
Visible to the public SBE: Medium: User-Centric Design of a Sonification System for Automatically Alarming Security Threats and Impact

The Internet has become an integral part of everyday life. The great benefits of the Internet also come with potential risks, security issues, and privacy concerns. Internet security products are usually employed to inform users about security incidents.


Visible to the public TWC SBE: Medium: Collaborative: Incentive Compatible Wireless Security

Wireless connectivity has become the primary way most users access cyberspace. The wide use of the internet on wireless and mobile devices is further encouraged with new services that simultaneously engage and connect a large number of users. As a result, the society at large is quickly getting comfortable with the idea of conducting everyday lives on mobile devices most of which require communicating sensitive and confidential information over the wireless medium. Consequently, secure access to cyberspace necessitates wireless security.


Visible to the public SBE: Small: Collaborative: Modeling Insider Threat Behavior in Financial Institutions: Large Scale Data Analysis

Insiders pose substantial threats to an organization, regardless of whether they act intentionally or accidentally. Because they usually possess elevated privileges and have skills, knowledge, resources, access and motives regarding internal systems and data, insiders can easily circumvent security countermeasures, steal valuable data, and cause damage. Perimeter and host-based countermeasures like firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and antivirus software are ineffective in preventing and detecting insider threats.


Visible to the public SBE: Small: Protecting Privacy in Cyberspace: From Neuroscience Investigations to Behavioral Interventions

A key characteristic of cyberspace is the collection of large amounts of data, and people's privacy becomes vulnerable given the hyper-connectivity of cyberspace and the ease of accessing data. This project aims to enhance the safety and trustworthiness of cyberspace by designing choice architecture interventions informed by the neural processes underlying privacy to help people make better decisions about their privacy in cyberspace.


Visible to the public SBE: Small: Security as an Everyday Practical Concern

News reports are rife with accounts of data breaches, network security problems, and the dangers of keeping personal information online. Modern life, though, makes it impossible to avoid doing just that. It is almost no longer a choice whether we make purchases, communicate with our bank, apply for government services, or file our taxes online - it is the standard expectation. This research explores how people resolve the tension between these two realities and the practices that people have adopted to balance competing demands upon them.


Visible to the public SBE: Medium: Towards Personalized Privacy Assistants

Whether it is on their smartphones, in their browsers or on social networks, people are confronted with an increasingly unmanageable number of privacy settings. What is needed is a new, more scalable paradigm that empowers them to regain control over the collection and use of their data. This is particularly the case for mobile apps people download on their smartphones. These apps have been shown to collect and share a wide variety of sensitive data, with users unable to keep up.


Visible to the public TWC SBE: Medium: Collaborative: User-Centric Risk Communication and Control on Mobile Devices

Risk communication is an important part of many cyber security mechanisms. Android's current risk communication mechanism is based on security warnings and has been demonstrated to be ineffective because users become habituated to ignore such warnings and tend to consent to all prompts. This multi-disciplinary research project aims at developing holistic solutions to usable risk communication and control for the Android platform.


Visible to the public TWC SBE: Medium: Collaborative: Dollars for Hertz: Making Trustworthy Spectrum Sharing Technically and Economically Viable

The critical role of spectrum as a catalyst for economic growth was highlighted in the 2010 National Broadband Plan (NBP). A challenge for the NBP is realizing optimal spectrum sharing in the presence of interference caused by rogue transmissions from any source, but particularly secondary users who share the spectrum. This complex problem straddles wireless technology, industrial economics, international standards, and regulatory policy.


Visible to the public TWC SBE: Medium: Collaborative: Dollars for Hertz: Making Trustworthy Spectrum Sharing Technically and Economically Viable

The critical role of spectrum as a catalyst for economic growth was highlighted in the 2010 National Broadband Plan (NBP). A challenge for the NBP is realizing optimal spectrum sharing in the presence of interference caused by rogue transmissions from any source, but particularly secondary users who share the spectrum. This complex problem straddles wireless technology, industrial economics, international standards, and regulatory policy.


Visible to the public TWC SBE: TTP Option: Medium: Collaborative: EPICA: Empowering People to Overcome Information Controls and Attacks

This project studies the security of representative personalized services, such as search engines, news aggregators, and on-line targeted advertising, and identifies vulnerabilities in service components that can be exploited by pollution attacks to deliver contents intended by attackers.