
Monitoring and control of cyber-physical systems.

Visible to the public Smart Power Systems of the Future: Foundations for Understanding Volatility and Improving Operational Reliability


GRID 2020: The power grid in the U.S. and many regions of the world is undergoing changes because of new technologies and government mandates. It is believed that smart meters and a smarter grid will lead to more efficient use of our infrastructure. In addition, increased renewable energy integration will provide power at low cost.


Visible to the public GoingEasy® with Crowdsourcing – Building Cyber-Physical Systems for People with Visual Impairment


Many practical barriers continue to exist for a blind individual who strives to live an independent and active life, despite decades of development of assistive technologies. This project addresses the following two most prominent challenges: (1) disparity in information-sharing among people with visual impairment and its limited understanding by the research community; and (2) lack of methods and tools for effectively addressing the disparity.


Visible to the public Achieving High-Resolution Situational Awareness in Ultra-Wide-Area Cyber-Physical Systems


Motivation: Energy infrastructure is a critical underpinning of modern society. To ensure its reliable operation, a nation-wide or continent-wide situational awareness system is essential to provide high-resolution understanding of the system dynamics such that proper actions can be taken in real-time in response to power system disturbances and to avoid cascading blackouts. The power grid represents a typical highly dynamic cyber-physical system (CPS).


Visible to the public CPS: Synergy: Self-Sustainable Data-Driven Systems In the Field


Data-driven intelligence is an essential foundation for physical systems in transportation safety and efficiency, area surveillance and security, as well as environmental sustainability. While sophisticated data analysis and synthesis can be well supported in large data centers, future intelligent systems require on-the-scene processing with faster responses and less dependence on the unreliable (often wireless) data communications in the field.


Visible to the public Adaptive Intelligence for Cyber-­Physical Automotive Active Safety System Design and Evaluation


In order to improve the current capabilities of automotive active safety control systems (ASCS) one needs to take into account the interactions between driver/vehicle/ASCS/environment. To achieve this goal, this research will infer longterm and short-term driver behavior via the use of Bayesian networks and neuromorphic algorithms to estimate the driver's skills and current state of attention from eye movement data, together with dynamic motion cues obtained from steering and pedal inputs.


Visible to the public Sensing as a Service - Architectures for Closed-loop Sensor Network Virtualization


The goal of this project is to demonstrate that new cyber physical architectures will enable closed-loop sensor networks to be shared among multiple applications. This aids in dynamically allocating sensing and computing resources necessary to analyze sensor data and perform sensor actuation. Existing closed-loop sensor networks are based on dedicated, ``stove-pipe'' architectures, that prevent the sharing of these networks.


Visible to the public Control-Theoretic Defense Strategies for Cyber-Physical Systems


This project will design next-generation defense mechanisms to protect critical infrastructures, such as power grids, large industrial plants, and water distribution systems. These critical infrastructures are complex primarily due to the integration of cyber and physical components, the presence of high-order behaviors and functions, and an intricate and large interconnection pattern.


Visible to the public Frontier: Correct-by-Design Control Software Synthesis for Highly Dynamic Systems


This project addresses highly dynamic Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) understood as systems where a computing delay of a few milliseconds or an incorrectly computed response to a disturbance can lead to catastrophic consequences. Such is the case of advanced safety systems on passenger cars, unmanned air vehicles performing critical maneuvers such as landing, or disaster and rescue response bipedal robots rushing through the rubble to collect information or save human lives.