Visible to the public DeepTrace: A Secure Fingerprinting Framework for Intellectual Property Protection of Deep Neural Networks

TitleDeepTrace: A Secure Fingerprinting Framework for Intellectual Property Protection of Deep Neural Networks
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsWang, Runhao, Kang, Jiexiang, Yin, Wei, Wang, Hui, Sun, Haiying, Chen, Xiaohong, Gao, Zhongjie, Wang, Shuning, Liu, Jing
Conference Name2021 IEEE 20th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom)
Date Publishedoct
Keywordscomposability, Computational modeling, Deep Learning, deep neural networks, digital fingerprinting, intellectual property, Intellectual Property Protection, intellectual property security, ip protection, Neural networks, policy-based governance, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, Smart homes, Training, Transportation

Deep Neural Networks (DNN) has gained great success in solving several challenging problems in recent years. It is well known that training a DNN model from scratch requires a lot of data and computational resources. However, using a pre-trained model directly or using it to initialize weights cost less time and often gets better results. Therefore, well pre-trained DNN models are valuable intellectual property that we should protect. In this work, we propose DeepTrace, a framework for model owners to secretly fingerprinting the target DNN model using a special trigger set and verifying from outputs. An embedded fingerprint can be extracted to uniquely identify the information of model owner and authorized users. Our framework benefits from both white-box and black-box verification, which makes it useful whether we know the model details or not. We evaluate the performance of DeepTrace on two different datasets, with different DNN architectures. Our experiment shows that, with the advantages of combining white-box and black-box verification, our framework has very little effect on model accuracy, and is robust against different model modifications. It also consumes very little computing resources when extracting fingerprint.

Citation Keywang_deeptrace_2021