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Figueiredo, N. M., Rodríguez, M. C..  2020.  Trustworthiness in Sensor Networks A Reputation-Based Method for Weather Stations. 2020 International Conference on Omni-layer Intelligent Systems (COINS). :1–6.
Trustworthiness is a soft-security feature that evaluates the correct behavior of nodes in a network. More specifically, this feature tries to answer the following question: how much should we trust in a certain node? To determine the trustworthiness of a node, our approach focuses on two reputation indicators: the self-data trust, which evaluates the data generated by the node itself taking into account its historical data; and the peer-data trust, which utilizes the nearest nodes' data. In this paper, we show how these two indicators can be calculated using the Gaussian Overlap and Pearson correlation. This paper includes a validation of our trustworthiness approach using real data from unofficial and official weather stations in Portugal. This is a representative scenario of the current situation in many other areas, with different entities providing different kinds of data using autonomous sensors in a continuous way over the networks.
Wang, Qi, Zhao, Weiliang, Yang, Jian, Wu, Jia, Zhou, Chuan, Xing, Qianli.  2020.  AtNE-Trust: Attributed Trust Network Embedding for Trust Prediction in Online Social Networks. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM). :601–610.
Trust relationship prediction among people provides valuable supports for decision making, information dissemination, and product promotion in online social networks. Network embedding has achieved promising performance for link prediction by learning node representations that encode intrinsic network structures. However, most of the existing network embedding solutions cannot effectively capture the properties of a trust network that has directed edges and nodes with in/out links. Furthermore, there usually exist rich user attributes in trust networks, such as ratings, reviews, and the rated/reviewed items, which may exert significant impacts on the formation of trust relationships. It is still lacking a network embedding-based method that can adequately integrate these properties for trust prediction. In this work, we develop an AtNE-Trust model to address these issues. We firstly capture user embedding from both the trust network structures and user attributes. Then we design a deep multi-view representation learning module to further mine and fuse the obtained user embedding. Finally, a trust evaluation module is developed to predict the trust relationships between users. Representation learning and trust evaluation are optimized together to capture high-quality user embedding and make accurate predictions simultaneously. A set of experiments against the real-world datasets demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
Zhang, Xing, Cui, Xiaotong, Cheng, Kefei, Zhang, Liang.  2020.  A Convolutional Encoder Network for Intrusion Detection in Controller Area Networks. 2020 16th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security (CIS). :366–369.
Integrated with various electronic control units (ECUs), vehicles are becoming more intelligent with the assistance of essential connections. However, the interaction with the outside world raises great concerns on cyber-attacks. As a main standard for in-vehicle network, Controller Area Network (CAN) does not have any built-in security mechanisms to guarantee a secure communication. This increases risks of denial of service, remote control attacks by an attacker, posing serious threats to underlying vehicles, property and human lives. As a result, it is urgent to develop an effective in-vehicle network intrusion detection system (IDS) for better security. In this paper, we propose a Feature-based Sliding Window (FSW) to extract the feature of CAN Data Field and CAN IDs. Then we construct a convolutional encoder network (CEN) to detect network intrusion of CAN networks. The proposed FSW-CEN method is evaluated on real-world datasets. The experimental results show that compared to traditional data processing methods and convolutional neural networks, our method is able to detect attacks with a higher accuracy in terms of detection accuracy and false negative rate.
Aktepe, S., Varol, C., Shashidhar, N..  2020.  MiNo: The Chrome Web Browser Add-on Application to Block the Hidden Cryptocurrency Mining Activities. 2020 8th International Symposium on Digital Forensics and Security (ISDFS). :1—5.

Cryptocurrencies are the digital currencies designed to replace the regular cash money while taking place in our daily lives especially for the last couple of years. Mining cryptocurrencies are one of the popular ways to have them and make a profit due to unstable values in the market. This attracts attackers to utilize malware on internet users' computer resources, also known as cryptojacking, to mine cryptocurrencies. Cryptojacking started to be a major issue in the internet world. In this case, we developed MiNo, a web browser add-on application to detect these malicious mining activities running without the user's permission or knowledge. This add-on provides security and efficiency for the computer resources of the internet users. MiNo designed and developed with double-layer protection which makes it ahead of its competitors in the market.

