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Tang, Shibo, Wang, Xingxin, Gao, Yifei, Hu, Wei.  2022.  Accelerating SoC Security Verification and Vulnerability Detection Through Symbolic Execution. 2022 19th International SoC Design Conference (ISOCC). :207–208.
Model checking is one of the most commonly used technique in formal verification. However, the exponential scale state space renders exhaustive state enumeration inefficient even for a moderate System on Chip (SoC) design. In this paper, we propose a method that leverages symbolic execution to accelerate state space search and pinpoint security vulnerabilities. We automatically convert the hardware design to functionally equivalent C++ code and utilize the KLEE symbolic execution engine to perform state exploration through heuristic search. To reduce the search space, we symbolically represent essential input signals while making non-critical inputs concrete. Experiment results have demonstrated that our method can precisely identify security vulnerabilities at significantly lower computation cost.
Chiari, Michele, De Pascalis, Michele, Pradella, Matteo.  2022.  Static Analysis of Infrastructure as Code: a Survey. 2022 IEEE 19th International Conference on Software Architecture Companion (ICSA-C). :218–225.
The increasing use of Infrastructure as Code (IaC) in DevOps leads to benefits in speed and reliability of deployment operation, but extends to infrastructure challenges typical of software systems. IaC scripts can contain defects that result in security and reliability issues in the deployed infrastructure: techniques for detecting and preventing them are needed. We analyze and survey the current state of research in this respect by conducting a literature review on static analysis techniques for IaC. We describe analysis techniques, defect categories and platforms targeted by tools in the literature.
Oakley, Lisa, Oprea, Alina, Tripakis, Stavros.  2022.  Adversarial Robustness Verification and Attack Synthesis in Stochastic Systems. 2022 IEEE 35th Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF). :380–395.

Probabilistic model checking is a useful technique for specifying and verifying properties of stochastic systems including randomized protocols and reinforcement learning models. However, these methods rely on the assumed structure and probabilities of certain system transitions. These assumptions may be incorrect, and may even be violated by an adversary who gains control of some system components. In this paper, we develop a formal framework for adversarial robustness in systems modeled as discrete time Markov chains (DTMCs). We base our framework on existing methods for verifying probabilistic temporal logic properties and extend it to include deterministic, memoryless policies acting in Markov decision processes (MDPs). Our framework includes a flexible approach for specifying structure-preserving and non structure-preserving adversarial models. We outline a class of threat models under which adversaries can perturb system transitions, constrained by an ε ball around the original transition probabilities. We define three main DTMC adversarial robustness problems: adversarial robustness verification, maximal δ synthesis, and worst case attack synthesis. We present two optimization-based solutions to these three problems, leveraging traditional and parametric probabilistic model checking techniques. We then evaluate our solutions on two stochastic protocols and a collection of Grid World case studies, which model an agent acting in an environment described as an MDP. We find that the parametric solution results in fast computation for small parameter spaces. In the case of less restrictive (stronger) adversaries, the number of parameters increases, and directly computing property satisfaction probabilities is more scalable. We demonstrate the usefulness of our definitions and solutions by comparing system outcomes over various properties, threat models, and case studies.

Khanzadi, Pouria, Kordnoori, Shirin, Vasigh, Zahra, Mostafaei, Hamidreza, Akhtarkavan, Ehsan.  2021.  A Cyber Physical System based Stochastic Process Language With NuSMV Model Checker. 2021 International Conference on Intelligent Technology, System and Service for Internet of Everything (ITSS-IoE). :1—8.
