Visible to the public Safe and secure software updates on high-performance embedded systems

TitleSafe and secure software updates on high-performance embedded systems
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsAgirre, I.
Conference Name2020 50th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks Workshops (DSN-W)
Date PublishedJuly 2020
ISBN Number978-1-7281-7263-7
Keywordsartificial intelligence, artificial intelligence algorithms, automobiles, autonomous systems, certification, composability, computational complexity, dependable embedded systems, Embedded systems, extended networking technologies, hardware complexity, hardware platform, high computing demands, high performance scale, high-performance embedded systems, interconnected system resilient, Metrics, OTASU, post-deployment evidence, potentially infinite scenarios, pubcrawl, regular software updates, resilience, Resiliency, Safety, secure software updates, security, security of data, security threats, Standards, system dependability, traditional certification practices

The next generation of dependable embedded systems feature autonomy and higher levels of interconnection. Autonomy is commonly achieved with the support of artificial intelligence algorithms that pose high computing demands on the hardware platform, reaching a high performance scale. This involves a dramatic increase in software and hardware complexity, fact that together with the novelty of the technology, raises serious concerns regarding system dependability. Traditional approaches for certification require to demonstrate that the system will be acceptably safe to operate before it is deployed into service. The nature of autonomous systems, with potentially infinite scenarios, configurations and unanticipated interactions, makes it increasingly difficult to support such claim at design time. In this context, the extended networking technologies can be exploited to collect post-deployment evidence that serve to oversee whether safety assumptions are preserved during operation and to continuously improve the system through regular software updates. These software updates are not only convenient for critical bug fixing but also necessary for keeping the interconnected system resilient against security threats. However, such approach requires a recondition of the traditional certification practices.

Citation Keyagirre_safe_2020