Visible to the public Tackling Insider Threat in Cloud Relational Databases

TitleTackling Insider Threat in Cloud Relational Databases
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2012
AuthorsYaseen, Q., Panda, B.
Conference Name2012 IEEE Fifth International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing
Date Publishednov
KeywordsAvailability, centralized model, cloud computing, cloud computing structures, cloud RDMS, cloud relational database systems, Cloud Security, cloud systems, Databases, Human Behavior, insider attacks, insider threat, insider threat tackling, knowledge based systems, launch attacks, load balancing, Load modeling, Metrics, mobile computing, mobile-knowledge bases model, multiple availability zones, Peer to peer computing, Peer-to-peer computing, peer-to-peer model, policy-based governance, pubcrawl, relational databases, resilience, Resiliency, resource allocation, security, security of data
AbstractCloud security is one of the major issues that worry individuals and organizations about cloud computing. Therefore, defending cloud systems against attacks such asinsiders' attacks has become a key demand. This paper investigates insider threat in cloud relational database systems(cloud RDMS). It discusses some vulnerabilities in cloud computing structures that may enable insiders to launch attacks, and shows how load balancing across multiple availability zones may facilitate insider threat. To prevent such a threat, the paper suggests three models, which are Peer-to-Peer model, Centralized model and Mobile-Knowledgebase model, and addresses the conditions under which they work well.
Citation Keyyaseen_tackling_2012