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Puesche, A., Bothe, D., Niemeyer, M., Sachweh, S., Pohlmann, N., Kunold, I..  2018.  Concept of Smart Building Cyber-physical Systems Including Tamper Resistant Endpoints. 2018 International IEEE Conference and Workshop in Óbuda on Electrical and Power Engineering (CANDO-EPE). :000127–000132.

Cyber-physical systems (CPS) and their Internet of Things (IoT) components are repeatedly subject to various attacks targeting weaknesses in their firmware. For that reason emerges an imminent demand for secure update mechanisms that not only include specific systems but cover all parts of the critical infrastructure. In this paper we introduce a theoretical concept for a secure CPS device update and verification mechanism and provide information on handling hardware-based security incorporating trusted platform modules (TPM) on those CPS devices. We will describe secure communication channels by state of the art technology and also integrity measurement mechanisms to ensure the system is in a known state. In addition, a multi-level fail-over concept is presented, ensuring continuous patching to minimize the necessity of restarting those systems.

Abdelzaher, T., Ayanian, N., Basar, T., Diggavi, S., Diesner, J., Ganesan, D., Govindan, R., Jha, S., Lepoint, T., Marlin, B. et al..  2018.  Toward an Internet of Battlefield Things: A Resilience Perspective. Computer. 51:24—36.

The Internet of Battlefield Things (IoBT) might be one of the most expensive cyber-physical systems of the next decade, yet much research remains to develop its fundamental enablers. A challenge that distinguishes the IoBT from its civilian counterparts is resilience to a much larger spectrum of threats.

Chen, B., Lu, Z., Zhou, H..  2018.  Reliability Assessment of Distribution Network Considering Cyber Attacks. 2018 2nd IEEE Conference on Energy Internet and Energy System Integration (EI2). :1-6.

With the rapid development of the smart grid, a large number of intelligent sensors and meters have been introduced in distribution network, which will inevitably increase the integration of physical networks and cyber networks, and bring potential security threats to the operating system. In this paper, the functions of the information system on distribution network are described when cyber attacks appear at the intelligent electronic devices (lED) or at the distribution main station. The effect analysis of the distribution network under normal operating condition or in the fault recovery process is carried out, and the reliability assessment model of the distribution network considering cyber attacks is constructed. Finally, the IEEE-33-bus distribution system is taken as a test system to presented the evaluation process based on the proposed model.

Höfig, K., Klug, A..  2018.  SEnSE – An Architecture for a Safe and Secure Integration of Safety-Critical Embedded Systems. 2018 26th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (SoftCOM). :1–5.

Embedded systems that communicate with each other over the internet and build up a larger, loosely coupled (hardware) system with an unknown configuration at runtime is often referred to as a cyberphysical system. Many of these systems can become, due to its associated risks during their operation, safety critical. With increased complexity of such systems, the number of configurations can either be infinite or even unknown at design time. Hence, a certification at design time for such systems that documents a safe interaction for all possible configurations of all participants at runtime can become unfeasible. If such systems come together in a new configuration, a mechanism is required that can decide whether or not it is safe for them to interact. Such a mechanism can generally not be part of such systems for the sake of trust. Therefore, we present in the following sections the SEnSE device, short for Secure and Safe Embedded, that tackles these challenges and provides a secure and safe integration of safety-critical embedded systems.

Fraile, Francisco, Flores, José Luis, Anaya, Victor, Saiz, Eduardo, Poler, Raúl.  2018.  A Scaffolding Design Framework for Developing Secure Interoperability Components in Digital Manufacturing Platforms. 2018 International Conference on Intelligent Systems (IS). :564—569.
