
Visible to the public TWC: Small: Collaborative: Practical Hardware-Assisted Always-On Malware Detection

The project explores building support for malware detection in hardware. Malware detection is challenging and resource intensive, as the number and sophistication of malware increases. The resource requirements for malware detection limit its use in practice, leaving malware unchecked on many systems. We use a low level hardware detector to identify malware as a computational anomaly using low level features such as hardware events, instruction mixes and memory address patterns.


Visible to the public TWC: Small: Empirical Evaluation of the Usability and Security Implications of Application Programming Interface Design

The objective of this project is to gather empirical evidence on the tradeoffs between security and usability in programming language and library design. Although it is well known that poorly-designed interfaces can lead to increased defect rates and software vulnerabilities, there is currently little specific guidance to designers on what precise language and library features make programmers more or less likely to write vulnerable code. Furthermore, little of the existing guidance is empirically based. The project will develop empirically-based guidance on two issues.


Visible to the public TWC: Small: Collaborative: An Iterative Approach to Secure Computation

Secure multi-party computation (MPC) allows several mutually untrusting parties to perform joint computations while keeping their inputs private. This project develops new techniques for constructing two-party secure computation protocols with low communication overhead. Building on the Principal Investigator's prior work for constructing special-purpose secure MPC protocols for greedy algorithms, this project develops new techniques that exploit the algorithmic structure of a function in order to develop more efficient secure computation protocols.


Visible to the public TWC: Small: Coding-based Mechanisms for Building Secure Cloud Storage Systems

A wide range of cloud services and applications operate on sensitive data such as business, personal, and governmental information. This renders security and privacy as the most critical concerns in the cloud era. The objective of this project is to question the separation approach in the design of security and reliability features of storage systems, and to investigate new, coding-based security mechanisms based on a joint-design principle. The proposed program will result in a myriad of outcomes.


Visible to the public TWC: Small: Coding-based Mechanisms for Building Secure Cloud Storage Systems

A wide range of cloud services and applications operate on sensitive data such as business, personal, and governmental information. This renders security and privacy as the most critical concerns in the cloud era. The objective of this project is to question the separation approach in the design of security and reliability features of storage systems, and to investigate new, coding-based security mechanisms based on a joint-design principle. The proposed program will result in a myriad of outcomes.


Visible to the public TWC: Option: Small: Automatic Software Model Repair for Security Policies

Increasing cyber security depends on our ability to guarantee that the system will provide the expected functionality under normal circumstances as well as if the system is perturbed by some random events or security threats. Providing such guarantee is often complicated due to several factors such as changes in system requirements caused by user demands, exposure to a new threat model that was not considered (or not relevant) in the original design, or identifying bugs or vulnerabilities during a system life cycle.


Visible to the public TWC: Small: Techniques and Tools for General-Purpose Secure Computing and Outsourcing

The rapid advancement of techniques for secure computation on protected data offers a major incentive for development of tools for general-purpose secure computation that protects data privacy, as opposed to computation of specialized tasks. The recent emergence of cloud computing and the need to protect privacy of sensitive data used in outsourced computation serves as another major motivation for this work. With this in mind, this project targets at developing a compiler suitable for privacy-preserving execution of any functionality specified by a user program.


Visible to the public TWC: SBES: Small: Modeling the Economics of Search-Engine Manipulation

Many recent security attacks are financially motivated. Understanding how attackers monetize their activities is critical to combine technological, legal, and economic intervention to render certain classes of attacks unprofitable, and disincentivize miscreants from considering them.


Visible to the public TWC: Medium: Collaborative: Studying Journalists to Identify Requirements for Usable, Secure, and Trustworthy Communication

This research focuses on understanding the digital security and privacy needs of journalists and their sources to evaluate and design communication technologies that better support the fundamental operations of a globally free and unfettered press. Journalists -- along with their organizations and sources -- are known to be high-risk targets for cyberattack. This community can serve as a privacy and security bellwether, motivated to use new technologies, but requiring flexibility and ease-of-use. Many existing secure tools are too cumbersome for journalists to use on a regular basis.


Visible to the public TWC: Medium: Collaborative: Online Social Network Fraud and Attack Research and Identification

Online social networks (OSNs) face various forms of fraud and attacks, such as spam, denial of service, Sybil attacks, and viral marketing. In order to build trustworthy and secure OSNs, it has become critical to develop techniques to analyze and detect OSN fraud and attacks. Existing OSN security approaches usually target a specific type of OSN fraud or attack and often fall short of detecting more complex attacks such as collusive attacks that involve many fraudulent OSN accounts, or dynamic attacks that encompass multiple attack phases over time.