Visible to the public Cybersecurity Associate Degree Program Curriculum

TitleCybersecurity Associate Degree Program Curriculum
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsStange, M., Tang, C., Tucker, C., Servine, C., Geissler, M.
Conference Name2019 IEEE International Symposium on Technologies for Homeland Security (HST)
Date PublishedNov. 2019
ISBN Number978-1-7281-5092-5
Keywords& Technical College, Accreditation, ACM CCECC, Associate Degree, associate degree cybersecurity programs, associate level cybersecurity workforce, community, community college educators, computer science education, computer security, CSEC2Y, curriculum, cyber physical systems, Cyber2yr, Cyber2yr work, cybersecurity, cybersecurity associate degree program curriculum, cybersecurity education, cybersecurity education programs, educational courses, Educational institutions, Force, global cybersecurity guide, Guidelines, higher education, Junior, knowledgeable level cybersecurity workforce, privacy, professional field, pubcrawl, qualified cybersecurity workforce, security of data, student competency focused curriculum, Task Analysis

The spotlight is on cybersecurity education programs to develop a qualified cybersecurity workforce to meet the demand of the professional field. The ACM CCECC (Committee for Computing Education in Community Colleges) is leading the creation of a set of guidelines for associate degree cybersecurity programs called Cyber2yr, formerly known as CSEC2Y. A task force of community college educators have created a student competency focused curriculum that will serve as a global cybersecurity guide for applied (AAS) and transfer (AS) degree programs to develop a knowledgeable and capable associate level cybersecurity workforce. Based on the importance of the Cyber2yr work; ABET a nonprofit, non-governmental agency that accredits computing programs has created accreditation criteria for two-year cybersecurity programs.

Citation Keystange_cybersecurity_2019