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Vellaithurai, C., Srivastava, A., Zonouz, S., Berthier, R..  2015.  CPIndex: Cyber-Physical Vulnerability Assessment for Power-Grid Infrastructures. Smart Grid, IEEE Transactions on. 6:566-575.

To protect complex power-grid control networks, power operators need efficient security assessment techniques that take into account both cyber side and the power side of the cyber-physical critical infrastructures. In this paper, we present CPINDEX, a security-oriented stochastic risk management technique that calculates cyber-physical security indices to measure the security level of the underlying cyber-physical setting. CPINDEX installs appropriate cyber-side instrumentation probes on individual host systems to dynamically capture and profile low-level system activities such as interprocess communications among operating system assets. CPINDEX uses the generated logs along with the topological information about the power network configuration to build stochastic Bayesian network models of the whole cyber-physical infrastructure and update them dynamically based on the current state of the underlying power system. Finally, CPINDEX implements belief propagation algorithms on the created stochastic models combined with a novel graph-theoretic power system indexing algorithm to calculate the cyber-physical index, i.e., to measure the security-level of the system's current cyber-physical state. The results of our experiments with actual attacks against a real-world power control network shows that CPINDEX, within few seconds, can efficiently compute the numerical indices during the attack that indicate the progressing malicious attack correctly.

Venkitasubramaniam, P., Yao, J., Pradhan, P..  2015.  Information-Theoretic Security in Stochastic Control Systems. Proceedings of the IEEE. 103:1914–1931.
Infrastructural systems such as the electricity grid, healthcare, and transportation networks today rely increasingly on the joint functioning of networked information systems and physical components, in short, on cyber-physical architectures. Despite tremendous advances in cryptography, physical-layer security and authentication, information attacks, both passive such as eavesdropping, and active such as unauthorized data injection, continue to thwart the reliable functioning of networked systems. In systems with joint cyber-physical functionality, the ability of an adversary to monitor transmitted information or introduce false information can lead to sensitive user data being leaked or result in critical damages to the underlying physical system. This paper investigates two broad challenges in information security in cyber-physical systems (CPSs): preventing retrieval of internal physical system information through monitored external cyber flows, and limiting the modification of physical system functioning through compromised cyber flows. A rigorous analytical framework grounded on information-theoretic security is developed to study these challenges in a general stochastic control system abstraction-a theoretical building block for CPSs-with the objectives of quantifying the fundamental tradeoffs between information security and physical system performance, and through the process, designing provably secure controller policies. Recent results are presented that establish the theoretical basis for the framework, in addition to practical applications in timing analysis of anonymous systems, and demand response systems in a smart electricity grid.
Orojloo, H., Azgomi, M. A..  2015.  Evaluating the complexity and impacts of attacks on cyber-physical systems. 2015 CSI Symposium on Real-Time and Embedded Systems and Technologies (RTEST). :1–8.

In this paper, a new method for quantitative evaluation of the security of cyber-physical systems (CPSs) is proposed. The proposed method models the different classes of adversarial attacks against CPSs, including cross-domain attacks, i.e., cyber-to-cyber and cyber-to-physical attacks. It also takes the secondary consequences of attacks on CPSs into consideration. The intrusion process of attackers has been modeled using attack graph and the consequence estimation process of the attack has been investigated using process model. The security attributes and the special parameters involved in the security analysis of CPSs, have been identified and considered. The quantitative evaluation has been done using the probability of attacks, time-to-shutdown of the system and security risks. The validation phase of the proposed model is performed as a case study by applying it to a boiling water power plant and estimating the suitable security measures.

M. Völp, N. Asmussen, H. Härtig, B. Nöthen, G. Fettweis.  2015.  "Towards dependable CPS infrastructures: Architectural and operating-system challenges". 2015 IEEE 20th Conference on Emerging Technologies Factory Automation (ETFA). :1-8.

