

Visible to the public TWC: Medium: Collaborative: Active Security

Computer and network security is currently challenged by the need to secure diverse network environments including clouds and data-centers, PCs and enterprise infrastructures. This diversity of environments is coupled to increased attack sophistication. Today's tools for securing network and computing infrastructures can be painstakingly composed and configured using available components, but fail to automatically learn from their environment and actively protect it.


Visible to the public TWC: Medium: Collaborative: Efficient Repair of Learning Systems via Machine Unlearning

Today individuals and organizations leverage machine learning systems to adjust room temperature, provide recommendations, detect malware, predict earthquakes, forecast weather, maneuver vehicles, and turn Big Data into insights. Unfortunately, these systems are prone to a variety of malicious attacks with potentially disastrous consequences. For example, an attacker might trick an Intrusion Detection System into ignoring the warning signs of a future attack by injecting carefully crafted samples into the training set for the machine learning model (i.e., "polluting" the model).


Visible to the public TWC: Small: System Infrastructure for SMM-based Runtime Integrity Measurement

The World Wide Web and computer "clouds" have become widely used, and are interwoven into many activities of daily life, from shopping to socializing to education. But the data center servers that are the backbone of this richly connected world remain vulnerable to malicious software ("malware"). Over the past decade, attacks have increased in number and sophistication, motivated by both financial and political goals. The results include consumer concerns about identify theft and fraudulent charges, corporate concerns about millions of dollars in losses, and potential defense concerns.


Visible to the public TWC: TTP Option: Large: Collaborative: Internet-Wide Vulnerability Measurement, Assessment, and Notification

This project aims to reduce the impact of software vulnerabilities in Internet-connected systems by developing data-driven techniques for vulnerability measurement, assessment, and notification. Recent advances in Internet-wide scanning make it possible to conduct network surveys of the full public IPv4 address space in minutes.


Visible to the public TWC: Small: Oblivious Cloud Storage Systems, from Theory to Practice --- Simpler, More Efficient, More Robust

Outsourcing storage to the cloud has become more widespread in recent years; however, cloud storage services are constantly exposed to a number of non-trivial adversarial threats. This work addresses security risks arising from the leakage of access patterns, which is the ability of an adversary to detect when the same item is accessed repeatedly on a storage server, which has been shown to substantially impact data privacy.


Visible to the public TWC: Medium: Collaborative: Seal: Secure Engine for AnaLytics - From Secure Similarity Search to Secure Data Analytics

Many organizations and individuals rely on the cloud to store their data and process their analytical queries. But such data may contain sensitive information. Not only do users want to conceal their data on a cloud, they may also want to hide analytical queries over their data, results of such queries, and data access patterns from a cloud service provider (that may be compromised either from within or by a third party).


Visible to the public SBE TTP: Medium: Securing Cyber Space: Understanding the Cyber Attackers and Attacks via Social Media Analytics

As society becomes more dependent on cyber infrastructure, the security of networks and information technologies has become a growing concern. Individuals, businesses, and governmental organizations are now common victims of cyber-attacks that seek to steal private data, gain remote control over remote systems, and cause harm to networks and systems through other malicious means. Additionally, critical infrastructures such as smart power grids and communication networks are facing an increasing number of cyber-based threats.


Visible to the public TWC: Medium: Collaborative: Strengthening Wi-Fi Network Wide

Wi-Fi has emerged as the technology of choice for Internet access. Thus, virtually every smartphone or tablet is now equipped with a Wi-Fi card. Concurrently, and as a means to maximize spectral efficiency, Wi-Fi radios are becoming increasingly complex and sensitive to wireless channel conditions. The prevalence of Wi-Fi networks, along with their adaptive behaviors, makes them an ideal target for denial of service attacks at a large, infrastructure level.


Visible to the public TWC: Small: Collaborative: Towards Energy-Efficient Privacy-Preserving Active Authentication of Smartphone Users

Common smartphone authentication mechanisms such as PINs, graphical passwords, and fingerprint scans offer limited security. They are relatively easy to guess or spoof, and are ineffective when the smartphone is captured after the user has logged in. Multi-modal active authentication addresses these challenges by frequently and unobtrusively authenticating the user via behavioral biometric signals, such as touchscreen interaction, hand movements, gait, voice, and phone location.


Visible to the public TWC: Medium: Collaborative: Retrofitting Software for Defense-in-Depth

The computer security community has long advocated the concept of building multiple layers of defense to protect a system. Unfortunately, it has been difficult to realize this vision in the practice of software development, and software often ships with inadequate defenses, typically developed in an ad hoc fashion.