Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS)


Visible to the public TWC: Option: Medium: Collaborative: Semantic Security Monitoring for Industrial Control Systems

Industrial control systems differ significantly from standard, general-purpose computing environments, and they face quite different security challenges. With physical "air gaps" now the exception, our critical infrastructure has become vulnerable to a broad range of potential attackers. In this project we develop novel network monitoring approaches that can detect sophisticated semantic attacks: malicious actions that drive a process into an unsafe state without however exhibiting any obvious protocol-level red flags.


Visible to the public EDU: Developing Security Education Materials for Future Advanced Manufacturing Engineering Workforce

The cyber security of advanced manufacturing systems (AMS) has raised significant interest amongst both the general public and researchers. However, corresponding education programs fall behind in many aspects. Limited curriculum or hands-on learning resources are available for security education in AMS, especially exercises that cover the complete manufacturing cycle. This project will try to bridge the gap by developing an experiment platform dedicated to security education for AMS, and designing a suite of course modules and hands-on projects upon it.


Visible to the public EDU: Collaborative: Integrating Embedded Systems Security into Computer Engineering and Science Curricula

With the advancement of technologies, networked devices become ubiquitous in the society. Such devices are not limited to traditional computers and smart phones, but are increasingly extended to cover a wide variety of embedded systems (ES), such as sensors monitoring bridges, electronics controlling the operation of automobiles and industrial equipment, home medicine devices that are constantly reporting patient health information to doctors.


Visible to the public CAREER: Securing Mobile Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) Against Stealthy Attacks

As Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) employing mobile nodes continue to integrate into the physical world, ensuring their safety and security become crucial goals. Due to their mobility, real-time, energy and safety constraints, coupled by their reliance on communication mediums that are subject to interference and intentional jamming, the projected complexities in Mobile CPSs will far exceed those of traditional computing systems.


Visible to the public TWC: Small: Physiological Information Leakage: A New Front on Health Information Security

With the growing use of implantable and wearable medical devices, information security for such devices has become a major concern. Prior work in this area mostly focuses on attacks on the wireless communication channel among these devices and health data stored in online databases. The proposed work is a departure from this line of research and is motivated by acoustic and electromagnetic physiological information leakage from the medical devices. This type of information leakage can also directly occur from the human body, thus raising privacy concerns.