Visible to the public Covert Wireless Communications Under Quasi-Static Fading With Channel Uncertainty

TitleCovert Wireless Communications Under Quasi-Static Fading With Channel Uncertainty
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsShahzad, Khurram, Zhou, Xiangyun
JournalIEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security
KeywordsAWGN channels, Channel estimation, channel uncertainty, composability, compositionality, covert channels, fading channels, physical layer security, pubcrawl, quasi-static fading channel, Receivers, resilience, Resiliency, Scalability, Training, Uncertainty, Wireless communication
AbstractCovert communications enable a transmitter to send information reliably in the presence of an adversary, who looks to detect whether the transmission took place or not. We consider covert communications over quasi-static block fading channels, where users suffer from channel uncertainty. We investigate the adversary Willie's optimal detection performance in two extreme cases, i.e., the case of perfect channel state information (CSI) and the case of channel distribution information (CDI) only. It is shown that in the large detection error regime, Willie's detection performances of these two cases are essentially indistinguishable, which implies that the quality of CSI does not help Willie in improving his detection performance. This result enables us to study the covert transmission design without the need to factor in the exact amount of channel uncertainty at Willie. We then obtain the optimal and suboptimal closed-form solution to the covert transmission design. Our result reveals fundamental difference in the design between the case of quasi-static fading channel and the previously studied case of non-fading AWGN channel.
NotesConference Name: IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security
Citation Keyshahzad_covert_2021