Visible to the public Dynamic Information Flow Tracking for Embedded Binaries using SystemC-based Virtual Prototypes

TitleDynamic Information Flow Tracking for Embedded Binaries using SystemC-based Virtual Prototypes
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsPieper, P., Herdt, V., Große, D., Drechsler, R.
Conference Name2020 57th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC)
Date PublishedJuly 2020
ISBN Number978-1-7281-1085-1
Keywordsaccurate DIFT, C++ languages, composability, data flow analysis, Data models, DIFT engine, Dynamic Information Flow Tracking, early DIFT, embedded binaries, Embedded systems, Engines, existing DIFT approaches, Metrics, Prototypes, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, security, security of data, security policies, security related exploits, security vulnerabilities, SystemC-based virtual prototypes, Vehicle dynamics, virtual prototyping

Avoiding security vulnerabilities is very important for embedded systems. Dynamic Information Flow Tracking (DIFT) is a powerful technique to analyze SW with respect to security policies in order to protect the system against a broad range of security related exploits. However, existing DIFT approaches either do not exist for Virtual Prototypes (VPs) or fail to model complex hardware/software interactions.In this paper, we present a novel approach that enables early and accurate DIFT of binaries targeting embedded systems with custom peripherals. Leveraging the SystemC framework, our DIFT engine tracks accurate data flow information alongside the program execution to detect violations of security policies at run-time. We demonstrate the effectiveness and applicability of our approach by extensive experiments.

Citation Keypieper_dynamic_2020