Develop Approaches


Visible to the public CRII: SaTC: A System for Privacy Management in Ubiquitous Environments

As mobile and network technologies proliferate, so does society's awareness of the vulnerability of private data within cyberspace. Protecting private information becomes specially important, since researchers estimate that 87% of Americans can be identified by name and address, if their zip code, gender, and birthday are known to intruders. The goal of this proposal will be to develop a new set of verification tools, algorithms, and interfaces that enable secure, effective and unobtrusive management of users' private information.


Visible to the public CAREER: Sensible Privacy: Pragmatic Privacy Controls in an Era of Sensor-Enabled Computing

Social networking and sensor-rich devices such as smartphones are becoming increasingly pervasive in today's society. People can share information concerning their location, activity, fitness, and health with their friends and family while benefiting from applications that leverage such information. Yet, users already find managing their privacy to be challenging, and the complexity involved in doing so is bound to increase.


Visible to the public CAREER: Secure and Reliable Outsourced Storage Systems Using Remote Data Checking

When data is outsourced at a cloud storage provider, data owners lose control over the integrity of their data and must trust the storage provider unconditionally. Coupled with numerous data loss incidents, this prevents organizations from assessing the risk posed by outsourcing data to untrusted clouds, making cloud storage unsuitable for applications that require long-term security and reliability guarantees. This project establishes a practical remote data checking (RDC) framework as a mechanism to provide long-term integrity and reliability for remotely stored data.


Visible to the public STARSS: Small: Detection of Hardware Trojans Hidden in Unspecified Design Functionality

Concern about the security and reliability of our electronic systems and infrastructure is at an all-time high. Economic factors dictate that the design, manufacturing, testing, and deployment of silicon chips are spread across many companies and countries with different and often conflicting goals and interests. In modern complex digital designs, behaviors at a good fraction of observable output signals for many operational cycles are unspecified and vulnerable to malicious modifications, known as Hardware Trojans.


Visible to the public TWC: Small: Scalable Hybrid Attack Graph Modeling and Analysis

Cyber-physical systems (CPSs) operate nearly all of society's critical infrastructures (e.g., energy, transportation and medicine). In performing mission critical functions, CPSs exhibit hybrid (both discrete and continuous) behavior as they use digital technology to control and monitor physical processes. CPS security analysis is particularly challenging because an attacker can make use of a wide variety of vulnerabilities in the digital elements of the system (e.g., the network), the physical elements of the system, or some combination.


Visible to the public TWC: TTP Option: Large: Collaborative: Internet-Wide Vulnerability Measurement, Assessment, and Notification

This project aims to reduce the impact of software vulnerabilities in Internet-connected systems by developing data-driven techniques for vulnerability measurement, assessment, and notification. Recent advances in Internet-wide scanning make it possible to conduct network surveys of the full public IPv4 address space in minutes.


Visible to the public SBE TTP: Medium: Securing Cyber Space: Understanding the Cyber Attackers and Attacks via Social Media Analytics

As society becomes more dependent on cyber infrastructure, the security of networks and information technologies has become a growing concern. Individuals, businesses, and governmental organizations are now common victims of cyber-attacks that seek to steal private data, gain remote control over remote systems, and cause harm to networks and systems through other malicious means. Additionally, critical infrastructures such as smart power grids and communication networks are facing an increasing number of cyber-based threats.


Visible to the public TWC: Medium: Collaborative: Strengthening Wi-Fi Network Wide

Wi-Fi has emerged as the technology of choice for Internet access. Thus, virtually every smartphone or tablet is now equipped with a Wi-Fi card. Concurrently, and as a means to maximize spectral efficiency, Wi-Fi radios are becoming increasingly complex and sensitive to wireless channel conditions. The prevalence of Wi-Fi networks, along with their adaptive behaviors, makes them an ideal target for denial of service attacks at a large, infrastructure level.


Visible to the public  STARSS: Small: GC@Scale: Synthesis, optimization, and implementation of Garbled Circuits for Scalable Privacy-Preserving Computing

Computing on sensitive data is a standing challenge central to several modern-world applications. Secure Function Evaluation (SFE) allows mistrusting parties to jointly compute an arbitrary function on their private inputs without revealing anything but the result. The GC@Scale project focuses on novel scalable methods for addressing SFE, which directly translate to stronger cryptography and security for myriads of tasks with sensitive data.


Visible to the public  TWC: Medium: Collaborative: Automated Reverse Engineering of Commodity Software

Software, including common examples such as commercial applications or embedded device firmware, is often delivered as closed-source binaries. While prior academic work has examined how to automatically discover vulnerabilities in binary software, and even how to automatically craft exploits for these vulnerabilities, the ability to answer basic security-relevant questions about closed-source software remains elusive.