Westland, T., Niu, N., Jha, R., Kapp, D., Kebede, T..  2020.  Relating the Empirical Foundations of Attack Generation and Vulnerability Discovery. 2020 IEEE 21st International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration for Data Science (IRI). :37–44.
Automatically generating exploits for attacks receives much attention in security testing and auditing. However, little is known about the continuous effect of automatic attack generation and detection. In this paper, we develop an analytic model to understand the cost-benefit tradeoffs in light of the process of vulnerability discovery. We develop a three-phased model, suggesting that the cumulative malware detection has a productive period before the rate of gain flattens. As the detection mechanisms co-evolve, the gain will likely increase. We evaluate our analytic model by using an anti-virus tool to detect the thousands of Trojans automatically created. The anti-virus scanning results over five months show the validity of the model and point out future research directions.
Iorga, Denis, Corlătescu, Dragos, Grigorescu, Octavian, Săndescu, Cristian, Dascălu, Mihai, Rughiniş, Razvan.  2020.  Early Detection of Vulnerabilities from News Websites using Machine Learning Models. 2020 19th RoEduNet Conference: Networking in Education and Research (RoEduNet). :1–6.
The drawbacks of traditional methods of cybernetic vulnerability detection relate to the required time to identify new threats, to register them in the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) records, and to score them with the Common Vulnerabilities Scoring System (CVSS). These problems can be mitigated by early vulnerability detection systems relying on social media and open-source data. This paper presents a model that aims to identify emerging cybernetic vulnerabilities in cybersecurity news articles, as part of a system for automatic detection of early cybernetic threats using Open Source Intelligence (OSINT). Three machine learning models were trained on a novel dataset of 1000 labeled news articles to create a strong baseline for classifying cybersecurity articles as relevant (i.e., introducing new security threats), or irrelevant: Support Vector Machines, a Multinomial Naïve Bayes classifier, and a finetuned BERT model. The BERT model obtained the best performance with a mean accuracy of 88.45% on the test dataset. Our experiments support the conclusion that Natural Language Processing (NLP) models are an appropriate choice for early vulnerability detection systems in order to extract relevant information from cybersecurity news articles.
Wang, Yixuan, Li, Yujun, Chen, Xiang, Luo, Yeni.  2020.  Implementing Network Attack Detection with a Novel NSSA Model Based on Knowledge Graphs. 2020 IEEE 19th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom). :1727–1732.
With the rapid development of networks, cyberspace security is facing increasingly severe challenges. Traditional alert aggregation process and alert correlation analysis process are susceptible to a large amount of redundancy and false alerts. To tackle the challenge, this paper proposes a network security situational awareness model KG-NSSA (Knowledge-Graph-based NSSA) based on knowledge graphs. This model provides an asset-based network security knowledge graph construction scheme. Based on the network security knowledge graph, a solution is provided for the classic problem in the field of network security situational awareness - network attack scenario discovery. The asset-based network security knowledge graph combines the asset information of the monitored network and fully considers the monitoring of network traffic. The attack scenario discovery according to the KG-NSSA model is to complete attack discovery and attack association through attribute graph mining and similarity calculation, which can effectively reflect specific network attack behaviors and mining attack scenarios. The effectiveness of the proposed method is verified on the MIT DARPA2000 data set. Our work provides a new approach for network security situational awareness.
Fu, Y., Tong, S., Guo, X., Cheng, L., Zhang, Y., Feng, D..  2020.  Improving the Effectiveness of Grey-box Fuzzing By Extracting Program Information. 2020 IEEE 19th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom). :434–441.
