
Visible to the public SBE: Small: THE NEW SECURITY CALCULUS: Incentivizing Good User Security Behavior

The threat and impact of cybersecurity breaches are felt throughout society with massive financial losses to businesses and breach of national secrets. Human behavior is increasing seen as a fundamental security vulnerability that is at the center of many security breaches. Several approaches have been used for improving user security behavior, including enacting information security policies, providing security awareness training, and introducing penalties for security violations; these approaches have not been very effective.


Visible to the public TWC SBE: Small: From Threat to Boon: Understanding and Controlling Strategic Information Transmission in Cyber-Socio-Physical Systems

As cyber-socio-physical and infrastructure systems are increasingly relying on data and integrating an ever-growing range of disparate, sometimes unconventional, and possibly untrusted data sources, there is a growing need to consider the problem of estimation in the presence of strategic and/or self-interested sensors. This class of problems, called "strategic information transmission" (SIT), differs from classical fault-tolerant estimation since the sensors are not merely failing or malfunctioning, but are actively trying to mislead the estimator for their own benefit.


Visible to the public SBE TWC: Small: Collaborative: Privacy Protection in Social Networks: Bridging the Gap Between User Perception and Privacy Enforcement

Online social networks, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google+, have become extremely popular. They have significantly changed our behaviors for sharing information and socializing, especially among the younger generation. However, the extreme popularity of such online social networks has become a double-edged sword -- while promoting online socialization, these systems also raise privacy issues.


Visible to the public SBE: TTP Option: Medium: Data-Driven Cyber Vulnerability Maintenance

Researchers have found that over 90% of successful cyber attacks exploit vulnerabilities that could have been fixed with available patches. Vulnerabilities can be weak passwords or software with bugs on personal computers, mobile devices, or printers. Yet, decision-making about manually applying patches is difficult. First, a substantial fraction of vulnerabilities are fixed each month by automatic patching. Second, applying patches can have side-effects, making software unusable. Third, organizations have limited abilities to estimate the profit from applying patches.


Visible to the public SBE: Small: Continuous Human-User Authentication by Induced Procedural Visual-Motor Biometrics

Validating a user's identity is one of the fundamental security requirements in cyberspace. Current authentication approaches require people to create and remember secret credentials such as complex passwords, or to possess special hardware authentication tokens. Both are vulnerable to being compromised, or illegally shared. Even worse, authentication is typically supported solely at the start of a session.


Visible to the public TWC SBE: Option: Frontier: Collaborative: Towards Effective Web Privacy Notice and Choice: A Multi-Disciplinary Prospective

Natural language privacy policies have become a de facto standard to address expectations of notice and choice on the Web. Yet, there is ample evidence that users generally do not read these policies and that those who occasionally do struggle to understand what they read. Initiatives aimed at addressing this problem through the development of machine implementable standards or other solutions that require website operators to adhere to more stringent requirements have run into obstacles, with many website operators showing reluctance to commit to anything more than what they currently do.


Visible to the public TWC SBE: Medium: Collaborative: Incentive Compatible Wireless Security

Wireless connectivity has become the primary way most users access cyberspace. The wide use of the internet on wireless and mobile devices is further encouraged with new services that simultaneously engage and connect a large number of users. As a result, the society at large is quickly getting comfortable with the idea of conducting everyday lives on mobile devices most of which require communicating sensitive and confidential information over the wireless medium. Consequently, secure access to cyberspace necessitates wireless security.


Visible to the public TWC SBE: Medium: Collaborative: A Socio-Technical Approach to Privacy in a Camera-Rich World

Cameras are now pervasive on consumer devices, including smartphones, laptops, tablets, and new wearable devices like Google Glass and the Narrative Clip lifelogging camera.


Visible to the public TWC SBE: TTP Option: Small: A User-Tailored Approach to Privacy Decision Support

Numerous surveys find that Internet users want to limit the personal data that is being collected about them, as well as control the usage of their data. Existing and proposed regulation in the U.S. accords users such rights, in the form of a "transparency and control" obligation on personal data collectors: users should be informed about the rationale of requests for personal data so that they can make an informed decision on whether or not to disclose their data.


Visible to the public SBE: Medium: Collaborative: Understanding and Exploiting Visceral Roots of Privacy and Security Concerns

Human beings have evolved to detect and react to threats in their physical environment, and have developed perceptual systems selected to assess these physical stimuli for current, material risks. In cyberspace, the same stimuli are often absent, subdued, or deliberately manipulated by malicious third parties. Hence, security and privacy concerns that would normally be activated in the offline world may remain muted, and defense behaviors may be hampered.