Division of Computer and Network Systems (CNS)


Visible to the public TC: Medium: Collaborative Research: Building Trustworthy Applications for Mobile Devices

Mobile handheld devices such as smartphones, PDAs, and smart media players have outpaced the growth of wired hosts, and are emerging as the predominant vehicle for Internet access. In recent years, newer mobile phones, including various versions from Apple, Google, Nokia, and others, have promoted greater programmability, radically changing the age-old model of mobile phones being a closed platform. However, openness arrives with new challenges of trustworthiness.


Visible to the public TWC: Small: Collaborative: An Iterative Approach to Secure Computation

Secure multi-party computation (MPC) allows several mutually untrusting parties to perform joint computations while keeping their inputs private. This project develops new techniques for constructing two-party secure computation protocols with low communication overhead. Building on the Principal Investigator's prior work for constructing special-purpose secure MPC protocols for greedy algorithms, this project develops new techniques that exploit the algorithmic structure of a function in order to develop more efficient secure computation protocols.


Visible to the public CRII: SaTC: A System for Privacy Management in Ubiquitous Environments

As mobile and network technologies proliferate, so does society's awareness of the vulnerability of private data within cyberspace. Protecting private information becomes specially important, since researchers estimate that 87% of Americans can be identified by name and address, if their zip code, gender, and birthday are known to intruders. The goal of this proposal will be to develop a new set of verification tools, algorithms, and interfaces that enable secure, effective and unobtrusive management of users' private information.


Visible to the public TWC TTP: Small: RAIN: Analyzing Information Leakage in the Cloud

Cloud computing is growing at exponential rates due to its great benefits to virtually all companies relying on IT systems. The biggest concern preventing further cloud adoption is data security and privacy. The main security principle in the design of cloud servers has been virtual isolation which ignores information leakage through subtle channels shared by the processes running on the same physical hardware.


Visible to the public CAREER: Toward eliminating malicious code

This award is funded under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Public Law 111-5).

Malicious software is one of the most pressing security problems on the Internet. The main reason for the apparent failure of current defense approaches is that malware detection techniques are too specific. This is most obvious with virus scanners, which rely on
signatures that are specific to individual malware instances. However, also behavioral detection techniques typically target only specific


Visible to the public CAREER: Design Principles for Cryptographic Hash Functions: Foundations, Primitives, and Transforms

Cryptographic hash functions are ubiquitous in modern cryptography. They are an integral part of digital signature and public-key encryption schemes, access control mechanisms, digital time-stamping routines, message authentication codes, and file synchronization utilities. They are implemented in point-of-sale terminals, ATM machines, operating systems, web browsers, routers, and mobile phones,mto name just a few.


Visible to the public CAREER: Principles of Design in Symmetric Cryptography

Over the past few decades, there has been great progress in cryptography towards provable security. Security properties for many cryptographic techniques are based, provably, on simple computational assumptions (such as the hardness of factoring), with strong proofs. Symmetric cryptography algorithms such as blockciphers and hash functions are typically designed without the benefit of strong proofs of security.


Visible to the public CAREER: THAWS--Towards Highly Available Wireless Services

With the continuing proliferation of wireless technology, a wide spectrum of emerging applications using this technology will be tightly interwoven into the fabric of our everyday lives: wireless sensor networks can monitor personal health or critical infrastructures. The viability and success of many of these applications critically hinges on the availability of the underlying wireless communication. As wireless networks become increasingly pervasive, the problem of radio interference and jamming will be inevitable, raising a serious threat to the availability of wireless services.


Visible to the public CAREER: An Integrated Approach For Efficient Privacy Preserving Distributed Data Analytics

Increasingly, different organizations need to securely share their private data to execute many critical tasks. Recently, several different approaches based on secure multi-party computation (SMC) and data sanitization techniques have emerged to enable privacy preserving distributed data analytics. Although SMC based privacy-preserving protocols allow the participating parties to learn only the final (accurate) result, they do not scale well for large amounts of data.


Visible to the public CAREER: Legitimacy through Cryptography

To assert their legitimacy, French kings were borne under witness, and awoke, bathed, and dressed in public. America's Congress implemented a Freedom of Information Act to create methods for citizens to audit their government. These examples show how traditionally, organizations establish their legitimacy through protocols for disclosure. But disclosure has its practical limits; even organizations need a modicum of privacy.