Visible to the public Fostering The Robustness Of White-Box Deep Neural Network Watermarks By Neuron Alignment

TitleFostering The Robustness Of White-Box Deep Neural Network Watermarks By Neuron Alignment
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsLi, Fang-Qi, Wang, Shi-Lin, Zhu, Yun
Conference NameICASSP 2022 - 2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)
Date Publishedmay
Keywordscomposability, Conferences, Deep Learning, deep neural network watermark, machine learning security, Metrics, Neural networks, neuron alignment, Neurons, pubcrawl, Regulation, Resiliency, Signal processing, Watermarking, White Box Security
AbstractThe wide application of deep learning techniques is boosting the regulation of deep learning models, especially deep neural networks (DNN), as commercial products. A necessary prerequisite for such regulations is identifying the owner of deep neural networks, which is usually done through the watermark. Current DNN watermarking schemes, particularly white-box ones, are uniformly fragile against a family of functionality equivalence attacks, especially the neuron permutation. This operation can effortlessly invalidate the ownership proof and escape copyright regulations. To enhance the robustness of white-box DNN watermarking schemes, this paper presents a procedure that aligns neurons into the same order as when the watermark is embedded, so the watermark can be correctly recognized. This neuron alignment process significantly facilitates the functionality of established deep neural network watermarking schemes.
Citation Keyli_fostering_2022