted data is, the more secure the communication data can be, and the stability performance is better than the traditional encryption method.
Citation Keyqin_research_2019