Nowadays, cyber physical systems are playing an important role in human life in which they provide features that make interactions between human and machine easier. To design and analysis such systems, the main problem is their complexity. In this paper, we propose a description language for cyber physical systems based on stochastic processes. The proposed language is called SPDL (Stochastic Description Process Language). For designing SPDL, two main parts are considered for Cyber Physical Systems (CSP): embedded systems and physical environment. Then these parts are defined as stochastic processes and CPS is defined as a tuple. Syntax and semantics of SPDL are stated based on the proposed definition. Also, the semantics are defined as by set theory. For implementation of SPDL, dependencies between words of a requirements are extracted as a tree data structure. Based on the dependencies, SPDL is used for describing the CPS. Also, a lexical analyzer and a parser based on a defined BNF grammar for SPDL is designed and implemented. Finally, SPDL of CPS is transformed to NuSMV which is a symbolic model checker. The Experimental results show that SPDL is capable of describing cyber physical systems by natural language.
Ajit, Megha, Sankaran, Sriram, Jain, Kurunandan.  2021.  Formal Verification of 5G EAP-AKA Protocol. 2021 31st International Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference (ITNAC). :140–146.
The advent of 5G, one of the most recent and promising technologies currently under deployment, fulfills the emerging needs of mobile subscribers by introducing several new technological advancements. However, this may lead to numerous attacks in the emerging 5G networks. Thus, to guarantee the secure transmission of user data, 5G Authentication protocols such as Extensible Authentication Protocol - Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol (EAP-AKA) were developed. These protocols play an important role in ensuring security to the users as well as their data. However, there exists no guarantees about the security of the protocols. Thus formal verification is necessary to ensure that the authentication protocols are devoid of vulnerabilities or security loopholes. Towards this goal, we formally verify the security of the 5G EAP-AKA protocol using an automated verification tool called ProVerif. ProVerif identifies traces of attacks and checks for security loopholes that can be accessed by the attackers. In addition, we model the complete architecture of the 5G EAP-AKA protocol using the language called typed pi-calculus and analyze the protocol architecture through symbolic model checking. Our analysis shows that some cryptographic parameters in the architecture can be accessed by the attackers which cause the corresponding security properties to be violated.
Jiang, Hongpu, Yuan, Yuyu, Guo, Ting, Zhao, Pengqian.  2021.  Measuring Trust and Automatic Verification in Multi-Agent Systems. 2021 8th International Conference on Dependable Systems and Their Applications (DSA). :271—277.
Due to the shortage of resources and services, agents are often in competition with each other. Excessive competition will lead to a social dilemma. Under the viewpoint of breaking social dilemma, we present a novel trust-based logic framework called Trust Computation Logic (TCL) for measure method to find the best partners to collaborate and automatically verifying trust in Multi-Agent Systems (MASs). TCL starts from defining trust state in Multi-Agent Systems, which is based on contradistinction between behavior in trust behavior library and in observation. In particular, a set of reasoning postulates along with formal proofs were put forward to support our measure process. Moreover, we introduce symbolic model checking algorithms to formally and automatically verify the system. Finally, the trust measure method and reported experimental results were evaluated by using DeepMind’s Sequential Social Dilemma (SSD) multi-agent game-theoretic environments.
Aranha, Helder, Masi, Massimiliano, Pavleska, Tanja, Sellitto, Giovanni Paolo.  2021.  Securing the metrological chain in IoT environments: an architectural framework. 2021 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Industry 4.0 IoT (MetroInd4.0 IoT). :704–709.
The Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm, with its highly distributed and interconnected architecture, is gaining ground in Industry 4.0 and in critical infrastructures like the eHealth sector, the Smart Grid, Intelligent Power Plants and Smart Mobility. In these critical sectors, the preservation of metrological characteristics and their traceability is a strong legal requirement, just like cyber-security, since it offers the ground for liability. Any vulnerability in the system in which the metrological network is embedded can endanger human lives, the environment or entire economies. This paper presents a framework comprised of a methodology and some tools for the governance of the metrological chain. The proposed methodology combines the RAMI 4.0 model, which is a Reference Architecture used in the field of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), with the the Reference Model for Information Assurance & Security (RMIAS), a framework employed to guarantee information assurance and security, merging them with the well established paradigms to preserve calibration and referability of metrological instruments. Thus, metrological traceability and cyber-security are taken into account straight from design time, providing a conceptual space to achieve security by design and to support the maintenance of the metrological chain over the entire system lifecycle. The framework lends itself to be completely automatized with Model Checking to support automatic detection of non conformity and anomalies at run time.