This paper presents the Virtual Open Operating System (vf-OS) Input / Output (IO) Toolkit Generator, which is a design tool to develop vf-OS IO components that interact with all kinds of manufacturing assets, either physical devices like Program Logic Controllers (PLCs), software applications like Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERPs) or legacy file formats like STEP. The vf-OS IO Toolkit Generator is based on software scaffolding, a code generation technique that allows a developer to create a working component to interact with a manufacturing asset from the vf-OS Platform without writing a line of code. As described in this paper, software scaffolding not only simplifies the development of interoperability components, but it also fosters system security and platform integration automation. Another contribution of this paper is to propose possible integrations between the IO Toolkit Generator and the vf-OS Security Command Centre in charge of platform security. Additionally, this paper describes how the concept can be extended to address other digital manufacturing platforms like Fi-Ware.
Kotenko, Igor, Ageev, Sergey, Saenko, Igor.  2018.  Implementation of Intelligent Agents for Network Traffic and Security Risk Analysis in Cyber-Physical Systems. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Security of Information and Networks. :22:1-22:4.

The paper offers an approach for implementation of intelligent agents intended for network traffic and security risk analysis in cyber-physical systems. The agents are based on the algorithm of pseudo-gradient adaptive anomaly detection and fuzzy logical inference. The suggested algorithm operates in real time. The fuzzy logical inference is used for regulation of algorithm parameters. The variants of the implementation are proposed. The experimental assessment of the approach confirms its high speed and adequate accuracy for network traffic analysis.

Tundis, Andrea, Egert, Rolf, Mühlhäuser, Max.  2017.  Attack Scenario Modeling for Smart Grids Assessment Through Simulation. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security. :13:1–13:10.
Smart Grids (SGs) are Critical Infrastructures (CI), which are responsible for controlling and maintaining the distribution of electricity. To manage this task, modern SGs integrate an Information and Communication Infrastructure (ICT) beside the electrical power grid. Aside from the benefits derived from the increasing control and management capabilities offered by the ICT, unfortunately the introduction of this cyber layer provides an attractive attack surface for hackers. As a consequence, security becomes a fundamental prerequisite to be fulfilled. In this context, the adoption of Systems Engineering (SE) tools combined with Modeling and Simulation (M&S) techniques represent a promising solution to support the evaluation process of a SG during early design stages. In particular, the paper investigates on the identification, modeling and assessment of attacks in SG environments, by proposing a model for representing attack scenarios as a combination of attack types, attack schema and their temporal occurrence. Simulation techniques are exploited to enable the execution of such attack combinations in the SG domain. Specifically, a simulator, which allows to assess the SG behaviour to identify possible flaws and provide preventive actions before its realization, is developed on the basis of the proposed model and exemplified through a case study.
Gaoding, Ningcheng, Bousquet, Jean-François.  2017.  A Compact Magneto-Inductive Coil Antenna Design for Underwater Communications. Proceedings of the International Conference on Underwater Networks & Systems. :19:1–19:5.
Magnetic induction (MI) has shown a great potential for underwater communications due to its immunity to acoustic noise and low latency. However, the transmission distance of MI is limited since the magnetic field attenuates very fast in the near field. In this work, a magneto inductive antenna design is studied to achieve two modes of operation: 1) a static quasi omni-directional magnetic coupling; 2) a dynamic rotation of magnetic coupling. A design procedure is described to define the strength of the magnetic field, bandwidth (BW) and the path loss (PL) of the underwater communication link. Both modes are simulated and the corresponding antenna configurations are described. The proposed antenna has three coils separated between each other by 120 degrees. The coils have a radius of 5 cm and a length of 8 cm. The simulation results illustrate how this design can provide an omni-directional magnetic coupling and a more directional performance in the rotation mode. In the rotation mode, simulations also confirmed that the magnetic field can be controllable by changing the phases of input currents.
Shelar, D., Sun, P., Amin, S., Zonouz, S..  2017.  Compromising Security of Economic Dispatch in Power System Operations. 2017 47th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN). :531–542.
