Visible to the public Impact of mechanical strain on wakeup of HfO2 ferroelectric memory

TitleImpact of mechanical strain on wakeup of HfO2 ferroelectric memory
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsKruv, A., McMitchell, S. R. C., Clima, S., Okudur, O. O., Ronchi, N., Van den bosch, G., Gonzalez, M., De Wolf, I., Houdt, J.Van
Conference Name2021 IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium (IRPS)
Date Publishedmar
Keywordscompositionality, cyber physical systems, Ferroelectrics, Hafnium compounds, HfO₂, Internet of Things, Market research, mechanical strain, pubcrawl, remanence, Resiliency, Sensitivity, Switches, Tensile strain, Tin, Tools, wakeup
AbstractThis work investigates the impact of mechanical strain on wake-up behavior of planar HfO2 ferroelectric capacitor-based memory. External in-plane strain was applied using a four-point bending tool and strain impact on remanent polarization and coercive voltage of the ferroelectric was monitored. It was established that compressive strain is beneficial for 2Pr improvement, while tensile strain leads to its degradation, with a sensitivity of -8.4 +- 0.5 % per 0.1 % of strain. Strain-induced polarization rotation is considered to be the most likely mechanism affecting 2Pr At the same time, no strain impact on Vcwas observed in the investigated strain range. The results seen here can be utilized to undertake stress engineering of ferroelectric memory in order to improve its performance.
Citation Keykruv_impact_2021