Haowei, Liang, Chunyan, Hou, Jinsong, Wang, Chen, Chen.  2021.  Software Safety Verification Framework based on Predicate Abstraction. 2021 IEEE 45th Annual Computers, Software, and Applications Conference (COMPSAC). :1327—1332.
Program verification techniques have gained increasing popularity in academic and industrial circles during the last years. Predicate abstraction is a traditional and practical verification technique, which can solve the problem of state space explosion pretty well. Many software verification tools have implemented it. But these implementations are not user-friendly, or scalable. Aimed at these problems, we describe and implement a new automatic predicate abstraction framework, CChecker, for proving the safety of procedural programs with integer assignments. CChecker is a whole system composed of two parts: front and back end. The front end preprocesses and parses the source programs into logic models based on Clang. And the back end resolves the models based on Z3 to get software safety property. At last, the experiments show the potential of CChecker.
O’Toole, Sean, Sewell, Cameron, Mehrpouyan, Hoda.  2021.  IoT Security and Safety Testing Toolkits for Water Distribution Systems. 2021 8th International Conference on Internet of Things: Systems, Management and Security (IOTSMS). :1—8.

Due to the critical importance of Industrial Control Systems (ICS) to the operations of cities and countries, research into the security of critical infrastructure has become increasingly relevant and necessary. As a component of both the research and application sides of smart city development, accurate and precise modeling, simulation, and verification are key parts of a robust design and development tools that provide critical assistance in the prevention, detection, and recovery from abnormal behavior in the sensors, controllers, and actuators which make up a modern ICS system. However, while these tools have potential, there is currently a need for helper-tools to assist with their setup and configuration, if they are to be utilized widely. Existing state-of-the-art tools are often technically complex and difficult to customize for any given IoT/ICS processes. This is a serious barrier to entry for most technicians, engineers, researchers, and smart city planners, while slowing down the critical aspects of safety and security verification. To remedy this issue, we take a case study of existing simulation toolkits within the field of water management and expand on existing tools and algorithms with simplistic automated retrieval functionality using a much more in-depth and usable customization interface to accelerate simulation scenario design and implementation, allowing for customization of the cyber-physical network infrastructure and cyber attack scenarios. We additionally provide a novel in-tool-assessment of network’s resilience according to graph theory path diversity. Further, we lay out a roadmap for future development and application of the proposed tool, including expansions on resiliency and potential vulnerability model checking, and discuss applications of our work to other fields relevant to the design and operation of smart cities.

Wang, Guoqing, Zhuang, Lei, Liu, Taotao, Li, Shuxia, Yang, Sijin, Lan, Julong.  2020.  Formal Analysis and Verification of Industrial Control System Security via Timed Automata. 2020 International Conference on Internet of Things and Intelligent Applications (ITIA). :1–5.
The industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) can facilitate industrial upgrading, intelligent manufacturing, and lean production. Industrial control system (ICS) is a vital support mechanism for many key infrastructures in the IIoT. However, natural defects in the ICS network security mechanism and the susceptibility of the programmable logic controller (PLC) program to malicious attack pose a threat to the safety of national infrastructure equipment. To improve the security of the underlying equipment in ICS, a model checking method based on timed automata is proposed in this work, which can effectively model the control process and accurately simulate the system state when incorporating time factors. Formal analysis of the ICS and PLC is then conducted to formulate malware detection rules which can constrain the normal behavior of the system. The model checking tool UPPAAL is then used to verify the properties by detecting whether there is an exception in the system and determine the behavior of malware through counter-examples. The chemical reaction control system in Tennessee-Eastman process is taken as an example to carry out modeling, characterization, and verification, and can effectively detect multiple patterns of malware and propose relevant security policy recommendations.