Power grid operations rely on the trustworthy operation of critical control center functionalities, including the so-called Economic Dispatch (ED) problem. The ED problem is a large-scale optimization problem that is periodically solved by the system operator to ensure the balance of supply and load while maintaining reliability constraints. In this paper, we propose a semantics-based attack generation and implementation approach to study the security of the ED problem.1 Firstly, we generate optimal attack vectors to transmission line ratings to induce maximum congestion in the critical lines, resulting in the violation of capacity limits. We formulate a bilevel optimization problem in which the attacker chooses manipulations of line capacity ratings to maximinimize the percentage line capacity violations under linear power flows. We reformulate the bilevel problem as a mixed integer linear program that can be solved efficiently. Secondly, we describe how the optimal attack vectors can be implemented in commercial energy management systems (EMSs). The attack explores the dynamic memory space of the EMS, and replaces the true line capacity ratings stored in data regions with the optimal attack vectors. In contrast to the well-known false data injection attacks to control systems that require compromising distributed sensors, our approach directly implements attacks to the control center server. Our experimental results on benchmark power systems and five widely utilized EMSs show the practical feasibility of our attack generation and implementation approach.
Malavolta, Giulio, Moreno-Sanchez, Pedro, Kate, Aniket, Maffei, Matteo, Ravi, Srivatsan.  2017.  Concurrency and Privacy with Payment-Channel Networks. Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :455–471.
Permissionless blockchains protocols such as Bitcoin are inherently limited in transaction throughput and latency. Current efforts to address this key issue focus on off-chain payment channels that can be combined in a Payment-Channel Network (PCN) to enable an unlimited number of payments without requiring to access the blockchain other than to register the initial and final capacity of each channel. While this approach paves the way for low latency and high throughput of payments, its deployment in practice raises several privacy concerns as well as technical challenges related to the inherently concurrent nature of payments that have not been sufficiently studied so far. In this work, we lay the foundations for privacy and concurrency in PCNs, presenting a formal definition in the Universal Composability framework as well as practical and provably secure solutions. In particular, we present Fulgor and Rayo. Fulgor is the first payment protocol for PCNs that provides provable privacy guarantees for PCNs and is fully compatible with the Bitcoin scripting system. However, Fulgor is a blocking protocol and therefore prone to deadlocks of concurrent payments as in currently available PCNs. Instead, Rayo is the first protocol for PCNs that enforces non-blocking progress (i.e., at least one of the concurrent payments terminates). We show through a new impossibility result that non-blocking progress necessarily comes at the cost of weaker privacy. At the core of Fulgor and Rayo is Multi-Hop HTLC, a new smart contract, compatible with the Bitcoin scripting system, that provides conditional payments while reducing running time and communication overhead with respect to previous approaches. Our performance evaluation of Fulgor and Rayo shows that a payment with 10 intermediate users takes as few as 5 seconds, thereby demonstrating their feasibility to be deployed in practice.
Chhetri, Sujit Rokka, Canedo, Arquimedes, Faruque, Mohammad Abdullah Al.  2017.  Confidentiality Breach Through Acoustic Side-Channel in Cyber-Physical Additive Manufacturing Systems. ACM Trans. Cyber-Phys. Syst.. 2:3:1–3:25.
In cyber-physical systems, due to the tight integration of the computational, communication, and physical components, most of the information in the cyber-domain manifests in terms of physical actions (such as motion, temperature change, etc.). This leads to the system being prone to physical-to-cyber domain attacks that affect the confidentiality. Physical actions are governed by energy flows, which may be observed. Some of these observable energy flows unintentionally leak information about the cyber-domain and hence are known as the side-channels. Side-channels such as acoustic, thermal, and power allow attackers to acquire the information without actually leveraging the vulnerability of the algorithms implemented in the system. As a case study, we have taken cyber-physical additive manufacturing systems (fused deposition modeling-based three-dimensional (3D) printer) to demonstrate how the acoustic side-channel can be used to breach the confidentiality of the system. In 3D printers, geometry, process, and machine information are the intellectual properties, which are stored in the cyber domain (G-code). We have designed an attack model that consists of digital signal processing, machine-learning algorithms, and context-based post processing to steal the intellectual property in the form of geometry details by reconstructing the G-code and thus the test objects. We have successfully reconstructed various test objects with an average axis prediction accuracy of 86% and an average length prediction error of 11.11%.
