Visible to the public Enhanced Image Edge Detection Methods for Crab Species Identification

TitleEnhanced Image Edge Detection Methods for Crab Species Identification
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsPrathusha, P., Jyothi, S., Mamatha, D. M.
Conference Name2018 International Conference on Soft-computing and Network Security (ICSNS)
Date PublishedFeb. 2018
ISBN Number978-1-5386-4552-9
Keywordsaspiring research areas, automatic image analysis, automatic object recognition, biological applications demand Image, Canny edge detection, Communication networks, composability, conducted analysis, crab images, crab species identification, digital image processing application, edge detection, edge detection operators, Enhanced Image edge detection methods, enhanced prewitt operator, enhanced robert operator, feature extraction, image classification, image data, Image edge detection, image enhancement, image segmentation, Image Segmentation Methods, Industrial applications demand Image, Laplace equations, Laplacian of Gaussian, Metrics, morphological operations, Object recognition, Otsu Segmentation, Prewitt Operator, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, Robert Operator, Robert operators, sample images, Scalability, security, Sobel operator, Sobel operators, spurious edges, Thresholding (Imaging)

Automatic Image Analysis, Image Classification, Automatic Object Recognition are some of the aspiring research areas in various fields of Engineering. Many Industrial and biological applications demand Image Analysis and Image Classification. Sample images available for classification may be complex, image data may be inadequate or component regions in the image may have poor visibility. With the available information each Digital Image Processing application has to analyze, classify and recognize the objects appropriately. Pre-processing, Image segmentation, feature extraction and classification are the most common steps to follow for Classification of Images. In this study we applied various existing edge detection methods like Robert, Sobel, Prewitt, Canny, Otsu and Laplacian of Guassian to crab images. From the conducted analysis of all edge detection operators, it is observed that Sobel, Prewitt, Robert operators are ideal for enhancement. The paper proposes Enhanced Sobel operator, Enhanced Prewitt operator and Enhanced Robert operator using morphological operations and masking. The novelty of the proposed approach is that it gives thick edges to the crab images and removes spurious edges with help of m-connectivity. Parameters which measure the accuracy of the results are employed to compare the existing edge detection operators with proposed edge detection operators. This approach shows better results than existing edge detection operators.

Citation Keyprathusha_enhanced_2018