Li, Nianyu, Adepu, Sridhar, Kang, Eunsuk, Garlan, David.  2020.  Explanations for Human-on-the-loop: A Probabilistic Model Checking Approach. In Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-managing Systems (SEAMS) - Virtual.

Many self-adaptive systems benefit from human involvement and oversight, where a human operator can provide expertise not available to the system and can detect problems that the system is unaware of. One way of achieving this is by placing the human operator on the loop – i.e., providing supervisory oversight and intervening in the case of questionable adaptation decisions. To make such interaction effective, explanation is sometimes helpful to allow the human to understand why the system is making certain decisions and calibrate confidence from the human perspective. However, explanations come with costs in terms of delayed actions and the possibility that a human may make a bad judgement. Hence, it is not always obvious whether explanations will improve overall utility and, if so, what kinds of explanation to provide to the operator. In this work, we define a formal framework for reasoning about explanations of adaptive system behaviors and the conditions under which they are warranted. Specifically, we characterize explanations in terms of explanation content, effect, and cost. We then present a dynamic adaptation approach that leverages a probabilistic reasoning technique to determine when the explanation should be used in order to improve overall system utility.

Zheng, Xiaoyu, Liu, Dongmei, Zhu, Hong, Bayley, Ian.  2020.  Pattern-Based Approach to Modelling and Verifying System Security. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Service Oriented Systems Engineering (SOSE). :92–102.
Security is one of the most important problems in the engineering of online service-oriented systems. The current best practice in security design is a pattern-oriented approach. A large number of security design patterns have been identified, categorised and documented in the literature. The design of a security solution for a system starts with identification of security requirements and selection of appropriate security design patterns; these are then composed together. It is crucial to verify that the composition of security design patterns is valid in the sense that it preserves the features, semantics and soundness of the patterns and correct in the sense that the security requirements are met by the design. This paper proposes a methodology that employs the algebraic specification language SOFIA to specify security design patterns and their compositions. The specifications are then translated into the Alloy formalism and their validity and correctness are verified using the Alloy model checker. A tool that translates SOFIA into Alloy is presented. A case study with the method and the tool is also reported.
Abdul Basit Ur Rahim, Muhammad, Duan, Qi, Al-Shaer, Ehab.  2020.  A Formal Analysis of Moving Target Defense. 2020 IEEE 44th Annual Computers, Software, and Applications Conference (COMPSAC). :1802—1807.
Static system configuration provides a significant advantage for the adversaries to discover the assets and launch attacks. Configuration-based moving target defense (MTD) reverses the cyber warfare asymmetry by mutating certain configuration parameters to disrupt the attack planning or increase the attack cost significantly. In this research, we present a methodology for the formal verification of MTD techniques. We formally modeled MTD techniques and verified them against constraints. We use Random Host Mutation (RHM) as a case study for MTD formal verification. The RHM transparently mutates the IP addresses of end-hosts and turns into untraceable moving targets. We apply the formal methodology to verify the correctness, safety, mutation, mutation quality, and deadlock-freeness of RHM using the model checking tool. An adversary is also modeled to validate the effectiveness of the MTD technique. Our experimentation validates the scalability and feasibility of the formal verification methodology.
Ghazo, A. T. Al, Ibrahim, M., Ren, H., Kumar, R..  2020.  A2G2V: Automatic Attack Graph Generation and Visualization and Its Applications to Computer and SCADA Networks. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems. 50:3488–3498.
