Visible to the public Density Weighted Diversity Based Query Strategy for Active Learning

TitleDensity Weighted Diversity Based Query Strategy for Active Learning
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsWang, Tingting, Zhao, Xufeng, Lv, Qiujian, Hu, Bo, Sun, Degang
Conference Name2021 IEEE 24th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD)
Date PublishedMay 2021
ISBN Number978-1-7281-6597-4
Keywordsactive learning, Approximation algorithms, Classification algorithms, Deep Learning, density, diversity, Geometry, informativeness, Linear programming, predictability, pubcrawl, Representativeness, resilience, Resiliency, Scalability, search problems, Security Heuristics, Training

Deep learning has made remarkable achievements in various domains. Active learning, which aims to reduce the budget for training a machine-learning model, is especially useful for the Deep learning tasks with the demand of a large number of labeled samples. Unfortunately, our empirical study finds that many of the active learning heuristics are not effective when applied to Deep learning models in batch settings. To tackle these limitations, we propose a density weighted diversity based query strategy (DWDS), which makes use of the geometry of the samples. Within a limited labeling budget, DWDS enhances model performance by querying labels for the new training samples with the maximum informativeness and representativeness. Furthermore, we propose a beam-search based method to obtain a good approximation to the optimum of such samples. Our experiments show that DWDS outperforms existing algorithms in Deep learning tasks.

Citation Keywang_density_2021