Modern malware applies a rich arsenal of evasion techniques to render dynamic analysis ineffective. In turn, dynamic analysis tools take great pains to hide themselves from malware; typically this entails trying to be as faithful as possible to the behavior of a real run. We present a novel approach to malware analysis that turns this idea on its head, using an extreme abstraction of the operating system that intentionally strays from real behavior. The key insight is that the presence of malicious behavior is sufficient evidence of malicious intent, even if the path taken is not one that could occur during a real run of the sample. By exploring multiple paths in a system that only approximates the behavior of a real system, we can discover behavior that would often be hard to elicit otherwise. We aggregate features from multiple paths and use a funnel-like configuration of machine learning classifiers to achieve high accuracy without incurring too much of a performance penalty. We describe our system, TAMALES (The Abstract Malware Analysis LEarning System), in detail and present machine learning results using a 330K sample set showing an FPR (False Positive Rate) of 0.10% with a TPR (True Positive Rate) of 99.11%, demonstrating that extreme abstraction can be extraordinarily effective in providing data that allows a classifier to accurately detect malware.
The huge amount of generated data offers special advantages mainly in dynamic and scalable systems. In fact, the data generator entities need to share the generated data with each other which leads to the use of cloud services. A cloud server is considered as an untrusted entity that offers many advantages such as large storing space, computation speed... etc. Hence, there is a need to cope with how to protect the stored data in the cloud server by proposing adaptive solutions. The main objective is how to provide an encryption scheme allowing the user to maintains some functions such as addition, multiplication and to preserve the order on the encrypted cloud data. Many algorithms and techniques are designed to manipulate the stored encrypted cloud data. This paper presents an adaptive and efficient fully homomorphic encryption technique to protect the user's data stored in the cloud, where the cloud server executes simple operations.
The growth of the internet has brought along positive gains such as the emergence of a highly interconnected world. However, on the flip side, there has been a growing concern on how secure distributed systems can be built effectively and tested for security vulnerabilities prior to deployment. Developing a secure software product calls for a deep technical understanding of some complex issues with regards to the software and its operating environment, as well as embracing a systematic approach of analyzing the software. This paper proposes a method for identifying software security vulnerabilities from software requirement specifications written in Structured Object-oriented Formal Language (SOFL). Our proposed methodology leverages on the concept of providing an early focus on security by identifying potential security vulnerabilities at the requirement analysis and verification phase of the software development life cycle.
High-end vehicles incorporate about one hundred computers; physical and virtualized ones; self-driving vehicles even more. This allows a plethora of attack combinations. This paper demonstrates how to assess exploitability risks of vehicular on-board networks via automatically generated and analyzed attack graphs. Our stochastic model and algorithm combine all possible attack vectors and consider attacker resources more efficiently than Bayesian networks. We designed and implemented an algorithm that assesses a compilation of real vehicle development documents within only two CPU minutes, using an average of about 100 MB RAM. Our proof of concept "Security Analyzer for Exploitability Risks" (SAlfER) is 200 to 5 000 times faster and 40 to 200 times more memory-efficient than an implementation with UnBBayes1. Our approach aids vehicle development by automatically re-checking the architecture for attack combinations that may have been enabled by mistake and which are not trivial to spot by the human developer. Our approach is intended for and relevant for industrial application. Our research is part of a collaboration with a globally operating automotive manufacturer and is aimed at supporting the security of autonomous, connected, electrified, and shared vehicles.
The recent proliferation of the Internet of Things (IoT) technology poses major security and privacy concerns. Specifically, the use of personal IoT devices, such as tablets, smartphones, and even smartwatches, as part of the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) trend, may result in severe network security breaches in enterprise environments. Such devices increase the attack surface by weakening the digital perimeter of the enterprise network and opening new points of entry for malicious activities. In this paper we demonstrate a novel attack scenario in an enterprise environment by exploiting the smartwatch device of an innocent employee. Using a malicious application running on a suitable smartwatch, the device imitates a real Wi-Fi direct printer service in the network. Using this attack scenario, we illustrate how an advanced attacker located outside of the organization can leak/steal sensitive information from the organization by utilizing the compromised smartwatch as a means of attack. An attack mitigation process and countermeasures are suggested in order to limit the capability of the remote attacker to execute the attack on the network, thus minimizing the data leakage by the smartwatch.
Information-centric networking (ICN) is a Future Internet paradigm which uses named information (data objects) instead of host-based end-to-end communications. In-network caching is a key pillar of ICN. Basically, data objects are cached in ICN routers and retrieved from these network elements upon availability when they are requested. It is a particularly promising networking approach due to the expected benefits of data dissemination efficiency, reduced delay and improved robustness for challenging communication scenarios in IoT domain. From the security perspective, ICN concentrates on securing data objects instead of ensuring the security of end-to-end communication link. However, it inherently involves the security challenge of access control for content. Thus, an efficient access control mechanism is crucial to provide secure information dissemination. In this work, we investigate Attribute Based Encryption (ABE) as an access control apparatus for information centric IoT. Moreover, we elaborate on how such a system performs for different parameter settings such as different numbers of attributes and file sizes.
The need for security1 continues to grow in distributed computing. Today's security solutions require greater scalability and convenience in cloud-computing architectures, in addition to the ability to store and process larger volumes of data to address very sophisticated attacks. This paper explores some of the existing architectures for big data intelligence analytics, and proposes an architecture that promises to provide greater security for data intensive environments. The architecture is designed to leverage the wealth in the multi-source information for security intelligence.
The rise of social networks during the last 10 years has created a situation in which up to 100 million new images and photographs are uploaded and shared by users every day. This environment poses an ideal background for those who wish to communicate covertly by the use of steganography. It also creates a new set of challenges for steganalysts, who have to shift their field of work away from a purely scientific laboratory environment and into a diverse real-world scenario, while at the same time having to deal with entirely new problems, such as the detection of steganographic channels or the impact that even a low false positive rate has when investigating the millions of images which are shared every day on social networks. We evaluate how to address these challenges with traditional steganographic and statistical methods, rather then using high performance computing and machine learning. To achieve this we first analyze the steganographic algorithm F5 applied to images with a high degree of diversity, as would be seen in a typical social network. We show that the biggest challenge lies in the detection of images whose payload is less then 50% of the available capacity of an image. We suggest new detection methods and apply these to the problem of channel detection in social network. We are able to show that using our attacks we are able to detect the majority of covert F5 channels after a mix containing 10 stego images has been classified by our scheme.