Securing cyber-physical systems (CPS) and Internet of Things (IoT) systems requires the identification of how interdependence among existing atomic vulnerabilities may be exploited by an adversary to stitch together an attack that can compromise the system. Therefore, accurate attack graphs play a significant role in systems security. A manual construction of the attack graphs is tedious and error-prone, this paper proposes a model-checking-based automated attack graph generator and visualizer (A2G2V). The proposed A2G2V algorithm uses existing model-checking tools, an architecture description tool, and our own code to generate an attack graph that enumerates the set of all possible sequences in which atomic-level vulnerabilities can be exploited to compromise system security. The architecture description tool captures a formal representation of the networked system, its atomic vulnerabilities, their pre-and post-conditions, and security property of interest. A model-checker is employed to automatically identify an attack sequence in the form of a counterexample. Our own code integrated with the model-checker parses the counterexamples, encodes those for specification relaxation, and iterates until all attack sequences are revealed. Finally, a visualization tool has also been incorporated with A2G2V to generate a graphical representation of the generated attack graph. The results are illustrated through application to computer as well as control (SCADA) networks.
He, Leifeng, Liu, Guanjun.  2020.  Petri Nets Based Verification of Epistemic Logic and Its Application on Protocols of Privacy and Security. 2020 IEEE World Congress on Services (SERVICES). :25–28.
Epistemic logic can specify many design requirements of privacy and security of multi-agent systems (MAS). The existing model checkers of epistemic logic use some programming languages to describe MAS, induce Kripke models as the behavioral representation of MAS, apply Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams (OBDD) to encode Kripke models to solve their state explosion problem and verify epistemic logic based on the encoded Kripke models. However, these programming languages are usually non-intuitive. More seriously, their OBDD-based model checking processes are often time-consuming due to their dynamic variable ordering for OBDD. Therefore, we define Knowledge-oriented Petri Nets (KPN) to intuitively describe MAS, induce similar reachability graphs as the behavioral representation of KPN, apply OBDD to encode all reachable states, and finally verify epistemic logic. Although we also use OBDD, we adopt a heuristic method for the computation of a static variable order instead of dynamic variable ordering. More importantly, while verifying an epistemic formula, we dynamically generate its needed similar relations, which makes our model checking process much more efficient. In this paper, we introduce our work.
Fang, Zheng, Fu, Hao, Gu, Tianbo, Qian, Zhiyun, Jaeger, Trent, Mohapatra, Prasant.  2019.  ForeSee: A Cross-Layer Vulnerability Detection Framework for the Internet of Things. 2019 IEEE 16th International Conference on Mobile Ad Hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS). :236–244.
The exponential growth of Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices not only brings convenience but also poses numerous challenging safety and security issues. IoT devices are distributed, highly heterogeneous, and more importantly, directly interact with the physical environment. In IoT systems, the bugs in device firmware, the defects in network protocols, and the design flaws in system configurations all may lead to catastrophic accidents, causing severe threats to people's lives and properties. The challenge gets even more escalated as the possible attacks may be chained together in a long sequence across multiple layers, rendering the current vulnerability analysis inapplicable. In this paper, we present ForeSee, a cross-layer formal framework to comprehensively unveil the vulnerabilities in IoT systems. ForeSee generates a novel attack graph that depicts all of the essential components in IoT, from low-level physical surroundings to high-level decision-making processes. The corresponding graph-based analysis then enables ForeSee to precisely capture potential attack paths. An optimization algorithm is further introduced to reduce the computational complexity of our analysis. The illustrative case studies show that our multilayer modeling can capture threats ignored by the previous approaches.
Gajavelly, Raj Kumar, Baumgartner, Jason, Ivrii, Alexander, Kanzelman, Robert L., Ghosh, Shiladitya.  2019.  Input Elimination Transformations for Scalable Verification and Trace Reconstruction. 2019 Formal Methods in Computer Aided Design (FMCAD). :10–18.
We present two novel sound and complete netlist transformations, which substantially improve verification scalability while enabling very efficient trace reconstruction. First, we present a 2QBF variant of input reparameterization, capable of eliminating inputs without introducing new logic and without complete range computation. While weaker in reduction potential, it yields up to 4 orders of magnitude speedup to trace reconstruction when used as a fast-and-lossy preprocess to traditional reparameterization. Second, we present a novel scalable approach to leverage sequential unateness to merge selective inputs, in cases greatly reducing netlist size and verification complexity. Extensive benchmarking demonstrates the utility of these techniques. Connectivity verification particularly benefits from these reductions, up to 99.8%.
