National CPS PI Meeting 2015
Implantable Cardiac Defibrillators (ICDs) are at the forefront of preventing sudden death in patients suffering from ventricular arrhythmias. ICDs have evolved into complex Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) which tightly sensing, hardware, and software to diagnose arrhythmias based on electrogram signals and control cardiac excitation. These devices are life-critical, yet the Verification and Validation (V&V) techniques used for establishing their safety have remained informal, and rely largely on extensive unit testing.
NSF Awards #1035603 and #1545097 seek to bring software programmability to cyber-physical Laboratories-on-a-Chip (LoCs) that combine electrowetting-on-dielectric (EWoD) technology, driven by active-matrix addressing, with integrated sensing. Compared to traditional benchtop chemistry methods, EWoD-based LoCs reduce reagent consumption and the human error through miniaturization, automation, and programmability.
Parking can take up a significant amount of the trip costs (time and money) in urban travel. As such, it can considerably influence travelers' choices of modes, locations, and time of travel. The advent of smart sensors, wireless communications, social media and big data analytics offers a unique opportunity to tap parking's influence on travel to make the transportation system more efficient, cleaner, and more resilient.
The PIs are developing their novel modeling paradigm, Generalized Synchronization Trees (GSTs), into a rich framework for both describing cyber-physical systems (CPSs) and studying their behavior under interconnection. GSTs were inspired by Milner's use of Synchronization Trees (STs) to model interconnected computing processes, but GSTs generalize the mathematical structure of their forebears in such a way as to encompass many classes of CPSs.
As part of our CPS project, we have focused on the problem of model repair for cyber-physical systems. This work involves identifying constraints caused due to physical components during revision. We consider four types of constraints cyber-cyber, cyber-physical, physical-cyber and physical-physical. Based on the complexity limitations caused by these constraints we are developing efficient heuristics to mitigate the cost of model repair. We have also focused on extending revision to code level.
Our overall aim in this project is to synthesize desired behaviors in populations of bacterial and mammalian cells. To this goal, we define the basis of a next-generation CPS called biological CPS (bioCPS). The enabling technologies are synthetic biology and micron-scale mobile robotics. Synthetic gene circuits for decision making and local communication among the cells are automatically synthesized using a Bio- Design Automation (BDA) workflow.
Cybersecurity and resiliency of the power grid is of paramount importance to national security and economic well-being. CPS security testbeds are enabling technologies that provide realistic experimental platforms for the evaluation and validation of security technologies within controlled environments. In this regard, the following are the key objectives of the project:
The overall research objective of the project is to establish and demonstrate a generic motion sensing co-design procedure that significantly reduces the complexity of mission design for swarming CPS, and greatly facilitates the development of effective and efficient control and sensing strategies.
This project features conception, design, and deployment of a wireless network of embedded devices, for monitoring the behavior of animals in the wild. The system is being deployed and tested in biologically relevant scenarios.