Visible to the public Securing Vehicular Adhoc Network against Malicious Vehicles using Advanced Clustering Technique

TitleSecuring Vehicular Adhoc Network against Malicious Vehicles using Advanced Clustering Technique
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsTemurnikar, A., Verma, P., Choudhary, J.
Conference Name2nd International Conference on Data, Engineering and Applications (IDEA)
Date PublishedFeb. 2020
ISBN Number978-1-7281-5718-4
Keywordsad hoc network, Ad hoc networks, advanced clustering technique, CH(cluster head), clustering technique, compositionality, emerging topics, good clustering algorithm, high dynamic nature, high dynamic network, malicious node, malicious vehicles, Metrics, mobile radio, network productivity, pattern clustering, predictable mobility, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, scientist, security, security network, telecommunication network topology, telecommunication security, unique topics, VANET, VANET network, vehicular ad hoc networks, vehicular adhoc network

VANET is one of most emerging and unique topics among the scientist and researcher. Due to its mobility, high dynamic nature and frequently changing topology not predictable, mobility attracts too much to researchers academic and industry person. In this paper, characteristics of VANET ate discussed along with its architecture, proposed work and its ends simulation with results. There are many nodes in VANET and to avoid the load on every node, clustering is applied in VANET. VANET possess the high dynamic network having continuous changing in the topology. For stability of network, a good clustering algorithm is required for enhancing the network productivity. In proposed work, a novel approach has been proposed to make cluster in VANET network and detect malicious node of network for security network.

Citation Keytemurnikar_securing_2020