Vora, Keval, Tian, Chen, Gupta, Rajiv, Hu, Ziang.  2017.  CoRAL: Confined Recovery in Distributed Asynchronous Graph Processing. Proceedings of the Twenty-Second International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems. :223–236.
Existing distributed asynchronous graph processing systems employ checkpointing to capture globally consistent snapshots and rollback all machines to most recent checkpoint to recover from machine failures. In this paper we argue that recovery in distributed asynchronous graph processing does not require the entire execution state to be rolled back to a globally consistent state due to the relaxed asynchronous execution semantics. We define the properties required in the recovered state for it to be usable for correct asynchronous processing and develop CoRAL, a lightweight checkpointing and recovery algorithm. First, this algorithm carries out confined recovery that only rolls back graph execution states of the failed machines to affect recovery. Second, it relies upon lightweight checkpoints that capture locally consistent snapshots with a reduced peak network bandwidth requirement. Our experiments using real-world graphs show that our technique recovers from failures and finishes processing 1.5x to 3.2x faster compared to the traditional asynchronous checkpointing and recovery mechanism when failures impact 1 to 6 machines of a 16 machine cluster. Moreover, capturing locally consistent snapshots significantly reduces intermittent high peak bandwidth usage required to save the snapshots – the average reduction in 99th percentile bandwidth ranges from 22% to 51% while 1 to 6 snapshot replicas are being maintained.
Zheng, Yan, Phillips, Jeff M..  2017.  Coresets for Kernel Regression. Proceedings of the 23rd ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. :645–654.
Kernel regression is an essential and ubiquitous tool for non-parametric data analysis, particularly popular among time series and spatial data. However, the central operation which is performed many times, evaluating a kernel on the data set, takes linear time. This is impractical for modern large data sets. In this paper we describe coresets for kernel regression: compressed data sets which can be used as proxy for the original data and have provably bounded worst case error. The size of the coresets are independent of the raw number of data points; rather they only depend on the error guarantee, and in some cases the size of domain and amount of smoothing. We evaluate our methods on very large time series and spatial data, and demonstrate that they incur negligible error, can be constructed extremely efficiently, and allow for great computational gains.
Datta, Amarjit, Rahman, Mohammad Ashiqur.  2017.  Cyber Threat Analysis Framework for the Wind Energy Based Power System. Proceedings of the 2017 Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems Security and PrivaCy. :81–92.
Wind energy is one of the major sources of renewable energy. Countries around the world are increasingly deploying large wind farms that can generate a significant amount of clean energy. A wind farm consists of many turbines, often spread across a large geographical area. Modern wind turbines are equipped with meteorological sensors. The wind farm control center monitors the turbine sensors and adjusts the power generation parameters for optimal power production. The turbine sensors are prone to cyberattacks and with the evolving of large wind farms and their share in the power generation, it is crucial to analyze such potential cyber threats. In this paper, we present a formal framework to verify the impact of false data injection attack on the wind farm meteorological sensor measurements. The framework designs this verification as a maximization problem where the adversary's goal is to maximize the wind farm power production loss with its limited attack capability. Moreover, the adversary wants to remain stealthy to the wind farm bad data detection mechanism while it is launching its cyberattack on the turbine sensors. We evaluate the proposed framework for its threat analysis capability as well as its scalability by executing experiments on synthetic test cases.
Haq, M. S., Anwar, Z., Ahsan, A., Afzal, H..  2017.  Design pattern for secure object oriented information systems development. 2017 14th International Bhurban Conference on Applied Sciences and Technology (IBCAST). :456–460.
There are many object oriented design patterns and frameworks; to make the Information System robust, scalable and extensible. The objected oriented patterns are classified in the category of creational, structural, behavioral, security, concurrency, and user interface, relational, social and distributed. All the above classified design pattern doesn't work to provide a pathway and standards to make the Information system, to fulfill the requirement of confidentiality, Integrity and availability. This research work will explore the gap and suggest possible object oriented design pattern focusing the information security perspectives of the information system. At application level; this object oriented design pattern/framework shall try to ensure the Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability of the information systems intuitively. The main objective of this research work is to create a theoretical background of object oriented framework and design pattern which ensure confidentiality, integrity and availability of the system developed through the object oriented paradigm.
