Visible to the public On the Security of Cyber-Physical Systems Against Stochastic Cyber-Attacks Models

TitleOn the Security of Cyber-Physical Systems Against Stochastic Cyber-Attacks Models
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsAl-Haija, Qasem Abu
Conference Name2021 IEEE International IOT, Electronics and Mechatronics Conference (IEMTRONICS)
KeywordsComputational modeling, cyber physical systems, cyberattacks, Mechatronics, Medical instruments, Negative Binomial(NB) distribution, Poisson distribution, Probability distribution, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, Scalability, Sensors, Stochastic Computing Security, Stochastic Process, Stochastic processes, system security, Systematics
AbstractCyber Physical Systems (CPS) are widely deployed and employed in many recent real applications such as automobiles with sensing technology for crashes to protect passengers, automated homes with various smart appliances and control units, and medical instruments with sensing capability of glucose levels in blood to keep track of normal body function. In spite of their significance, CPS infrastructures are vulnerable to cyberattacks due to the limitations in the computing, processing, memory, power, and transmission capabilities for their endpoint/edge appliances. In this paper, we consider a short systematic investigation for the models and techniques of cyberattacks and threats rate against Cyber Physical Systems with multiple subsystems and redundant elements such as, network of computing devices or storage modules. The cyberattacks are assumed to be externally launched against the Cyber Physical System during a prescribed operational time unit following stochastic distribution models such as Poisson probability distribution, negative-binomial probability distribution and other that have been extensively employed in the literature and proved their efficiency in modeling system attacks and threats.
Citation Keyal-haija_security_2021