Fuzzing has been widely adopted as an effective techniques to detect vulnerabilities in softwares. However, existing fuzzers suffer from the problems of generating excessive test inputs that either cannot pass input validation or are ineffective in exploring unvisited regions in the program under test (PUT). To tackle these problems, we propose a greybox fuzzer called MuFuzzer based on AFL, which incorporates two heuristics that optimize seed selection and automatically extract input formatting information from the PUT to increase the chance of generating valid test inputs, respectively. In particular, the first heuristic collects the branch coverage and execution information during a fuzz session, and utilizes such information to guide fuzzing tools in selecting seeds that are fast to execute, small in size, and more importantly, more likely to explore new behaviors of the PUT for subsequent fuzzing activities. The second heuristic automatically identifies string comparison operations that the PUT uses for input validation, and establishes a dictionary with string constants from these operations to help fuzzers generate test inputs that have higher chances to pass input validation. We have evaluated the performance of MuFuzzer, in terms of code coverage and bug detection, using a set of realistic programs and the LAVA-M test bench. Experiment results demonstrate that MuFuzzer is able to achieve higher code coverage and better or comparative bug detection performance than state-of-the-art fuzzers.
Zhang, Wenrui.  2020.  Application of Attention Model Hybrid Guiding based on Artificial Intelligence in the Course of Intelligent Architecture History. 2020 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Sustainable Systems (ICISS). :59—62.
Application of the attention model hybrid building based on the artificial intelligence in the course of the intelligent architecture history is studied in this article. A Hadoop distributed architecture using big data processing technology which combines basic building information with the building energy consumption data for the data mining research methods, and conduct a preliminary design of a Hadoop-based public building energy consumption data mining system. The principles of the proposed model were summarized. At first, the intelligent firewall processes the decision data faster, when the harmful information invades. The intelligent firewall can monitor and also intercept the harmful information in a timelier manner. Secondly, develop a problem data processing plan, delete and identify different types of problem data, and supplement the deleted problem data according to the rules obtained by data mining. The experimental results have reflected the efficiency of the proposed model.
Zhang, Wei, Zhang, ZhiShuo, Wu, Yi.  2020.  Multi-Authority Attribute Based Encryption With Policy-hidden and Accountability. 2020 International Conference on Space-Air-Ground Computing (SAGC). :95—96.
In this paper, an attribute-based encryption scheme with policy hidden and key tracing under multi-authority is proposed. In our scheme, the access structure is embedded into the ciphertext implicitly and the attacker cannot gain user's private information by access structure. The key traceability is realized under multi-authority and collusion is prevented. Finally, based on the DBDH security model, it is proved that this scheme can resist the plaintext attack under the standard model.
Park, S. H., Park, H. J., Choi, Y..  2020.  RNN-based Prediction for Network Intrusion Detection. 2020 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Information and Communication (ICAIIC). :572—574.
We investigate a prediction model using RNN for network intrusion detection in industrial IoT environments. For intrusion detection, we use anomaly detection methods that estimate the next packet, measure and score the distance measurement in real packets to distinguish whether it is a normal packet or an abnormal packet. When the packet was learned in the LSTM model, two-gram and sliding window of N-gram showed the best performance in terms of errors and the performance of the LSTM model was the highest compared with other data mining regression techniques. Finally, cosine similarity was used as a scoring function, and anomaly detection was performed by setting a boundary for cosine similarity that consider as normal packet.
Hazhirpasand, M., Ghafari, M., Nierstrasz, O..  2020.  CryptoExplorer: An Interactive Web Platform Supporting Secure Use of Cryptography APIs. 2020 IEEE 27th International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (SANER). :632—636.

