
Visible to the public TWC: TTP Option: Small: Collaborative: Detecting and Characterizing Internet Traffic Interception Based on BGP Hijacking

Recent reports have highlighted incidents of massive Internet traffic interception executed by re-routing Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) paths across the globe (affecting banks, governments, entire network service providers, etc.). The potential impact of these attacks can range from massive eavesdropping to identity-spoofing or selective content modification. In addition, executing such attacks does not require access or proximity to the affected links and networks, posing increasing risks to national security.


Visible to the public TTP: Small: Automated Conformance Testing of Access Control and Obligation Policies

Attributed-based obligatory access control is a new access control paradigm for achieving fine-grained authorization and assured system accountability. However, access control and obligation policies can be implemented incorrectly for various reasons, such as programming errors and misunderstanding about the policies. It is important to reveal discrepancy between the policy specification and the actual system implementation. The objective of this ?Transition To Practice?


Visible to the public  TWC: TTP Option: Small: Collaborative: SRN: On Establishing Secure and Resilient Networking Services

Almost every organization depends on cloud-based services. The backend of cloud-based services are designed for multiple tenants and reside in data centers spread across multiple physical locations. Network security and security management are major hurdles in such a complex, shared environment. This research investigates mitigating the security challenges by taking a moving target defense (MTD) approach.


Visible to the public TWC TTP: Small: Mitigating Insider Attacks in Provenance Systems

The digital provenance of a digital object gives a history of its life cycle including its creation, update, and access. It thus provides meta-level information about the sequence of events that lead up to the current version of the object, as well as its chain of custody. Such provenance information can be used for a variety of purposes, such as identifying the origins of a document, assessing the quality or reliability of data, and detecting undesirable actions such as forgery or unauthorized alteration of data.


Visible to the public TWC TTP: Small: Collaborative: Privacy-Preserving Data Collection and Access for IEEE 802.11s-Based Smart Grid Applications

The modernized Smart Grid (SG) is expected to enable several new applications such as dynamic pricing, demand response and fraud detection; however, collection of such fine-grained data raises privacy issues. This project aims to design and implement several novel mechanisms for securing data collection and communication in SG Advanced Metering Infrastructure applications while preserving user privacy when the data are to be accessed.


Visible to the public TWC: TTP Option: Small: Differential Introspective Side Channels --- Discovery, Analysis, and Defense

Side channels in the security domain are known to be challenging to discover and eliminate systematically. Nevertheless, they can lead to a variety of stealthy attacks seriously compromising cybersecurity. This work focuses on an important class of side channels that are fundamental to the operations of networked systems.


Visible to the public TWC SBE TTP: Medium: Bringing Anthropology into Cybersecurity

This research applies anthropological methods to study cybersecurity analysts working in Security Operation Centers (SOC). These analysts process large amounts of data while handling cyber threats. The job requires intelligence and high levels of skills but has many mundane/repetitive aspects. Adequate tool support is largely lacking and many of the skills and procedures involved are uncodified and undocumented resulting in a large body of "tacit knowledge." This project places researchers trained in both cybersecurity and anthropology into SOCs, working side by side with the analysts.


Visible to the public TTP: Medium: Crowd Sourcing Annotations

Both sound software verification techniques and heuristic software flaw-finding tools benefit from the presence of software annotations that describe the behavior of software components. Function summaries (in the form of logical annotations) allow modular checking of software and more precise reasoning. However, such annotations are difficult to write and not commonly produced by software developers, despite their benefits to static analysis. The Crowdsourcing Annotations project will address this deficiency by encouraging software-community-based crowd-sourced generation of annotations.


Visible to the public TTP: Medium: Detection and Analysis of Large-Scale Internet Infrastructure Outages

Despite the Internet's status as critical infrastructure, there is little scientific instrumentation dedicated to monitoring global Internet behavior. In particular, we have no rigorous framework for measuring, analyzing, or quantifying the impact of network outages, filtering, or other abnormal connectivity dynamics on a global scale.


Visible to the public TWC: TTP Option: Medium: Collaborative: MALDIVES: Developing a Comprehensive Understanding of Malware Delivery Mechanisms

The cybercriminal community is inarguably more organized, better resourced and more motivated than ever to perpetrate massive-scale computer infections across the Internet. The malware distribution systems that they control and operate are characterized by their use of highly specialized suppliers and commoditized malware services.