
Monitoring and control of cyber-physical systems.

Visible to the public Low-cost Continuous Virtual Energy Audits in Cyber-Physical Building Envelope

Electricity usage of buildings (including offices, malls and residential apartments) represents a significant portion of a nation's energy expenditure and carbon footprint. Buildings are estimated to consume 72% of the total electricity production in the US. Unfortunately, however, 30% of this energy consumption is wasted. Virtual energy assessment is an approach that can optimize building energy efficiency and minimize waste at a low cost with minimal expert intervention.


Visible to the public Fault-Tolerant Brain Implantable Cyber-Physical System


Episodic brain disorders such as epilepsy have a considerable impact on a patient's productivity and quality of life and may be life-threatening when seizures cannot be controlled with medications. We will create a second generation brain-implantable sensing and stimulating device (BISSD) based on CPS principles and practice.


Visible to the public Research Platform for Quality of Time (QoT) Stack


Existing platforms are built with a static network connecting microprocessor, radio, clock system, and other components. This static configuration prevents researchers from experimentally validating the trade-offs between the way that clocks are conditioned and distributed, and the performance of the embedded system. In particular, such design decisions have major impact on time synchronization.


Visible to the public CRII: CPS: Architecture and Distributed Computation in the Networked Control Paradigm: An Autonomous Grid Example


This project is focused on developing a fundamental understanding of the impact of network delays and data drops using an approach that is applicable to a variety of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). An example of such a CPS is the power grid which includes large-scale deployment of distributed and networked Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) and wind energy resources.


Visible to the public Synergy: Collaborative Research: Security and Privacy-Aware Cyber-Physical Systems


Security and privacy concerns in the increasingly interconnected world are receiving much attention from the research community, policymakers, and general public. However, much of the recent and on-going efforts concentrate on privacy in communication and social interactions. The advent of cyber-physical systems, which aim at tight integration between distributed computational intelligence, communication networks, physical world, and human actors, opens new possibilities for developing intelligent systems with new capabilities.


Visible to the public Exploration of the Cyber-Physical Design Space


Generally, a cyber-physical-system (CPS) is one that combines computational and physical entities in a unified design effort. The design of CPSs needs good understanding of both subsystems, as small changes in the physical subsystem (PS) or the cyber subsystem (CS) may have significant consequences with respect to the overall system performance.


Visible to the public Co-Design of Networking and Decentralized Control to Enable Aerial Networks in an Uncertain Airspace


Airborne networking utilizes direct flight-to-to-flight communication for flexible information sharing, safe maneuvering, and coordination of time-critical missions. It is challenging because of the high mobility, stringent safety requirements, and uncertain airspace environment. This project uses a co-design approach that exploits the mutual benefits of networking and decentralized mobility control in an uncertain heterogeneous environment.


Visible to the public Cyber-Enabled Repetitive Motions in Rehabilitation


The project seeks to develop cyber-enabled exercise machines (CEEMs), which will be characterized by: i. intrinsic safety, ii. an extended use of sensing and estimation of biomechanical data, iii. real-time adaptation and guidance to the user to achieve optimal exercise. The project will develop optimality criteria on the basis of collective activation of target muscle groups.


Visible to the public Maneuver and Data Optimization for High Confidence Testing of Future Automotive Cyber-Physical Systems


This project addresses urgent challenges in high confidence validation and verification of automotive vehicles due to on-going and anticipated introduction of advanced, connected and autonomous vehicles into mass production. Since such vehicles operate across both physical and cyber domains, faults can occur in traditional physical components, in cyber components (i.e., algorithms, processors, networks, etc.), or in both.


Visible to the public Learning to Walk - Optimal Gait Synthesis and Online Learning for Terrain-Aware Legged Locomotion


The goal of the proposed research is to advance the science of cyber-physical systems by more explicitly tying sensing, perception, and computing to the optimization and control of physical systems whose properties are variable and uncertain. The CPS platform to be studied is that of a bipedal robot locomoting over granular ground material with uncertain physical properties (sand, gravel, dirt, etc.).