Cyber-physical systems (CPSs), due to their direct influence on the physical world, have to meet extended security and dependability requirements. This is particularly true for CPS that operate in close proximity to humans or that control resources that, when tampered with, put all our lives at stake. In this paper, we review the challenges and some early solutions that arise at the architectural and operating-system level when we require cyber-physical systems and CPS infrastructure to withstand advanced and persistent threats. We found that although some of the challenges we identified are already matched by rudimentary solutions, further research is required to ensure sustainable and dependable operation of physically exposed CPS infrastructure and, more importantly, to guarantee graceful degradation in case of malfunction or attack.

S. Munir, J. A. Stankovic.  2014.  DepSys: Dependency aware integration of cyber-physical systems for smart homes. 2014 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS). :127-138.
Nower, N., Yasuo Tan, Lim, A.O..  2014.  Efficient Temporal and Spatial Data Recovery Scheme for Stochastic and Incomplete Feedback Data of Cyber-physical Systems. Service Oriented System Engineering (SOSE), 2014 IEEE 8th International Symposium on. :192-197.

Feedback loss can severely degrade the overall system performance, in addition, it can affect the control and computation of the Cyber-physical Systems (CPS). CPS hold enormous potential for a wide range of emerging applications including stochastic and time-critical traffic patterns. Stochastic data has a randomness in its nature which make a great challenge to maintain the real-time control whenever the data is lost. In this paper, we propose a data recovery scheme, called the Efficient Temporal and Spatial Data Recovery (ETSDR) scheme for stochastic incomplete feedback of CPS. In this scheme, we identify the temporal model based on the traffic patterns and consider the spatial effect of the nearest neighbor. Numerical results reveal that the proposed ETSDR outperforms both the weighted prediction (WP) and the exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) algorithm regardless of the increment percentage of missing data in terms of the root mean square error, the mean absolute error, and the integral of absolute error.

Pajic, M., Weimer, J., Bezzo, N., Tabuada, P., Sokolsky, O., Insup Lee, Pappas, G.J..  2014.  Robustness of attack-resilient state estimators. Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS), 2014 ACM/IEEE International Conference on. :163-174.

The interaction between information technology and phys ical world makes Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) vulnerable to malicious attacks beyond the standard cyber attacks. This has motivated the need for attack-resilient state estimation. Yet, the existing state-estimators are based on the non-realistic assumption that the exact system model is known. Consequently, in this work we present a method for state estimation in presence of attacks, for systems with noise and modeling errors. When the the estimated states are used by a state-based feedback controller, we show that the attacker cannot destabilize the system by exploiting the difference between the model used for the state estimation and the real physical dynamics of the system. Furthermore, we describe how implementation issues such as jitter, latency and synchronization errors can be mapped into parameters of the state estimation procedure that describe modeling errors, and provide a bound on the state-estimation error caused by modeling errors. This enables mapping control performance requirements into real-time (i.e., timing related) specifications imposed on the underlying platform. Finally, we illustrate and experimentally evaluate this approach on an unmanned ground vehicle case-study.

Yuying Wang, Xingshe Zhou.  2014.  Spatio-temporal semantic enhancements for event model of cyber-physical systems. Signal Processing, Communications and Computing (ICSPCC), 2014 IEEE International Conference on. :813-818.

The newly emerging cyber-physical systems (CPS) discover events from multiple, distributed sources with multiple levels of detail and heterogeneous data format, which may not be compare and integrate, and turn to hardly combined determination for action. While existing efforts have mainly focused on investigating a uniform CPS event representation with spatio-temporal attributes, in this paper we propose a new event model with two-layer structure, Basic Event Model (BEM) and Extended Information Set (EIS). A BEM could be extended with EIS by semantic adaptor for spatio-temporal and other attribution enhancement. In particular, we define the event process functions, like event attribution extraction and composition determination, for CPS action trigger exploit the Complex Event Process (CEP) engine Esper. Examples show that such event model provides several advantages in terms of extensibility, flexibility and heterogeneous support, and lay the foundations of event-based system design in CPS.

Lee, P., Clark, A., Bushnell, L., Poovendran, R..  2014.  A Passivity Framework for Modeling and Mitigating Wormhole Attacks on Networked Control Systems. Automatic Control, IEEE Transactions on. 59:3224-3237.

