Visible to the public QR Bar-Code Designed Resistant against EM Information Leakage

TitleQR Bar-Code Designed Resistant against EM Information Leakage
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsNagata, Daiya, Hayashi, Yu-ichi, Mizuki, Takaaki, Sone, Hideaki
Conference Name2021 XXXIVth General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI GASS)
Date Publishedaug
KeywordsCorrelation, cryptography, Cyber-physical systems, Design methodology, encoding, error correction, Image color analysis, pubcrawl, QR codes, Radio communication countermeasures, Resiliency, Resistance
AbstractA threat of eavesdropping display screen image of information device is caused by unintended EM leakage emanation. QR bar-code is capable of error correction, and its information is possibly read from a damaged screen image from EM leakage. A new design of QR bar-code proposed in this paper uses selected colors in consideration of correlation between the EM wave leakage and display color. Proposed design of QR bar-code keeps error correction of displayed image, and makes it difficult to read information on the eavesdropped image.
Citation Keynagata_qr_2021