Visible to the public Design of Smart Risk Assessment System for Agricultural Products and Food Safety Inspection Based on Multivariate Data Analysis

TitleDesign of Smart Risk Assessment System for Agricultural Products and Food Safety Inspection Based on Multivariate Data Analysis
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsLi, Yue, Zhang, Yunjuan
Conference Name2022 4th International Conference on Smart Systems and Inventive Technology (ICSSIT)
Keywordsagricultural products, Data analysis, Food Safety Inspection, Hardware, Inspection, Intelligent Agricultural Products, Metrics, Multivariate Data, pubcrawl, Safety, Smart Risk Assessment, supply chain risk assessment, Supply chains, system modelling, Trajectory
AbstractDesign of smart risk assessment system for the agricultural products and the food safety inspection based on multivariate data analysis is studied in this paper. The designed quality traceability system also requires the collaboration and cooperation of various companies in the supply chain, and a unified database, including agricultural product identification system, code system and security status system, is required to record in detail the trajectory and status of agricultural products in the logistics chain. For the improvement, the multivariate data analysis is combined. Hadoop cannot be used on hardware with high price and high reliability. Even for groups with high probability of the problems, HDFS will continue to use when facing problems, and at the same time. Hence, the core model of HDFS is applied into the system. In the verification part, the analytic performance is simulated.
Citation Keyli_design_2022