Cheh, Carmen, Keefe, Ken, Feddersen, Brett, Chen, Binbin, Temple, William G., Sanders, William H..  2017.  Developing Models for Physical Attacks in Cyber-Physical Systems. Proceedings of the 2017 Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems Security and PrivaCy. :49–55.
In this paper, we analyze the security of cyber-physical systems using the ADversary VIew Security Evaluation (ADVISE) meta modeling approach, taking into consideration the effects of physical attacks. To build our model of the system, we construct an ontology that describes the system components and the relationships among them. The ontology also defines attack steps that represent cyber and physical actions that affect the system entities. We apply the ADVISE meta modeling approach, which admits as input our defined ontology, to a railway system use case to obtain insights regarding the system's security. The ADVISE Meta tool takes in a system model of a railway station and generates an attack execution graph that shows the actions that adversaries may take to reach their goal. We consider several adversary profiles, ranging from outsiders to insider staff members, and compare their attack paths in terms of targeted assets, time to achieve the goal, and probability of detection. The generated results show that even adversaries with access to noncritical assets can affect system service by intelligently crafting their attacks to trigger a physical sequence of effects. We also identify the physical devices and user actions that require more in-depth monitoring to reinforce the system's security.
Zave, Pamela, Ferreira, Ronaldo A., Zou, Xuan Kelvin, Morimoto, Masaharu, Rexford, Jennifer.  2017.  Dynamic Service Chaining with Dysco. Proceedings of the Conference of the ACM Special Interest Group on Data Communication. :57–70.
Middleboxes are crucial for improving network security and performance, but only if the right traffic goes through the right middleboxes at the right time. Existing traffic-steering techniques rely on a central controller to install fine-grained forwarding rules in network elements—at the expense of a large number of rules, a central point of failure, challenges in ensuring all packets of a session traverse the same middleboxes, and difficulties with middleboxes that modify the "five tuple." We argue that a session-level protocol is a fundamentally better approach to traffic steering, while naturally supporting host mobility and multihoming in an integrated fashion. In addition, a session-level protocol can enable new capabilities like dynamic service chaining, where the sequence of middleboxes can change during the life of a session, e.g., to remove a load-balancer that is no longer needed, replace a middlebox undergoing maintenance, or add a packet scrubber when traffic looks suspicious. Our Dysco protocol steers the packets of a TCP session through a service chain, and can dynamically reconfigure the chain for an ongoing session. Dysco requires no changes to end-host and middlebox applications, host TCP stacks, or IP routing. Dysco's distributed reconfiguration protocol handles the removal of proxies that terminate TCP connections, middleboxes that change the size of a byte stream, and concurrent requests to reconfigure different parts of a chain. Through formal verification using Spin and experiments with our Linux-based prototype, we show that Dysco is provably correct, highly scalable, and able to reconfigure service chains across a range of middleboxes.
Bailer, Werner.  2017.  Efficient Approximate Medoids of Temporal Sequences. Proceedings of the 15th International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing. :3:1–3:6.
In order to compactly represent a set of data, its medoid (the element with minimum summed distance to all other elements) is a useful choice. This has applications in clustering, compression and visualisation of data. In multimedia data, the set of data is often sampled as a sequence in time or space, such as a video shot or views of a scene. The exact calculation of the medoid may be costly, especially if the distance function between elements is not trivial. While approximation methods for medoid selection exist, we show in this work that they do not perform well on sequences of images. We thus propose a novel algorithm for efficiently selecting an approximate medoid of a temporal sequence and assess its performance on two large-scale video data sets.
