Visible to the public ADobf: Obfuscated Detection Method against Analog Trojans on I2C Master-Slave Interface

TitleADobf: Obfuscated Detection Method against Analog Trojans on I2C Master-Slave Interface
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsMonjur, Mezanur Rahman, Sunkavilli, Sandeep, Yu, Qiaoyan
Conference Name2020 IEEE 63rd International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS)
Keywordsanalog Trojan, Clocks, Communication channels, composability, cyber physical security, cyber physical systems, Hardware, hardware trojan, I2C, Master-slave, obfuscation, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, Resistors, Sensitivity, supply chain security, Trojan detection, trojan horse detection, Trojan horses
AbstractHardware Trojan war is expanding from digital world to analog domain. Although hardware Trojans in digital integrated circuits have been extensively investigated, there still lacks study on the Trojans crossing the boundary between digital and analog worlds. This work uses Inter-integrated Circuit (I2C) as an example to demonstrate the potential security threats on its master-slave interface. Furthermore, an obfuscated Trojan detection method is proposed to monitor the abnormal behaviors induced by analog Trojans on the I2C interface. Experimental results confirm that the proposed method has a high sensitivity to the compromised clock signal and can mitigate the clock mute attack with a success rate of over 98%.
Citation Keymonjur_adobf_2020