Title | Securing Robots: An Integrated Approach for Security Challenges and Monitoring for the Robotic Operating System (ROS) |
Publication Type | Conference Paper |
Year of Publication | 2021 |
Authors | Rivera, Sean, State, Radu |
Conference Name | 2021 IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM) |
Keywords | Agriculture, Collaboration, dissertation, human factors, integrated, Operating systems, policy-based governance, Production facilities, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, robot operating systems security, Robotics, ROS, security, system verification, Task Analysis, Tools |
Abstract | Robotic systems are becoming an ever-increasing part of everyday life due to their capacity to carry out physical tasks on behalf of human beings. Found in nearly every facet of our lives, robotic systems are used domestically, in small and large-scale factories, for the production and processing of agriculture, for military operations, to name a few. The Robotic Operating System (ROS) is the standard operating system used today for the development of modular robotic systems. However, in its development, ROS has been notorious for the absence of security mechanisms, placing people in danger both physically and digitally. This dissertation summary presents the development of a suite of ROS tools, leading up to the development of a modular, secure framework for ROS. An integrated approach for the security of ROS-enabled robotic systems is described, to set a baseline for the continual development to increase ROS security. The work culminates in the ROS security tool ROS-Immunity, combining internal system defense, external system verification, and automated vulnerability detection in an integrated tool that, in conjunction with Secure-ROS, provides a suite of defenses for ROS systems against malicious attackers. |
Citation Key | rivera_securing_2021 |