Chondamrongkul, Nacha, Sun, Jing, Wei, Bingyang, Warren, Ian.  2019.  Parallel Verification of Software Architecture Design. 2019 IEEE 19th International Symposium on High Assurance Systems Engineering (HASE). :50–57.
In the component-based software system, certain behaviours of components and their composition may affect system reliability at runtime. This problem can be early detected through the automated verification of software architecture design, by which model checking is one of the techniques to achieve this. However, its practicality and performance issue remain challenges. This paper presents a scalable approach for the software architecture verification. The modelling is proposed to manifest the behaviours in the software component, in order to detect problematic behaviours, such as circular dependency and performance bottleneck. The outcome of the verification identifies the problem and the scenarios that cause it. In order to mitigate the verification performance issue, the parallelism is applied to the verification process so that multiple decomposed models can be simultaneously verified on a multi-threaded environment. As some software systems are designed as the monolithic architecture, we present a method that helps to automatically decompose a large monolithic model into a set of smaller sub-models. Our approach was evaluated and proved to enhance the performance of the verification process for the large-scale complex software systems.
Letychevskyi, Oleksandr.  2019.  Two-Level Algebraic Method for Detection of Vulnerabilities in Binary Code. 2019 10th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications (IDAACS). 2:1074–1077.
This study introduces formal methods for detection of vulnerabilities in binary code. It considers the transformation of binary code into behavior algebra expressions and formalization of vulnerabilities. The detection method has two levels: behavior matching and symbolic execution with vulnerability pattern matching. This enables more efficient performance.
Zhang, Yanmiao, Ji, Xiaoyu, Cheng, Yushi, Xu, Wenyuan.  2019.  Vulnerability Detection for Smart Grid Devices via Static Analysis. 2019 Chinese Control Conference (CCC). :8915–8919.
As a modern power transmission network, smart grid connects abundant terminal devices and plays an important role in our daily life. However, along with its growth are the security threats. Different from the separated environment previously, an adversary nowadays can destroy the power system by attacking its terminal devices. As a result, it's critical to ensure the security and safety of terminal devices. To achieve it, detecting the pre-existing vulnerabilities in the terminal program and enhancing its security, are of great importance and necessity. In this paper, we introduce Cker, a novel vulnerability detection tool for smart grid devices, which generates an program model based on device sources and sets rules to perform model checking. We utilize the static analysis to extract necessary information and build corresponding program models. By further checking the model with pre-defined vulnerability patterns, we achieve security detection and error reporting. The evaluation results demonstrate that our method can effectively detect vulnerabilities in smart devices with an acceptable accuracy and false positive rate. In addition, as Cker is realized by pure python, it can be easily scaled to other platforms.
Tran-Jørgensen, Peter W. V., Kulik, Tomas, Boudjadar, Jalil, Larsen, Peter Gorm.  2019.  Security Analysis of Cloud-Connected Industrial Control Systems Using Combinatorial Testing. Proceedings of the 17th ACM-IEEE International Conference on Formal Methods and Models for System Design. :1–11.

Industrial control systems are moving from monolithic to distributed and cloud-connected architectures, which increases system complexity and vulnerability, thus complicates security analysis. When exhaustive verification accounts for this complexity the state space being sought grows drastically as the system model evolves and more details are considered. Eventually this may lead to state space explosion, which makes exhaustive verification infeasible. To address this, we use VDM-SL's combinatorial testing feature to generate security attacks that are executed against the model to verify whether the system has the desired security properties. We demonstrate our approach using a cloud-connected industrial control system that is responsible for performing safety-critical tasks and handling client requests sent to the control network. Although the approach is not exhaustive it enables verification of mitigation strategies for a large number of attacks and complex systems within reasonable time.