Networked control systems consist of distributed sensors and actuators that communicate via a wireless network. The use of an open wireless medium and unattended deployment leaves these systems vulnerable to intelligent adversaries whose goal is to disrupt the system performance. In this paper, we study the wormhole attack on a networked control system, in which an adversary establishes a link between two geographically distant regions of the network by using either high-gain antennas, as in the out-of-band wormhole, or colluding network nodes as in the in-band wormhole. Wormholes allow the adversary to violate the timing constraints of real-time control systems by first creating low-latency links, which attract network traffic, and then delaying or dropping packets. Since the wormhole attack reroutes and replays valid messages, it cannot be detected using cryptographic mechanisms alone. We study the impact of the wormhole attack on the network flows and delays and introduce a passivity-based control-theoretic framework for modeling and mitigating the wormhole attack. We develop this framework for both the in-band and out-of-band wormhole attacks as well as complex, hereto-unreported wormhole attacks consisting of arbitrary combinations of in-and out-of band wormholes. By integrating existing mitigation strategies into our framework, we analyze the throughput, delay, and stability properties of the overall system. Through simulation study, we show that, by selectively dropping control packets, the wormhole attack can cause disturbances in the physical plant of a networked control system, and demonstrate that appropriate selection of detection parameters mitigates the disturbances due to the wormhole while satisfying the delay constraints of the physical system.

Lee, P., Clark, A., Bushnell, L., Poovendran, R..  2014.  A Passivity Framework for Modeling and Mitigating Wormhole Attacks on Networked Control Systems. Automatic Control, IEEE Transactions on. 59:3224-3237.

Networked control systems consist of distributed sensors and actuators that communicate via a wireless network. The use of an open wireless medium and unattended deployment leaves these systems vulnerable to intelligent adversaries whose goal is to disrupt the system performance. In this paper, we study the wormhole attack on a networked control system, in which an adversary establishes a link between two geographically distant regions of the network by using either high-gain antennas, as in the out-of-band wormhole, or colluding network nodes as in the in-band wormhole. Wormholes allow the adversary to violate the timing constraints of real-time control systems by first creating low-latency links, which attract network traffic, and then delaying or dropping packets. Since the wormhole attack reroutes and replays valid messages, it cannot be detected using cryptographic mechanisms alone. We study the impact of the wormhole attack on the network flows and delays and introduce a passivity-based control-theoretic framework for modeling and mitigating the wormhole attack. We develop this framework for both the in-band and out-of-band wormhole attacks as well as complex, hereto-unreported wormhole attacks consisting of arbitrary combinations of in-and out-of band wormholes. By integrating existing mitigation strategies into our framework, we analyze the throughput, delay, and stability properties of the overall system. Through simulation study, we show that, by selectively dropping control packets, the wormhole attack can cause disturbances in the physical plant of a networked control system, and demonstrate that appropriate selection of detection parameters mitigates the disturbances due to the wormhole while satisfying the delay constraints of the physical system.

Dong-Hoon Shin, Shibo He, Junshan Zhang.  2014.  Robust, Secure, and Cost-Effective Design for Cyber-Physical Systems. Intelligent Systems, IEEE. 29:66-69.

Cyber-physical systems (CPS) can potentially benefit a wide array of applications and areas. Here, the authors look at some of the challenges surrounding CPS, and consider a feasible solution for creating a robust, secure, and cost-effective architecture.

Zonouz, S., Davis, C.M., Davis, K.R., Berthier, R., Bobba, R.B., Sanders, W.H..  2014.  SOCCA: A Security-Oriented Cyber-Physical Contingency Analysis in Power Infrastructures. Smart Grid, IEEE Transactions on. 5:3-13.

Contingency analysis is a critical activity in the context of the power infrastructure because it provides a guide for resiliency and enables the grid to continue operating even in the case of failure. In this paper, we augment this concept by introducing SOCCA, a cyber-physical security evaluation technique to plan not only for accidental contingencies but also for malicious compromises. SOCCA presents a new unified formalism to model the cyber-physical system including interconnections among cyber and physical components. The cyber-physical contingency ranking technique employed by SOCCA assesses the potential impacts of events. Contingencies are ranked according to their impact as well as attack complexity. The results are valuable in both cyber and physical domains. From a physical perspective, SOCCA scores power system contingencies based on cyber network configuration, whereas from a cyber perspective, control network vulnerabilities are ranked according to the underlying power system topology.

