Visible to the public Android Malware Risk Evaluation Using Fuzzy Logic

TitleAndroid Malware Risk Evaluation Using Fuzzy Logic
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsDhalaria, Meghna, Gandotra, Ekta
Conference Name2022 Seventh International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing (PDGC)
Date Publishednov
KeywordsAndroid malware, Complexity theory, Data analysis, feature extraction, Fuzzy logic, grid computing, Human Behavior, Industries, Malware, malware analysis, Metrics, privacy, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, static malware analysis, Threat Assessment
AbstractThe static and dynamic malware analysis are used by industrialists and academics to understand malware capabilities and threat level. The antimalware industries calculate malware threat levels using different techniques which involve human involvement and a large number of resources and analysts. As malware complexity, velocity and volume increase, it becomes impossible to allocate so many resources. Due to this reason, it is projected that the number of malware apps will continue to rise, and that more devices will be targeted in order to commit various sorts of cybercrime. It is therefore necessary to develop techniques that can calculate the damage or threat posed by malware automatically as soon as it is identified. In this way, early warnings about zero-day (unknown) malware can assist in allocating resources for carrying out a close analysis of it as soon as it is identified. In this paper, a fuzzy modelling approach is described for calculating the potential risk of malicious programs through static malware analysis.
Citation Keydhalaria_android_2022