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Armknecht, Frederik, Boyd, Colin, Davies, Gareth T., Gjøsteen, Kristian, Toorani, Mohsen.  2017.  Side Channels in Deduplication: Trade-offs Between Leakage and Efficiency. Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :266–274.
Deduplication removes redundant copies of files or data blocks stored on the cloud. Client-side deduplication, where the client only uploads the file upon the request of the server, provides major storage and bandwidth savings, but introduces a number of security concerns. Harnik et al. (2010) showed how cross-user client-side deduplication inherently gives the adversary access to a (noisy) side-channel that may divulge whether or not a particular file is stored on the server, leading to leakage of user information. We provide formal definitions for deduplication strategies and their security in terms of adversarial advantage. Using these definitions, we provide a criterion for designing good strategies and then prove a bound characterizing the necessary trade-off between security and efficiency.
Petsios, Theofilos, Zhao, Jason, Keromytis, Angelos D., Jana, Suman.  2017.  SlowFuzz: Automated Domain-Independent Detection of Algorithmic Complexity Vulnerabilities. Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :2155–2168.
Algorithmic complexity vulnerabilities occur when the worst-case time/space complexity of an application is significantly higher than the respective average case for particular user-controlled inputs. When such conditions are met, an attacker can launch Denial-of-Service attacks against a vulnerable application by providing inputs that trigger the worst-case behavior. Such attacks have been known to have serious effects on production systems, take down entire websites, or lead to bypasses of Web Application Firewalls. Unfortunately, existing detection mechanisms for algorithmic complexity vulnerabilities are domain-specific and often require significant manual effort. In this paper, we design, implement, and evaluate SlowFuzz, a domain-independent framework for automatically finding algorithmic complexity vulnerabilities. SlowFuzz automatically finds inputs that trigger worst-case algorithmic behavior in the tested binary. SlowFuzz uses resource-usage-guided evolutionary search techniques to automatically find inputs that maximize computational resource utilization for a given application. We demonstrate that SlowFuzz successfully generates inputs that match the theoretical worst-case performance for several well-known algorithms. SlowFuzz was also able to generate a large number of inputs that trigger different algorithmic complexity vulnerabilities in real-world applications, including various zip parsers used in antivirus software, regular expression libraries used in Web Application Firewalls, as well as hash table implementations used in Web applications. In particular, SlowFuzz generated inputs that achieve 300-times slowdown in the decompression routine of the bzip utility, discovered regular expressions that exhibit matching times exponential in the input size, and also managed to automatically produce inputs that trigger a high number of collisions in PHP's default hashtable implementation.
Valkov, Dimitar, Flagge, Steffen.  2017.  Smooth Immersion: The Benefits of Making the Transition to Virtual Environments a Continuous Process. Proceedings of the 5th Symposium on Spatial User Interaction. :12–19.
In this paper we discuss the benefits and the limitations, as well as different implementation options for smooth immersion into a HMD-based IVE. We evaluated our concept in a preliminary user study, in which we have tested users' awareness, reality judgment and experience in the IVE, when using different transition techniques to enter it. Our results show that a smooth transition to the IVE improves the awareness of the user and may increase the perceived interactivity of the system.
Kübler, Florian, Müller, Patrick, Hermann, Ben.  2017.  SootKeeper: Runtime Reusability for Modular Static Analysis. Proceedings of the 6th ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on State Of the Art in Program Analysis. :19–24.
In order to achieve a higher reusability and testability, static analyses are increasingly being build as modular pipelines of analysis components. However, to build, debug, test, and evaluate these components the complete pipeline has to be executed every time. This process recomputes intermediate results which have already been computed in a previous run but are lost because the preceding process ended and removed them from memory. We propose to leverage runtime reusability for static analysis pipelines and introduce SootKeeper, a framework to modularize static analyses into OSGi (Open Service Gateway initiative) bundles, which takes care of the automatic caching of intermediate results. Little to no change to the original analysis is necessary to use SootKeeper while speeding up the execution of code-build-debug cycles or evaluation pipelines significantly.
