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Xin, B., Yang, W., Geng, Y., Chen, S., Wang, S., Huang, L..  2020.  Private FL-GAN: Differential Privacy Synthetic Data Generation Based on Federated Learning. ICASSP 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). :2927–2931.
Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) has already made a big splash in the field of generating realistic "fake" data. However, when data is distributed and data-holders are reluctant to share data for privacy reasons, GAN's training is difficult. To address this issue, we propose private FL-GAN, a differential privacy generative adversarial network model based on federated learning. By strategically combining the Lipschitz limit with the differential privacy sensitivity, the model can generate high-quality synthetic data without sacrificing the privacy of the training data. We theoretically prove that private FL-GAN can provide strict privacy guarantee with differential privacy, and experimentally demonstrate our model can generate satisfactory data.
Zhang, H., Liu, H., Liang, J., Li, T., Geng, L., Liu, Y., Chen, S..  2020.  Defense Against Advanced Persistent Threats: Optimal Network Security Hardening Using Multi-stage Maze Network Game. 2020 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC). :1—6.

Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) is a stealthy, continuous and sophisticated method of network attacks, which can cause serious privacy leakage and millions of dollars losses. In this paper, we introduce a new game-theoretic framework of the interaction between a defender who uses limited Security Resources(SRs) to harden network and an attacker who adopts a multi-stage plan to attack the network. The game model is derived from Stackelberg games called a Multi-stage Maze Network Game (M2NG) in which the characteristics of APT are fully considered. The possible plans of the attacker are compactly represented using attack graphs(AGs), but the compact representation of the attacker's strategies presents a computational challenge and reaching the Nash Equilibrium(NE) is NP-hard. We present a method that first translates AGs into Markov Decision Process(MDP) and then achieves the optimal SRs allocation using the policy hill-climbing(PHC) algorithm. Finally, we present an empirical evaluation of the model and analyze the scalability and sensitivity of the algorithm. Simulation results exhibit that our proposed reinforcement learning-based SRs allocation is feasible and efficient.

Fan, M., Yu, L., Chen, S., Zhou, H., Luo, X., Li, S., Liu, Y., Liu, J., Liu, T..  2020.  An Empirical Evaluation of GDPR Compliance Violations in Android mHealth Apps. 2020 IEEE 31st International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE). :253—264.

The purpose of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is to provide improved privacy protection. If an app controls personal data from users, it needs to be compliant with GDPR. However, GDPR lists general rules rather than exact step-by-step guidelines about how to develop an app that fulfills the requirements. Therefore, there may exist GDPR compliance violations in existing apps, which would pose severe privacy threats to app users. In this paper, we take mobile health applications (mHealth apps) as a peephole to examine the status quo of GDPR compliance in Android apps. We first propose an automated system, named HPDROID, to bridge the semantic gap between the general rules of GDPR and the app implementations by identifying the data practices declared in the app privacy policy and the data relevant behaviors in the app code. Then, based on HPDROID, we detect three kinds of GDPR compliance violations, including the incompleteness of privacy policy, the inconsistency of data collections, and the insecurity of data transmission. We perform an empirical evaluation of 796 mHealth apps. The results reveal that 189 (23.7%) of them do not provide complete privacy policies. Moreover, 59 apps collect sensitive data through different measures, but 46 (77.9%) of them contain at least one inconsistent collection behavior. Even worse, among the 59 apps, only 8 apps try to ensure the transmission security of collected data. However, all of them contain at least one encryption or SSL misuse. Our work exposes severe privacy issues to raise awareness of privacy protection for app users and developers.

Yu, C., Quan, W., Cheng, N., Chen, S., Zhang, H..  2019.  Coupled or Uncoupled? Multi-path TCP Congestion Control for High-Speed Railway Networks 2019 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC). :612—617.

With the development of modern High-Speed Railway (HSR) and mobile communication systems, network operators have a strong demand to provide high-quality on-board Internet services for HSR passengers. Multi-path TCP (MPTCP) provides a potential solution to aggregate available network bandwidth, greatly overcoming throughout degradation and severe jitter using single transmission path during the high-speed train moving. However, the choose of MPTCP algorithms, i.e., Coupled or Uncoupled, has a great impact on the performance. In this paper, we investigate this interesting issue in the practical datasets along multiple HSR lines. Particularly, we collect the first-hand network datasets and analyze the characteristics and category of traffic flows. Based on this statistics, we measure and analyze the transmission performance for both mice flows and elephant ones with different MPTCP congestion control algorithms in HSR scenarios. The simulation results show that, by comparing with the coupled MPTCP algorithms, i.e., Fully Coupled and LIA, the uncoupled EWTCP algorithm provides more stable throughput and balances congestion window distribution, more suitable for the HSR scenario for elephant flows. This work provides significant reference for the development of on-board devices in HSR network systems.

