Visible to the public Supporting Privacy in a Cloud-Based Health Information System by Means of Fuzzy Conditional Identity-Based Proxy Re-encryption (FCI-PRE)

TitleSupporting Privacy in a Cloud-Based Health Information System by Means of Fuzzy Conditional Identity-Based Proxy Re-encryption (FCI-PRE)
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsFimiani, Gianluca
Conference Name2018 32nd International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops (WAINA)
KeywordsAccess Control, cloud computing, cloud-based health information system, Computing Theory and Privacy, cryptography, data privacy, data-intensive domain, electronic health records, electronic medical records, Encryption, FCI-PRE, fuzzy conditional identity-based proxy re-encryption, fuzzy set theory, Health Care, Health Information Systems, healthcare providers, Human Behavior, identity based encryption, medical documents, Medical services, nonnegligible privacy issues, privacy, Proxy Re Encryption, pubcrawl, Public key, Resiliency, Scalability
AbstractHealthcare is traditionally a data-intensive domain, where physicians needs complete and updated anamnesis of their patients to take the best medical decisions. Dematerialization of the medical documents and the consequent health information systems to share electronic health records among healthcare providers are paving the way to an effective solution to this issue. However, they are also paving the way of non-negligible privacy issues that are limiting the full application of these technologies. Encryption is a valuable means to resolve such issues, however the current schemes are not able to cope with all the needs and challenges that the cloud-based sharing of electronic health records imposes. In this work we have investigated the use of a novel scheme where encryption is combined with biometric authentication, and defines a preliminary solution.
Citation Keyfimiani_supporting_2018