Research has shown that cryptographic APIs are hard to use. Consequently, developers resort to using code examples available in online information sources that are often not secure. We have developed a web platform, named CryptoExplorer, stocked with numerous real-world secure and insecure examples that developers can explore to learn how to use cryptographic APIs properly. This platform currently provides 3 263 secure uses, and 5 897 insecure uses of Java Cryptography Architecture mined from 2 324 Java projects on GitHub. A preliminary study shows that CryptoExplorer provides developers with secure crypto API use examples instantly, developers can save time compared to searching on the internet for such examples, and they learn to avoid using certain algorithms in APIs by studying misused API examples. We have a pipeline to regularly mine more projects, and, on request, we offer our dataset to researchers.

Kumar, B. S., Daniya, T., Sathya, N., Cristin, R..  2020.  Investigation on Privacy Preserving using K-Anonymity Techniques. 2020 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI). :1—7.

In the current world, day by day the data growth and the investigation about that information increased due to the pervasiveness of computing devices, but people are reluctant to share their information on online portals or surveys fearing safety because sensitive information such as credit card information, medical conditions and other personal information in the wrong hands can mean danger to the society. These days privacy preserving has become a setback for storing data in data repository so for that reason data in the repository should be made undistinguishable, data is encrypted while storing and later decrypted when needed for analysis purpose in data mining. While storing the raw data of the individuals it is important to remove person-identifiable information such as name, employee id. However, the other attributes pertaining to the person should be encrypted so the methodologies used to implement. These methodologies can make data in the repository secure and PPDM task can made easier.

Liu, F., Wen, Y., Wu, Y., Liang, S., Jiang, X., Meng, D..  2020.  MLTracer: Malicious Logins Detection System via Graph Neural Network. 2020 IEEE 19th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom). :715—726.

Malicious login, especially lateral movement, has been a primary and costly threat for enterprises. However, there exist two critical challenges in the existing methods. Specifically, they heavily rely on a limited number of predefined rules and features. When the attack patterns change, security experts must manually design new ones. Besides, they cannot explore the attributes' mutual effect specific to login operations. We propose MLTracer, a graph neural network (GNN) based system for detecting such attacks. It has two core components to tackle the previous challenges. First, MLTracer adopts a novel method to differentiate crucial attributes of login operations from the rest without experts' designated features. Second, MLTracer leverages a GNN model to detect malicious logins. The model involves a convolutional neural network (CNN) to explore attributes of login operations, and a co-attention mechanism to mutually improve the representations (vectors) of login attributes through learning their login-specific relation. We implement an evaluation of such an approach. The results demonstrate that MLTracer significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods. Moreover, MLTracer effectively detects various attack scenarios with a remarkably low false positive rate (FPR).

Xia, H., Gao, N., Peng, J., Mo, J., Wang, J..  2020.  Binarized Attributed Network Embedding via Neural Networks. 2020 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN). :1—8.
Traditional attributed network embedding methods are designed to map structural and attribute information of networks jointly into a continuous Euclidean space, while recently a novel branch of them named binarized attributed network embedding has emerged to learn binary codes in Hamming space, aiming to save time and memory costs and to naturally fit node retrieval task. However, current binarized attributed network embedding methods are scarce and mostly ignore the local attribute similarity between each pair of nodes. Besides, none of them attempt to control the independency of each dimension(bit) of the learned binary representation vectors. As existing methods still need improving, we propose an unsupervised Neural-based Binarized Attributed Network Embedding (NBANE) approach. Firstly, we inherit the Weisfeiler-Lehman proximity matrix from predecessors to aggregate high-order features for each node. Secondly, we feed the aggregated features into an autoencoder with the attribute similarity penalizing term and the orthogonality term to make further dimension reduction. To solve the problem of integer optimization we adopt the relaxation-quantization method during the process of training neural networks. Empirically, we evaluate the performance of NBANE through node classification and clustering tasks on three real-world datasets and study a case on fast retrieval in academic networks. Our method achieves better performance over state- of-the-art baselines methods of various types.
Zhou, X..  2020.  Improvement of information System Audit to Deal With Network Information Security. 2020 International Conference on Communications, Information System and Computer Engineering (CISCE). :93–96.
With the rapid development of information technology and the increasing popularity of information and communication technology, the information age has come. Enterprises must adapt to changes in the times, introduce network and computer technologies in a timely manner, and establish more efficient and reasonable information systems and platforms. Large-scale information system construction is inseparable from related audit work, and network security risks have become an important part of information system audit concerns. This paper analyzes the objectives and contents of information system audits under the background of network information security through theoretical analysis, and on this basis, proposes how the IS audit work will be carried out.
Xiao, Y., Zhang, N., Lou, W., Hou, Y. T..  2020.  Modeling the Impact of Network Connectivity on Consensus Security of Proof-of-Work Blockchain. IEEE INFOCOM 2020 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications. :1648—1657.