Zonouz, S., Davis, C.M., Davis, K.R., Berthier, R., Bobba, R.B., Sanders, W.H..  2014.  SOCCA: A Security-Oriented Cyber-Physical Contingency Analysis in Power Infrastructures. Smart Grid, IEEE Transactions on. 5:3-13.

Contingency analysis is a critical activity in the context of the power infrastructure because it provides a guide for resiliency and enables the grid to continue operating even in the case of failure. In this paper, we augment this concept by introducing SOCCA, a cyber-physical security evaluation technique to plan not only for accidental contingencies but also for malicious compromises. SOCCA presents a new unified formalism to model the cyber-physical system including interconnections among cyber and physical components. The cyber-physical contingency ranking technique employed by SOCCA assesses the potential impacts of events. Contingencies are ranked according to their impact as well as attack complexity. The results are valuable in both cyber and physical domains. From a physical perspective, SOCCA scores power system contingencies based on cyber network configuration, whereas from a cyber perspective, control network vulnerabilities are ranked according to the underlying power system topology.

Marashi, K., Sarvestani, S.S..  2014.  Towards Comprehensive Modeling of Reliability for Smart Grids: Requirements and Challenges. High-Assurance Systems Engineering (HASE), 2014 IEEE 15th International Symposium on. :105-112.

Smart grids utilize computation and communication to improve the efficacy and dependability of power generation, transmission, and distribution. As such, they are among the most critical and complex cyber-physical systems. The success of smart grids in achieving their stated goals is yet to be rigorously proven. In this paper, our focus is on improvements (or lack thereof) in reliability. We discuss vulnerabilities in the smart grid and their potential impact on its reliability, both generally and for the specific example of the IEEE-14 bus system. We conclude the paper by presenting a preliminary Markov imbedded systems model for reliability of smart grids and describe how it can be evolved to capture the vulnerabilities discussed.

Sabaliauskaite, G., Mathur, A.P..  2014.  Countermeasures to Enhance Cyber-physical System Security and Safety. Computer Software and Applications Conference Workshops (COMPSACW), 2014 IEEE 38th International. :13-18.

An application of two Cyber-Physical System (CPS) security countermeasures - Intelligent Checker (IC) and Cross-correlator - for enhancing CPS safety and achieving required CPS safety integrity level is presented. ICs are smart sensors aimed at detecting attacks in CPS and alerting the human operators. Cross-correlator is an anomaly detection technique for detecting deception attacks. We show how ICs could be implemented at three different CPS safety protection layers to maintain CPS in a safe state. In addition, we combine ICs with the cross-correlator technique to assure high probability of failure detection. Performance simulations show that a combination of these two security countermeasures is effective in detecting and mitigating CPS failures, including catastrophic failures.

Yingmeng Xiang, Lingfeng Wang, Yichi Zhang.  2014.  Power system adequacy assessment with probabilistic cyber attacks against breakers. PES General Meeting | Conference Exposition, 2014 IEEE. :1-5.

Modern power systems heavily rely on the associated cyber network, and cyber attacks against the control network may cause undesired consequences such as load shedding, equipment damage, and so forth. The behaviors of the attackers can be random, thus it is crucial to develop novel methods to evaluate the adequacy of the power system under probabilistic cyber attacks. In this study, the external and internal cyber structures of the substation are introduced, and possible attack paths against the breakers are analyzed. The attack resources and vulnerability factors of the cyber network are discussed considering their impacts on the success probability of a cyber attack. A procedure integrating the reliability of physical components and the impact of cyber attacks against breakers are proposed considering the behaviors of the physical devices and attackers. Simulations are conducted based on the IEEE RTS79 system. The impact of the attack resources and attack attempt numbers are analyzed for attackers from different threats groups. It is concluded that implementing effective cyber security measures is crucial to the cyber-physical power grids.