Ning, F., Wen, Y., Shi, G., Meng, D..  2017.  Efficient tamper-evident logging of distributed systems via concurrent authenticated tree. 2017 IEEE 36th International Performance Computing and Communications Conference (IPCCC). :1–9.
Secure logging as an indispensable part of any secure system in practice is well-understood by both academia and industry. However, providing security for audit logs on an untrusted machine in a large distributed system is still a challenging task. The emergence and wide availability of log management tools prompted plenty of work in the security community that allows clients or auditors to verify integrity of the log data. Most recent solutions to this problem focus on the space-efficiency or public verifiability of forward security. Unfortunately, existing secure audit logging schemes have significant performance limitations that make them impractical for realtime large-scale distributed applications: Existing cryptographic hashing is computationally expensive for logging in task intensive or resource-constrained systems especially to prove individual log events, while Merkle-tree approach has fundamental limitations when face with highly concurrent, large-scale log streams due to its serially appending feature. The verification step of Merkle-tree based approach requiring a logarithmic number of hash computations is becoming a bottleneck to improve the overall performance. There is a huge gap between the flux of log streams collected and the computational efficiency of integrity verification in the large-scale distributed systems. In this work, we develop a novel scheme, performance of which favorably compares with the existing solutions. The performance guarantees that we achieve stem from a novel data structure called concurrent authenticated tree, which allows log events concurrently appending and removes the need to wait for append operations to complete sequentially. We implement a prototype using chameleon hashing based on discrete log and Merkle history tree. A comprehensive experimental evaluation of the proposed and existing approaches is used to validate the analytical models and verify our claims. The results demonstrate that our proposed scheme verifying in a concurrent way is significantly more efficient than the previous tree-based approach.
Dutta, R. G., Guo, Xiaolong, Zhang, Teng, Kwiat, K., Kamhoua, C., Njilla, L., Jin, Y..  2017.  Estimation of safe sensor measurements of autonomous system under attack. 2017 54th ACM/EDAC/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC). :1–6.
The introduction of automation in cyber-physical systems (CPS) has raised major safety and security concerns. One attack vector is the sensing unit whose measurements can be manipulated by an adversary through attacks such as denial of service and delay injection. To secure an autonomous CPS from such attacks, we use a challenge response authentication (CRA) technique for detection of attack in active sensors data and estimate safe measurements using the recursive least square algorithm. For demonstrating effectiveness of our proposed approach, a car-follower model is considered where the follower vehicle's radar sensor measurements are manipulated in an attempt to cause a collision.
Yu, Chenhan D., Levitt, James, Reiz, Severin, Biros, George.  2017.  Geometry-oblivious FMM for Compressing Dense SPD Matrices. Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis. :53:1–53:14.
We present GOFMM (geometry-oblivious FMM), a novel method that creates a hierarchical low-rank approximation, or "compression," of an arbitrary dense symmetric positive definite (SPD) matrix. For many applications, GOFMM enables an approximate matrix-vector multiplication in N log N or even N time, where N is the matrix size. Compression requires N log N storage and work. In general, our scheme belongs to the family of hierarchical matrix approximation methods. In particular, it generalizes the fast multipole method (FMM) to a purely algebraic setting by only requiring the ability to sample matrix entries. Neither geometric information (i.e., point coordinates) nor knowledge of how the matrix entries have been generated is required, thus the term "geometry-oblivious." Also, we introduce a shared-memory parallel scheme for hierarchical matrix computations that reduces synchronization barriers. We present results on the Intel Knights Landing and Haswell architectures, and on the NVIDIA Pascal architecture for a variety of matrices.
Alhafidh, B. M. H., Allen, W. H..  2017.  High Level Design of a Home Autonomous System Based on Cyber Physical System Modeling. 2017 IEEE 37th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshops (ICDCSW). :45–52.
The process used to build an autonomous smart home system using Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) principles has received much attention by researchers and developers. However, there are many challenges during the design and implementation of such a system, such as Portability, Timing, Prediction, and Integrity. This paper presents a novel modeling methodology for a smart home system in the scope of CyberPhysical interface that attempts to overcome these issues. We discuss a high-level design approach that simulates the first three levels of a 5C architecture in CPS layers in a smart home environment. A detailed description of the model design, architecture, and a software implementation via NetLogo simulation have been presented in this paper.
