Visible to the public Deterministic Ziv-Zakai Bound for Compressive Time Delay Estimation

TitleDeterministic Ziv-Zakai Bound for Compressive Time Delay Estimation
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsZhang, Zongyu, Zhou, Chengwei, Yan, Chenggang, Shi, Zhiguo
Conference Name2022 IEEE Radar Conference (RadarConf22)
KeywordsBayes methods, Bayesian estimation, composability, compressive sampling, compressive sensing, cyber-physical system, Delay effects, Estimation, mean square error, privacy, pubcrawl, Radar, Receivers, resilience, Resiliency, Sensors, simulation, time delay estimation, Ziv-Zakai bound
AbstractCompressive radar receiver has attracted a lot of research interest due to its capability to keep balance between sub-Nyquist sampling and high resolution. In evaluating the performance of compressive time delay estimator, Cramer-Rao bound (CRB) has been commonly utilized for lower bounding the mean square error (MSE). However, behaving as a local bound, CRB is not tight in the a priori performance region. In this paper, we introduce the Ziv-Zakai bound (ZZB) methodology into compressive sensing framework, and derive a deterministic ZZB for compressive time delay estimators as a function of the compressive sensing kernel. By effectively incorporating the a priori information of the unknown time delay, the derived ZZB performs much tighter than CRB especially in the a priori performance region. Simulation results demonstrate that the derived ZZB outperforms the Bayesian CRB over a wide range of signal-to-noise ratio, where different types of a priori distribution of time delay are considered.
Citation Keyzhang_deterministic_2022