Jiankun Hu, Pota, H.R., Song Guo.  2014.  Taxonomy of Attacks for Agent-Based Smart Grids. Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE Transactions on. 25:1886-1895.

Being the most important critical infrastructure in Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs), a smart grid exhibits the complicated nature of large scale, distributed, and dynamic environment. Taxonomy of attacks is an effective tool in systematically classifying attacks and it has been placed as a top research topic in CPS by a National Science Foundation (NSG) Workshop. Most existing taxonomy of attacks in CPS are inadequate in addressing the tight coupling of cyber-physical process or/and lack systematical construction. This paper attempts to introduce taxonomy of attacks of agent-based smart grids as an effective tool to provide a structured framework. The proposed idea of introducing the structure of space-time and information flow direction, security feature, and cyber-physical causality is innovative, and it can establish a taxonomy design mechanism that can systematically construct the taxonomy of cyber attacks, which could have a potential impact on the normal operation of the agent-based smart grids. Based on the cyber-physical relationship revealed in the taxonomy, a concrete physical process based cyber attack detection scheme has been proposed. A numerical illustrative example has been provided to validate the proposed physical process based cyber detection scheme.

Oberle, A., Larbig, P., Kuntze, N., Rudolph, C..  2014.  Integrity based relationships and trustworthy communication between network participants. Communications (ICC), 2014 IEEE International Conference on. :610-615.

Establishing trust relationships between network participants by having them prove their operating system's integrity via a Trusted Platform Module (TPM) provides interesting approaches for securing local networks at a higher level. In the introduced approach on OSI layer 2, attacks carried out by already authenticated and participating nodes (insider threats) can be detected and prevented. Forbidden activities and manipulations in hard- and software, such as executing unknown binaries, loading additional kernel modules or even inserting unauthorized USB devices, are detected and result in an autonomous reaction of each network participant. The provided trust establishment and authentication protocol operates independently from upper protocol layers and is optimized for resource constrained machines. Well known concepts of backbone architectures can maintain the chain of trust between different kinds of network types. Each endpoint, forwarding and processing unit monitors the internal network independently and reports misbehaviours autonomously to a central instance in or outside of the trusted network.

Howser, G., McMillin, B..  2014.  A Modal Model of Stuxnet Attacks on Cyber-physical Systems: A Matter of Trust. Software Security and Reliability (SERE), 2014 Eighth International Conference on. :225-234.

Multiple Security Domains Nondeducibility, MSDND, yields results even when the attack hides important information from electronic monitors and human operators. Because MSDND is based upon modal frames, it is able to analyze the event system as it progresses rather than relying on traces of the system. Not only does it provide results as the system evolves, MSDND can point out attacks designed to be missed in other security models. This work examines information flow disruption attacks such as Stuxnet and formally explains the role that implicit trust in the cyber security of a cyber physical system (CPS) plays in the success of the attack. The fact that the attack hides behind MSDND can be used to help secure the system by modifications to break MSDND and leave the attack nowhere to hide. Modal operators are defined to allow the manipulation of belief and trust states within the model. We show how the attack hides and uses the operator's trust to remain undetected. In fact, trust in the CPS is key to the success of the attack.

Yu Li, Rui Dai, Junjie Zhang.  2014.  Morphing communications of Cyber-Physical Systems towards moving-target defense. Communications (ICC), 2014 IEEE International Conference on. :592-598.

Since the massive deployment of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) calls for long-range and reliable communication services with manageable cost, it has been believed to be an inevitable trend to relay a significant portion of CPS traffic through existing networking infrastructures such as the Internet. Adversaries who have access to networking infrastructures can therefore eavesdrop network traffic and then perform traffic analysis attacks in order to identify CPS sessions and subsequently launch various attacks. As we can hardly prevent all adversaries from accessing network infrastructures, thwarting traffic analysis attacks becomes indispensable. Traffic morphing serves as an effective means towards this direction. In this paper, a novel traffic morphing algorithm, CPSMorph, is proposed to protect CPS sessions. CPSMorph maintains a number of network sessions whose distributions of inter-packet delays are statistically indistinguishable from those of typical network sessions. A CPS message will be sent through one of these sessions with assured satisfaction of its time constraint. CPSMorph strives to minimize the overhead by dynamically adjusting the morphing process. It is characterized by low complexity as well as high adaptivity to changing dynamics of CPS sessions. Experimental results have shown that CPSMorph can effectively performing traffic morphing for real-time CPS messages with moderate overhead.

