
Visible to the public SBE TWC: Small: Collaborative: Privacy Protection in Social Networks: Bridging the Gap Between User Perception and Privacy Enforcement

Online social networks, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google+, have become extremely popular. They have significantly changed our behaviors for sharing information and socializing, especially among the younger generation. However, the extreme popularity of such online social networks has become a double-edged sword -- while promoting online socialization, these systems also raise privacy issues.


Visible to the public TWC SBE: TTP Option: Medium: Collaborative: EPICA: Empowering People to Overcome Information Controls and Attacks

This project studies the security of representative personalized services, such as search engines, news aggregators, and on-line targeted advertising, and identifies vulnerabilities in service components that can be exploited by pollution attacks to deliver contents intended by attackers.


Visible to the public TWC SBE: Small: Building the human firewall: Developing organizational resistance to semantic security threats

Semantic attacks are efforts by others to steal valuable information by imitating electronic communications from a trustworthy source. A common example of a semantic attack is phishing where a phisher sends unsolicited messages to potential targets. When a targeted individual responds, the phisher then steals valuable information from the individual. Semantic attacks flow through established channels of communication (e.g., email, social media) and are difficult to distinguish from legitimate messages.


Visible to the public SBE: Small: The Force of Habit: Using fMRI to Explain Users' Habituation to Security Warnings

Warning messages are one of the last lines of defense in computer security, and are fundamental to users' security interactions with technology. Unfortunately, research shows that users routinely ignore security warnings. A key contributor to this disregard is habituation, the diminishing of attention due to frequent exposure. However, previous research examining habituation has done so only indirectly, by observing the influence of habituation on security behavior, rather than measuring habituation itself.


Visible to the public TWC SBE: Medium: Context-Aware Harassment Detection on Social Media

As social media permeates our daily life, there has been a sharp rise in the use of social media to humiliate, bully, and threaten others, which has come with harmful consequences such as emotional distress, depression, and suicide. The October 2014 Pew Research survey shows that 73% of adult Internet users have observed online harassment and 40% have experienced it. The prevalence and serious consequences of online harassment present both social and technological challenges.


Visible to the public TWC SBE: Small: Collaborative: Brain Password: Exploring A Psychophysiological Approach for Secure User Authentication

Cryptographic systems often rely on the secrecy of cryptographic credentials; however, these are vulnerable to eavesdropping and can resist neither a user's intentional disclosure nor coercion attacks where the user is forced to reveal the credentials. Conventional biometric keys (e.g., fingerprint, iris, etc.), unfortunately, can still be surreptitiously duplicated or adversely revealed. In this research, the PIs argue that the most secure cryptographic credentials are ones of which the users aren't even aware.


Visible to the public SBE: Small: Statistical Models and Methods for Dynamic Complex Networks

The project examines the structure and function of dynamic networks by formulating and analyzing probabilistic models for temporally evolving networks and processes occurring on them. In addition, the project seeks practical and efficient statistical methods for network inference. The project is primarily motivated by national security concerns surrounding counter-terrorism and cybersecurity, but outcomes should be directly relevant in biological, social, and physical science applications as well as mathematical areas of probability theory, combinatorics, and graph theory.


Visible to the public SBE: Small: Collaborative: Improving Security Behavior of Employees in Cyberspace through Evidence-based Malware Reports and E-Learning Materials

As the use of Web applications has increased, malicious content and cyber attacks are rapidly increasing in both their frequency and their sophistication. For unwary users and their organizations, social media sites such as Tumblr, Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, and LinkedIn pose a variety of serious security risks and threats. Recent studies show that social media sites are more in use for delivering malware than were previously popular methods of email delivery. Because of this, many organizations are looking for ways to implement effective security policies.


Visible to the public TWC SBE: TTP Option: Medium: Collaborative: EPICA: Empowering People to Overcome Information Controls and Attacks

This project studies the security of representative personalized services, such as search engines, news aggregators, and on-line targeted advertising, and identifies vulnerabilities in service components that can be exploited by pollution attacks to deliver contents intended by attackers.


Visible to the public TWC SBE: Option: Frontier: Collaborative: Towards Effective Web Privacy Notice and Choice: A Multi-Disciplinary Prospective

Natural language privacy policies have become a de facto standard to address expectations of notice and choice on the Web. Yet, there is ample evidence that users generally do not read these policies and that those who occasionally do struggle to understand what they read. Initiatives aimed at addressing this problem through the development of machine implementable standards or other solutions that require website operators to adhere to more stringent requirements have run into obstacles, with many website operators showing reluctance to commit to anything more than what they currently do.