Todorov, Vassil, Taha, Safouan, Boulanger, Frédéric, Hernandez, Armando.  2019.  Improved Invariant Generation for Industrial Software Model Checking of Time Properties. 2019 IEEE 19th International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security (QRS). :334–341.
Modern automotive embedded software is mostly designed using model-based design tools such as Simulink or SCADE, and source code is generated automatically from the models. Formal proof using symbolic model checking has been integrated in these tools and can provide a higher assurance by proving safety-critical properties. Our experience shows that proving properties involving time is rather challenging when they involve long durations and timers. These properties are generally not inductive and even advanced techniques such as PDR/IC3 are unable to handle them on production models in reasonable time. In this paper, we first present our industrial use case and comment on the results obtained with the existing model checkers. Then we present our invariant generator and methodology for selecting invariants according to physical dimensions. They enable the proof of properties with long-running timers. Finally, we discuss their implementation and benchmarks.
Mercaldo, Francesco, Martinelli, Fabio, Santone, Antonella.  2019.  Real-Time SCADA Attack Detection by Means of Formal Methods. 2019 IEEE 28th International Conference on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises (WETICE). :231–236.
SCADA control systems use programmable logic controller to interface with critical machines. SCADA systems are used in critical infrastructures, for instance, to control smart grid, oil pipelines, water distribution and chemical manufacturing plants: an attacker taking control of a SCADA system could cause various damages, both to the infrastructure but also to people (for instance, adding chemical substances into a water distribution systems). In this paper we propose a method to detect attacks targeting SCADA systems. We exploit model checking, in detail we model logs from SCADA systems into a network of timed automata and, through timed temporal logic, we characterize the behaviour of a SCADA system under attack. Experiments performed on a SCADA water distribution system confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Yi, F., Cai, H. Y., Xin, F. Z..  2018.  A Logic-Based Attack Graph for Analyzing Network Security Risk Against Potential Attack. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Networking, Architecture and Storage (NAS). :1-4.
In this paper, we present LAPA, a framework for automatically analyzing network security risk and generating attack graph for potential attack. The key novelty in our work is that we represent the properties of networks and zero day vulnerabilities, and use logical reasoning algorithm to generate potential attack path to determine if the attacker can exploit these vulnerabilities. In order to demonstrate the efficacy, we have implemented the LAPA framework and compared with three previous network vulnerability analysis methods. Our analysis results have a low rate of false negatives and less cost of processing time due to the worst case assumption and logical property specification and reasoning. We have also conducted a detailed study of the efficiency for generation attack graph with different value of attack path number, attack path depth and network size, which affect the processing time mostly. We estimate that LAPA can produce high quality results for a large portion of networks.
Sepulveda, Johanna, Aboul-Hassan, Damian, Sigl, Georg, Becker, Bernd, Sauer, Matthias.  2018.  Towards the formal verification of security properties of a Network-on-Chip router. 2018 IEEE 23rd European Test Symposium (ETS). :1—6.
pubcrawl, Network on Chip Security, Scalability, resiliency, resilience, metrics, Vulnerabilities and design flaws in Network-on-Chip (NoC) routers can be exploited in order to spy, modify and constraint the sensitive communication inside the Multi-Processors Systems-on-Chip (MPSoCs). Although previous works address the NoC threat, finding secure and efficient solutions to verify the security is still a challenge. In this work, we propose for the first time a method to formally verify the correctness and the security properties of a NoC router in order to provide the proper communication functionality and to avoid NoC attacks. We present a generalized verification flow that proves a wide set of implementation-independent security-related properties to hold. We employ unbounded model checking techniques to account for the highly-sequential behaviour of the NoC systems. The evaluation results demonstrate the feasibility of our approach by presenting verification results of six different NoC routing architectures demonstrating the vulnerabilities of each design.