Blockchain, the technology behind the popular Bitcoin, is considered a "security by design" system as it is meant to create security among a group of distrustful parties yet without a central trusted authority. The security of blockchain relies on the premise of honest-majority, namely, the blockchain system is assumed to be secure as long as the majority of consensus voting power is honest. And in the case of proof-of-work (PoW) blockchain, adversaries cannot control more than 50% of the network's gross computing power. However, this 50% threshold is based on the analysis of computing power only, with implicit and idealistic assumptions on the network and node behavior. Recent researches have alluded that factors such as network connectivity, presence of blockchain forks, and mining strategy could undermine the consensus security assured by the honest-majority, but neither concrete analysis nor quantitative evaluation is provided. In this paper we fill the gap by proposing an analytical model to assess the impact of network connectivity on the consensus security of PoW blockchain under different adversary models. We apply our analytical model to two adversarial scenarios: 1) honest-but-potentially-colluding, 2) selfish mining. For each scenario, we quantify the communication capability of nodes involved in a fork race and estimate the adversary's mining revenue and its impact on security properties of the consensus protocol. Simulation results validated our analysis. Our modeling and analysis provide a paradigm for assessing the security impact of various factors in a distributed consensus system.

Pawar, Shrikant, Stanam, Aditya.  2020.  Scalable, Reliable and Robust Data Mining Infrastructures. 2020 Fourth World Conference on Smart Trends in Systems, Security and Sustainability (WorldS4). :123—125.

Mining of data is used to analyze facts to discover formerly unknown patterns, classifying and grouping the records. There are several crucial scalable statistics mining platforms that have been developed in latest years. RapidMiner is a famous open source software which can be used for advanced analytics, Weka and Orange are important tools of machine learning for classifying patterns with techniques of clustering and regression, whilst Knime is often used for facts preprocessing like information extraction, transformation and loading. This article encapsulates the most important and robust platforms.

Nilă, Constantin, Patriciu, Victor.  2020.  Taking advantage of unsupervised learning in incident response. 2020 12th International Conference on Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence (ECAI). :1–6.
This paper looks at new ways to improve the necessary time for incident response triage operations. By employing unsupervised K-means, enhanced by both manual and automated feature extraction techniques, the incident response team can quickly and decisively extrapolate malicious web requests that concluded to the investigated exploitation. More precisely, we evaluated the benefits of different visualization enhancing methods that can improve feature selection and other dimensionality reduction techniques. Furthermore, early tests of the gross framework have shown that the necessary time for triage is diminished, more so if a hybrid multi-model is employed. Our case study revolved around the need for unsupervised classification of unknown web access logs. However, the demonstrated principals may be considered for other applications of machine learning in the cybersecurity domain.
Kotturu, P. K., Kumar, A..  2020.  Data Mining Visualization with the Impact of Nature Inspired Algorithms in Big Data. 2020 4th International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics (ICOEI)(48184). :664—668.

Data mining visualization is an important aspect of big data visualization and analysis. The impact of the nature-inspired algorithm along with the impact of computing traditions for the complete visualization of the storage and data communication needs have been studied. This paper also explores the possibilities of the hybridization of data mining in terms of association of cloud computing. It also explores the data analytical view in the exploration of these approaches in terms of data storage in big data. Based on these aspects the methodological advancement along with the problem statements has been analyzed. This will help in the exploration of computational capability along with the new insights in this domain.

Zhang, R., Cao, Z., Wu, K..  2020.  Tracing and detection of ICS Anomalies Based on Causality Mutations. 2020 IEEE 5th Information Technology and Mechatronics Engineering Conference (ITOEC). :511—517.

The algorithm of causal anomaly detection in industrial control physics is proposed to determine the normal cloud line of industrial control system so as to accurately detect the anomaly. In this paper, The causal modeling algorithm combining Maximum Information Coefficient and Transfer Entropy was used to construct the causal network among nodes in the system. Then, the abnormal nodes and the propagation path of the anomaly are deduced from the structural changes of the causal network before and after the attack. Finally, an anomaly detection algorithm based on hybrid differential cumulative is used to identify the specific anomaly data in the anomaly node. The stability of causality mining algorithm and the validity of locating causality anomalies are verified by using the data of classical chemical process. Experimental results show that the anomaly detection algorithm is better than the comparison algorithm in accuracy, false negative rate and recall rate, and the anomaly location strategy makes the anomaly source traceable.

