Visible to the public Situational Awareness in Distribution Grid Using Micro-PMU Data: A Machine Learning Approach

TitleSituational Awareness in Distribution Grid Using Micro-PMU Data: A Machine Learning Approach
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsShahsavari, Alireza, Farajollahi, Mohammad, Stewart, Emma, Rad, Hamed Mohsenian
Conference Name2020 IEEE Power Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM)
Keywordscomposability, event detection, phasor measurement units, power quality, Power systems, Predictive Metrics, pubcrawl, Resiliency, situational awareness, Support vector machines, Tools, Transforms
AbstractThe recent development of distribution-level phasor measurement units, a.k.a. micro-PMUs, has been an important step towards achieving situational awareness in power distribution networks. The challenge however is to transform the large amount of data that is generated by micro-PMUs to actionable information and then match the information to use cases with practical value to system operators. This open problem is addressed in this paper. First, we introduce a novel data-driven event detection technique to pick out valuable portion of data from extremely large raw micro-PMU data. Subsequently, a datadriven event classifier is developed to effectively classify power quality events. Importantly, we use field expert knowledge and utility records to conduct an extensive data-driven event labeling. Moreover, certain aspects from event detection analysis are adopted as additional features to be fed into the classifier model. In this regard, a multi-class support vector machine (multi-SVM) classifier is trained and tested over 15 days of real-world data from two micro-PMUs on a distribution feeder in Riverside, CA. In total, we analyze 1.2 billion measurement points, and 10,700 events. The effectiveness of the developed event classifier is compared with prevalent multi-class classification methods, including k-nearest neighbor method as well as decision-tree method. Importantly, two real-world use-cases are presented for the proposed data analytics tools, including remote asset monitoring and distribution-level oscillation analysis.
Citation Keyshahsavari_situational_2020