Visible to the public A Two Layer Machine Learning System for Intrusion Detection Based on Random Forest and Support Vector Machine

TitleA Two Layer Machine Learning System for Intrusion Detection Based on Random Forest and Support Vector Machine
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsAfroz, Sabrina, Ariful Islam, S.M, Nawer Rafa, Samin, Islam, Maheen
Conference Name2020 IEEE International Women in Engineering (WIE) Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (WIECON-ECE)
Date Publisheddec
KeywordsAnomaly, Computational modeling, feature selection, Industries, Intrusion detection, Measurement, Organizations, privacy, pubcrawl, Random Forest, random forests, Servers, Support vector machines, SVM, threat vectors
AbstractUnauthorized access or intrusion is a massive threatening issue in the modern era. This study focuses on designing a model for an ideal intrusion detection system capable of defending a network by alerting the admins upon detecting any sorts of malicious activities. The study proposes a two layered anomaly-based detection model that uses filter co-relation method for dimensionality reduction along with Random forest and Support Vector Machine as its classifiers. It achieved a very good detection rate against all sorts of attacks including a low rate of false alarms as well. The contribution of this study is that it could be of a major help to the computer scientists designing good intrusion detection systems to keep an industry or organization safe from the cyber threats as it has achieved the desired qualities of a functional IDS model.
Citation Keyafroz_two_2020