Alsoghyer, Samah, Almomani, Iman.  2020.  On the Effectiveness of Application Permissions for Android Ransomware Detection. 2020 6th Conference on Data Science and Machine Learning Applications (CDMA). :94–99.
Ransomware attack is posting a serious threat against Android devices and stored data that could be locked or/and encrypted by such attack. Existing solutions attempt to detect and prevent such attack by studying different features and applying various analysis mechanisms including static, dynamic or both. In this paper, recent ransomware detection solutions were investigated and compared. Moreover, a deep analysis of android permissions was conducted to identify significant android permissions that can discriminate ransomware with high accuracy before harming users' devices. Consequently, based on the outcome of this analysis, a permissions-based ransomware detection system is proposed. Different classifiers were tested to build the prediction model of this detection system. After the evaluation of the ransomware detection service, the results revealed high detection rate that reached 96.9%. Additionally, the newly permission-based android dataset constructed in this research will be made available to researchers and developers for future work.
Wu, Yue-hong, Zhuang, Shen, Sun, Qi.  2020.  A Steganography Algorithm Based on GM Model of optimized Parameters. 2020 International Conference on Computer Engineering and Application (ICCEA). :384—387.
In order to improve the concealment of image steganography, a new method is proposed. The algorithm firstly adopted GM (1, 1) model to detect texture and edge points of carrier image, then embedded secret information in them. GM (1, 1) model of optimized parameters can make full use of pixels information. These pixels are the nearest to the detected point, so it improves the detection accuracy. The method is a kind of steganography based on human visual system. By testing the stegano images with different embedding capacities, the result indicates concealment and image quality of the proposed algorithm are better than BPCS (Bit-plane Complexity Segmentation) and PVD (Pixel-value Differencing), which are also based on visual characteristics.
Yang, Z., Sun, Q., Zhang, Y., Zhu, L., Ji, W..  2020.  Inference of Suspicious Co-Visitation and Co-Rating Behaviors and Abnormality Forensics for Recommender Systems. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security. 15:2766—2781.
The pervasiveness of personalized collaborative recommender systems has shown the powerful capability in a wide range of E-commerce services such as Amazon, TripAdvisor, Yelp, etc. However, fundamental vulnerabilities of collaborative recommender systems leave space for malicious users to affect the recommendation results as the attackers desire. A vast majority of existing detection methods assume certain properties of malicious attacks are given in advance. In reality, improving the detection performance is usually constrained due to the challenging issues: (a) various types of malicious attacks coexist, (b) limited representations of malicious attack behaviors, and (c) practical evidences for exploring and spotting anomalies on real-world data are scarce. In this paper, we investigate a unified detection framework in an eye for an eye manner without being bothered by the details of the attacks. Firstly, co-visitation and co-rating graphs are constructed using association rules. Then, attribute representations of nodes are empirically developed from the perspectives of linkage pattern, structure-based property and inherent association of nodes. Finally, both attribute information and connective coherence of graph are combined in order to infer suspicious nodes. Extensive experiments on both synthetic and real-world data demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed detection approach compared with competing benchmarks. Additionally, abnormality forensics metrics including distribution of rating intention, time aggregation of suspicious ratings, degree distributions before as well as after removing suspicious nodes and time series analysis of historical ratings, are provided so as to discover interesting findings such as suspicious nodes (items or ratings) on real-world data.
Alenezi, Freeh, Tsokos, Chris P..  2020.  Machine Learning Approach to Predict Computer Operating Systems Vulnerabilities. 2020 3rd International Conference on Computer Applications Information Security (ICCAIS). :1—6.
Information security is everyone's concern. Computer systems are used to store sensitive data. Any weakness in their reliability and security makes them vulnerable. The Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) is a commonly used scoring system, which helps in knowing the severity of a software vulnerability. In this research, we show the effectiveness of common machine learning algorithms in predicting the computer operating systems security using the published vulnerability data in Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures and National Vulnerability Database repositories. The Random Forest algorithm has the best performance, compared to other algorithms, in predicting the computer operating system vulnerability severity levels based on precision, recall, and F-measure evaluation metrics. In addition, a predictive model was developed to predict whether a newly discovered computer operating system vulnerability would allow attackers to cause denial of service to the subject system.