Vegh, L., Miclea, L..  2014.  Enhancing security in cyber-physical systems through cryptographic and steganographic techniques. Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics, 2014 IEEE International Conference on. :1-6.

Information technology is continually changing, discoveries are made every other day. Cyber-physical systems consist of both physical and computational elements and are becoming more and more popular in today's society. They are complex systems, used in complex applications. Therefore, security is a critical and challenging aspect when developing cyber-physical systems. In this paper, we present a solution for ensuring data confidentiality and security by combining some of the most common methods in the area of security - cryptography and steganography. Furthermore, we use hierarchical access to information to ensure confidentiality and also increase the overall security of the cyber-physical system.

Jun, Shen, Cuibo, Yu.  2013.  The Study on the Self-Similarity and Simulation of CPS Traffic. 2013 IEEE 11th International Conference on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing. :215–219.
CPS traffic characteristics is one of key techniques of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). A deep research of CPS network traffic characteristics can help to better plan and design CPS networks. A brief overview of the key concepts of CPS is firstly presented. Then CPS application scenarios are analyzed in details and classified. The characteristics of CPS traffic is analyzed theoretically for different CPS application scenarios. At last, the characteristics of CPS traffic is verified using NS-2 simulation.
Quanyan Zhu, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Linda Bushnell, University of Washington, Tamer Başar, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.  2013.  Resilient Distributed Control of Multi-agent Cyber-Physical Systems. Workshop on Control of Cyber-Physical Systems.

Abstract. Multi-agent cyber-physical systems (CPSs) are ubiquitous in modern infrastructure systems, including the future smart grid, transportation networks, and public health systems. Security of these systems are critical for normal operation of our society. In this paper, we focus on physical layer resilient control of these systems subject to cyber attacks and malicious behaviors of physical agents. We establish a cross-layer system model for the investigation of cross-layer coupling and performance interdependencies for CPSs. In addition, we study a twosystem synchronization problem in which one is a malicious agent who intends to mislead the entire system behavior through physical layer interactions. Feedback Nash equilibrium is used as the solution concept for the distributed control in the multi-agent system environment. We corroborate our results with numerical examples, which show the performance interdependencies between two CPSs through cyber and physical interactions.

J. C. Gallagher, E. T. Matson, G. W. Greenwood.  2013.  On the implications of plug-and-learn adaptive hardware components toward a cyberphysical systems perspective on evolvable and adaptive hardware. 2013 IEEE International Conference on Evolvable Systems (ICES). :59-65.

Evolvable and Adaptive Hardware (EAH) Systems have been a subject of study for about two decades. This paper argues that viewing EAH devices in isolation from the larger systems in which they serve as components is somewhat dangerous in that EAH devices can subvert the design hierarchies upon which designers base verification and validation efforts. The paper proposes augmenting EAH components with additional machinery to enable the application of model-checking and related Cyber-Physical Systems techniques to extract evolving intra-module relationships for formal verification and validation purposes.

Wang, Yuying, Zhou, Xingshe, Liang, Dongfang.  2012.  Study on Integrated Modeling Methods toward Co-Simulation of Cyber-Physical System. 2012 IEEE 14th International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communication 2012 IEEE 9th International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems. :1736–1740.
Cyber-physical systems are particularly difficult to model and simulate because their components mix many different system modalities. In this paper we address the main technical challenges on system simulation taking into account by new characters of CPS, and provide a comprehensive view of the simulation modeling methods for integration of continuous-discrete model. Regards to UML and Simulink, two most widely accepted modeling methods in industrial designs, we study on three methods to perform the cooperation of these two kinds of heterogeneous models for co-simulation. The solution of an implementation of co-simulation method for CPS was designed under three levels architecture.