Chen, S., Hu, W., Li, Z..  2019.  High Performance Data Encryption with AES Implementation on FPGA. 2019 IEEE 5th Intl Conference on Big Data Security on Cloud (BigDataSecurity), IEEE Intl Conference on High Performance and Smart Computing, (HPSC) and IEEE Intl Conference on Intelligent Data and Security (IDS). :149—153.

Nowadays big data has getting more and more attention in both the academic and the industrial research. With the development of big data, people pay more attention to data security. A significant feature of big data is the large size of the data. In order to improve the encryption speed of the large size of data, this paper uses the deep pipeline and full expansion technology to implement the AES encryption algorithm on FPGA. Achieved throughput of 31.30 Gbps with a minimum latency of 0.134 us. This design can quickly encrypt large amounts of data and provide technical support for the development of big data.

Chen, S., Chen, Y., Tzeng, W..  2018.  Effective Botnet Detection Through Neural Networks on Convolutional Features. 2018 17th IEEE International Conference On Trust, Security And Privacy In Computing And Communications/ 12th IEEE International Conference On Big Data Science And Engineering (TrustCom/BigDataSE). :372-378.

Botnet is one of the major threats on the Internet for committing cybercrimes, such as DDoS attacks, stealing sensitive information, spreading spams, etc. It is a challenging issue to detect modern botnets that are continuously improving for evading detection. In this paper, we propose a machine learning based botnet detection system that is shown to be effective in identifying P2P botnets. Our approach extracts convolutional version of effective flow-based features, and trains a classification model by using a feed-forward artificial neural network. The experimental results show that the accuracy of detection using the convolutional features is better than the ones using the traditional features. It can achieve 94.7% of detection accuracy and 2.2% of false positive rate on the known P2P botnet datasets. Furthermore, our system provides an additional confidence testing for enhancing performance of botnet detection. It further classifies the network traffic of insufficient confidence in the neural network. The experiment shows that this stage can increase the detection accuracy up to 98.6% and decrease the false positive rate up to 0.5%.

Shu, F., Li, M., Chen, S., Wang, X., Li, F..  2017.  Research on Network Security Protection System Based on Dynamic Modeling. 2017 IEEE 2nd Information Technology, Networking, Electronic and Automation Control Conference (ITNEC). :1602–1605.
A dynamic modeling method for network security vulnerabilities which is composed of the design of safety evaluation model, the design of risk model of intrusion event and the design of vulnerability risk model. The model based on identification of vulnerabilities values through dynamic forms can improve the tightness between vulnerability scanning system, intrusion prevention system and security configuration verification system. Based on this model, the network protection system which is most suitable for users can be formed, and the protection capability of the network protection system can be improved.
Shu, F., Li, M., Chen, S., Wang, X., Li, F..  2017.  Research on Network Security Protection System Based on Dynamic Modeling. 2017 IEEE 2nd Information Technology, Networking, Electronic and Automation Control Conference (ITNEC). :1602–1605.
A dynamic modeling method for network security vulnerabilities which is composed of the design of safety evaluation model, the design of risk model of intrusion event and the design of vulnerability risk model. The model based on identification of vulnerabilities values through dynamic forms can improve the tightness between vulnerability scanning system, intrusion prevention system and security configuration verification system. Based on this model, the network protection system which is most suitable for users can be formed, and the protection capability of the network protection system can be improved.
Wang, A., Mohaisen, A., Chen, S..  2017.  An Adversary-Centric Behavior Modeling of DDoS Attacks. 2017 IEEE 37th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS). :1126–1136.

