Monitoring and control of cyber-physical systems.
Overview: The existence of complex interactions and interdependencies in cyber-physical critical infrastructures is well known, but a poorly understood phenomena. As an example, a smart grid (SG) is dependent on the cyber infrastructure for advanced metering, data collection/analytics and control, and this dependency brings in serious security and vulnerability implications.
The research objective of this project is to bridge two disparate paths to the control of hybrid dynamical systems--namely, symbolic model-based and Lyapunov analysis-based approaches--via convex programming in order to address major challenges in hybrid control. The primary goal is to establish nonconservative, robust, and scalable control theories and algorithms for verifying/achieving desired stability and performance bounds for hybrid affine systems.
The goal of this research project is to create a scalable and robust cyber-physical system (CPS) framework for the observation and control of the functional interdependencies between bridge structures (stationary physical systems) and trucks (mobile physical agents). Figure 1 shows the architecture of the proposed CPS framework for the observation and control of truck loads imposed on highway bridges. While many accomplishments have been achieved during the first year of the project, this poster pres
This highly interdisciplinary research addresses two fundamental challenges in image sensing and image understanding: 1) versatile camera systems in a small form factor, and 2) 3-dimensional scene and object recognition from 2-dimensional photos. These fundamental challenges are tackled together by developing a cyber-physical imaging system, called a smart flexible camera sheet, which integrates an array of many micro-cameras (each millimeters in size) onto a thin substrate.
The objective of this project is to develop a science of integration for cyber-physical systems (CPS). The proposed research program has three focus areas: (1) foundations, (2) tools and tool architectures, (3) systems/experimental research. The project has pushed along several frontiers towards these overall objectives. In the following, we describe selected accomplishments:
The purpose of this research is to develop optimization and control techniques and integrate them with real-time simulation models to achieve load balancing in complex networks. Our application case is the regional freight system. Freight moves on rail and road networks which are also shared by passengers. These networks today work independently, even though they are highly interdependent, and the result is inefficiencies in the form of congestion, pollution, and excess fuel consumption. These inefficiencies are obse
Large scale applications of cyber physical systems (CPS) such as commercial buildings with Building Automation System (BAS)-based demand response (DR) can play a key role in alleviating demand peaks and associated grid stress, increased electricity unit cost, and carbon emissions. However, benefits of BAS alone are often limited because their demand peak reduction cannot be maintained long enough without unduly affecting occupant comfort.
Overview: The human cost of transportation in the US reaches an unnecessary 33000 fatalities and 2.2 million injuries every year. The inefficiency of road transportation also burdens our economy, with only the cost of fuel wasted in traffic reaching $88 billion a year.