Giotsas, Vasileios, Richter, Philipp, Smaragdakis, Georgios, Feldmann, Anja, Dietzel, Christoph, Berger, Arthur.  2017.  Inferring BGP Blackholing Activity in the Internet. Proceedings of the 2017 Internet Measurement Conference. :1–14.
The Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) has been used for decades as the de facto protocol to exchange reachability information among networks in the Internet. However, little is known about how this protocol is used to restrict reachability to selected destinations, e.g., that are under attack. While such a feature, BGP blackholing, has been available for some time, we lack a systematic study of its Internet-wide adoption, practices, and network efficacy, as well as the profile of blackholed destinations. In this paper, we develop and evaluate a methodology to automatically detect BGP blackholing activity in the wild. We apply our method to both public and private BGP datasets. We find that hundreds of networks, including large transit providers, as well as about 50 Internet exchange points (IXPs) offer blackholing service to their customers, peers, and members. Between 2014–2017, the number of blackholed prefixes increased by a factor of 6, peaking at 5K concurrently blackholed prefixes by up to 400 Autonomous Systems. We assess the effect of blackholing on the data plane using both targeted active measurements as well as passive datasets, finding that blackholing is indeed highly effective in dropping traffic before it reaches its destination, though it also discards legitimate traffic. We augment our findings with an analysis of the target IP addresses of blackholing. Our tools and insights are relevant for operators considering offering or using BGP blackholing services as well as for researchers studying DDoS mitigation in the Internet.
Backes, M., Keefe, K., Valdes, A..  2017.  A microgrid ontology for the analysis of cyber-physical security. 2017 Workshop on Modeling and Simulation of Cyber-Physical Energy Systems (MSCPES). :1–6.
The IEC 61850 protocol suite for electrical sub-station automation enables substation configuration and design for protection, communication, and control. These power system applications can be formally verified through use of object models, common data classes, and message classes. The IEC 61850-7-420 DER (Distributed Energy Resource) extension further defines object classes for assets such as types of DER (e.g., energy storage, photovoltaic), DER unit controllers, and other DER-associated devices (e.g., inverter). These object classes describe asset-specific attributes such as state of charge, capacity limits, and ramp rate. Attributes can be fixed (rated capacity of the device) dynamic (state of charge), or binary (on or off, dispatched or off-line, operational or fault state). We sketch out a proposed ontology based on the 61850 and 61850-7-420 DER object classes to model threats against a micro-grid, which is an electrical system consisting of controllable loads and distributed generation that can function autonomously (in island mode) or connected to a larger utility grid. We consider threats against the measurements on which the control loop is based, as well as attacks against the control directives and the communication infrastructure. We use this ontology to build a threat model using the ADversary View Security Evaluation (ADVISE) framework, which enables identification of attack paths based on adversary objectives (for example, destabilize the entire micro-grid by reconnecting to the utility without synchronization) and helps identify defender strategies. Furthermore, the ADVISE method provides quantitative security metrics that can help inform trade-off decisions made by system architects and controls.
Tian, Sen, Ye, Songtao, Iqbal, Muhammad Faisal Buland, Zhang, Jin.  2017.  A New Approach to the Block-based Compressive Sensing. Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Computer Graphics and Digital Image Processing. :21:1–21:5.
The traditional block-based compressive sensing (BCS) approach considers the image to be segmented. However, there is not much literature available on how many numbers of blocks or segments per image would be the best choice for the compression and recovery methods. In this article, we propose a BCS method to find out the optimal way of image retrieval, and the number of the blocks to which into image should be divided. In the theoretical analysis, we analyzed the effect of noise under compression perspective and derived the range of error probability. Experimental results show that the number of blocks of an image has a strong correlation with the image recovery process. As the sampling rate M/N increases, we can find the appropriate number of image blocks by comparing each line.