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks are some of the most persistent threats on the Internet today. The evolution of DDoS attacks calls for an in-depth analysis of those attacks. A better understanding of the attackers' behavior can provide insights to unveil patterns and strategies utilized by attackers. The prior art on the attackers' behavior analysis often falls in two aspects: it assumes that adversaries are static, and makes certain simplifying assumptions on their behavior, which often are not supported by real attack data. In this paper, we take a data-driven approach to designing and validating three DDoS attack models from temporal (e.g., attack magnitudes), spatial (e.g., attacker origin), and spatiotemporal (e.g., attack inter-launching time) perspectives. We design these models based on the analysis of traces consisting of more than 50,000 verified DDoS attacks from industrial mitigation operations. Each model is also validated by testing its effectiveness in accurately predicting future DDoS attacks. Comparisons against simple intuitive models further show that our models can more accurately capture the essential features of DDoS attacks.

Shi, Z., Chen, J., Chen, S., Ren, S..  2017.  A lightweight RFID authentication protocol with confidentiality and anonymity. 2017 IEEE 2nd Advanced Information Technology, Electronic and Automation Control Conference (IAEAC). :1631–1634.

Radio Frequency IDentification(RFID) is one of the most important sensing techniques for Internet of Things(IoT) and RFID systems have been applied to various different fields. But an RFID system usually uses open wireless radio wave to communicate and this will lead to a serious threat to its privacy and security. The current popular RFID tags are some low-cost passive tags. Their computation and storage resources are very limited. It is not feasible for them to complete some complicated cryptographic operations. So it is very difficult to protect the security and privacy of an RFID system. Lightweight authentication protocol is considered as an effective approach. Many typical authentication protocols usually use Hash functions so that they require more computation and storage resources. Based on CRC function, we propose a lightweight RFID authentication protocol, which needs less computation and storage resources than Hash functions. This protocol exploits an on-chip CRC function and a pseudorandom number generator to ensure the anonymity and freshness of communications between reader and tag. It provides forward security and confidential communication. It can prevent eavesdropping, location trace, replay attack, spoofing and DOS-attack effectively. It is very suitable to be applied to RFID systems.

Xu, X., Pautasso, C., Zhu, L., Gramoli, V., Ponomarev, A., Tran, A. B., Chen, S..  2016.  The Blockchain as a Software Connector. 2016 13th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture (WICSA). :182–191.

Blockchain is an emerging technology for decentralized and transactional data sharing across a large network of untrusted participants. It enables new forms of distributed software architectures, where components can find agreements on their shared states without trusting a central integration point or any particular participating components. Considering the blockchain as a software connector helps make explicitly important architectural considerations on the resulting performance and quality attributes (for example, security, privacy, scalability and sustainability) of the system. Based on our experience in several projects using blockchain, in this paper we provide rationales to support the architectural decision on whether to employ a decentralized blockchain as opposed to other software solutions, like traditional shared data storage. Additionally, we explore specific implications of using the blockchain as a software connector including design trade-offs regarding quality attributes.

Chen, S., Weimer, J., Rickels, M., Peleckis, A., Lee, I..  2015.  Towards a Model-Based Meal Detector for Type I Diabetics. Proceedings of the Medical Cyber-Physical Systems (MCPS) workshop at the 6th International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems.
Chen, S., Wang, T., Ai, J..  2015.  A fair exchange and track system for RFID-tagged logistic chains. 2015 8th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics (BMEI). :661–666.

RFID (Radio-Frequency IDentification) is attractive for the strong visibility it provides into logistics operations. In this paper, we explore fair-exchange techniques to encourage honest reporting of item receipt in RFID-tagged supply chains and present a fair ownership transfer system for RFID-tagged supply chains. In our system, a receiver can only access the data and/or functions of the RFID tag by providing the sender with a cryptographic attestation of successful receipt; cheating results in a defunct tag. Conversely, the sender can only obtain the receiver's attestation by providing the secret keys required to access the tag.

Fan, H., Ji, X. y, Chen, S..  2015.  A hybrid algorithm for reactive power optimization based on bi-level programming. International Conference on Renewable Power Generation (RPG 2015). :1–4.

This paper established a bi-level programming model for reactive power optimization, considering the feature of the grid voltage-reactive power control. The targets of upper-level and lower-level are minimization of grid loss and voltage deviation, respectively. According to the differences of two level, such as different variables, different solution space, primal-dual interior point algorithm is suggested to be used in upper-level, which takes continuous variables in account such as active power source and reactive power source. Upper-level model guaranteed the sufficient of the reactive power in power system. And then in lower-level the discrete variables such as taps are optimized by random forests algorithm (RFA), which regulate the voltage in a feasible range. Finally, a case study illustrated the speediness and robustness of this method.