Visible to the public Triple-Layer Image Security Using a Zigzag Embedding Pattern

TitleTriple-Layer Image Security Using a Zigzag Embedding Pattern
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsFarrag, Sara, Alexan, Wassim, Hussein, Hisham H.
Conference Name2019 International Conference on Advanced Communication Technologies and Networking (CommNet)
Date Publishedapr
Keywords2D image steganography technique, AES, AES-128 encryption, chaotic communication, chaotic logistic map, chaotic logistic map encryption, composability, cover image, Cross Layer Security, cryptographic nature, cryptography, Encryption, high capacity, histogram analysis, Image color analysis, image colour analysis, image fidelity, least significant bit-embedding, Logistics, LSB steganography, mean square error, mean square error methods, Measurement, message security scheme, normal cross correlation, peak signal to noise ratio, pubcrawl, Resiliency, secret data, secret message, secure layer, security, steganographic nature, steganography, structural similarity index metric, triple-layer image security, zigzag, zigzag embedding pattern, zigzag pattern
AbstractThis paper proposes a triple-layer, high capacity, message security scheme. The first two layers are of a cryptographic nature, whereas the third layer is of a steganographic nature. In the first layer, AES-128 encryption is performed on the secret message. In the second layer, a chaotic logistic map encryption is applied on the output of the first secure layer to increase the security of the scheme. In the third layer of security, a 2D image steganography technique is performed, where the least significant bit (LSB) -embedding is done according to a zigzag pattern in each of the three color planes of the cover image (i.e. RGB). The distinguishing feature of the proposed scheme is that the secret data is hidden in a zigzag manner that cannot be predicted by a third party. Moreover, our scheme achieves higher values of peak signal to noise ratio (PPSNR), mean square error (MSE), the structural similarity index metric (SSIM), normal cross correlation (NCC) and image fidelity (IF) compared to its counterparts form the literature. In addition, a histogram analysis as well as the high achieved capacity are magnificent indicators for a reliable and high capacity steganographic scheme.
Citation Keyfarrag_triple-layer_2019