Visible to the public A Novel Forwarding and Caching Scheme for Information-Centric Software-Defined Networks

TitleA Novel Forwarding and Caching Scheme for Information-Centric Software-Defined Networks
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsRaza, Khuhawar Arif, Asheralieva, Alia, Karim, Md Monjurul, Sharif, Kashif, Gheisari, Mehdi, Khan, Salabat
Conference Name2021 International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications (ISNCC)
Keywordsclean slate, Collaboration, composability, compositionality, Computers, controller, Costs, data dissemination, forwarding, Human Behavior, Information Centric Networks, information-centric networking, Metrics, Off-path caching, PIT, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, Routing, Scalability, software defined networking, TCPIP, Throughput

This paper integrates Software-Defined Networking (SDN) and Information -Centric Networking (ICN) framework to enable low latency-based stateful routing and caching management by leveraging a novel forwarding and caching strategy. The framework is implemented in a clean- slate environment that does not rely on the TCP/IP principle. It utilizes Pending Interest Tables (PIT) instead of Forwarding Information Base (FIB) to perform data dissemination among peers in the proposed IC-SDN framework. As a result, all data exchanged and cached in the system are organized in chunks with the same interest resulting in reduced packet overhead costs. Additionally, we propose an efficient caching strategy that leverages in- network caching and naming of contents through an IC-SDN controller to support off- path caching. The testbed evaluation shows that the proposed IC-SDN implementation achieves an increased throughput and reduced latency compared to the traditional information-centric environment, especially in the high load scenarios.

Citation Keyraza_novel_2021