Stone, Chris McMahon, Chothia, Tom, Garcia, Flavio D..  2017.  Spinner: Semi-Automatic Detection of Pinning Without Hostname Verification. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Computer Security Applications Conference. :176–188.
Certificate verification is a crucial stage in the establishment of a TLS connection. A common security flaw in TLS implementations is the lack of certificate hostname verification but, in general, this is easy to detect. In security-sensitive applications, the usage of certificate pinning is on the rise. This paper shows that certificate pinning can (and often does) hide the lack of proper hostname verification, enabling MITM attacks. Dynamic (black-box) detection of this vulnerability would typically require the tester to own a high security certificate from the same issuer (and often same intermediate CA) as the one used by the app. We present Spinner, a new tool for black-box testing for this vulnerability at scale that does not require purchasing any certificates. By redirecting traffic to websites which use the relevant certificates and then analysing the (encrypted) network traffic we are able to determine whether the hostname check is correctly done, even in the presence of certificate pinning. We use Spinner to analyse 400 security-sensitive Android and iPhone apps. We found that 9 apps had this flaw, including two of the largest banks in the world: Bank of America and HSBC. We also found that TunnelBear, one of the most popular VPN apps was also vulnerable. These apps have a joint user base of tens of millions of users.
Shu, Rui, Gu, Xiaohui, Enck, William.  2017.  A Study of Security Vulnerabilities on Docker Hub. Proceedings of the Seventh ACM on Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy. :269–280.
Docker containers have recently become a popular approach to provision multiple applications over shared physical hosts in a more lightweight fashion than traditional virtual machines. This popularity has led to the creation of the Docker Hub registry, which distributes a large number of official and community images. In this paper, we study the state of security vulnerabilities in Docker Hub images. We create a scalable Docker image vulnerability analysis (DIVA) framework that automatically discovers, downloads, and analyzes both official and community images on Docker Hub. Using our framework, we have studied 356,218 images and made the following findings: (1) both official and community images contain more than 180 vulnerabilities on average when considering all versions; (2) many images have not been updated for hundreds of days; and (3) vulnerabilities commonly propagate from parent images to child images. These findings demonstrate a strong need for more automated and systematic methods of applying security updates to Docker images and our current Docker image analysis framework provides a good foundation for such automatic security update. This article is summarized in: the morning paper an interesting/influential/important paper from the world of CS every weekday morning, as selected by Adrian Colyer
Quach, Anh, Cole, Matthew, Prakash, Aravind.  2017.  Supplementing Modern Software Defenses with Stack-Pointer Sanity. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Computer Security Applications Conference. :116–127.
The perpetual cat-and-mouse game between attackers and software defenders has highlighted the need for strong and robust security. With performance as a key concern, most modern defenses focus on control-flow integrity (CFI), a program property that requires runtime execution of a program to adhere to a statically determined control-flow graph (CFG). Despite its success in preventing traditional return-oriented programming (ROP), CFI is known to be ineffective against modern attacks that adhere to a statically recovered CFG (e.g., COOP). This paper introduces stack-pointer integrity (SPI) as a means to supplement CFI and other modern defense techniques. Due to its ability to influence indirect control targets, stack pointer is a key artifact in attacks. We define SPI as a property comprising of two key sub-properties - Stack Localization and Stack Conservation - and implement a LLVM-based compiler prototype codenamed SPIglass that enforces SPI. We demonstrate a low implementation overhead and incremental deployability, two of the most desirable features for practical deployment. Our performance experiments show that the overhead of our defense is low in practice. We opensource SPIglass for the benefit of the community.
Häuslschmid, Renate, von Bülow, Max, Pfleging, Bastian, Butz, Andreas.  2017.  SupportingTrust in Autonomous Driving. Proceedings of the 22Nd International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces. :319–329.
Autonomous cars will likely hit the market soon, but trust into such a technology is one of the big discussion points in the public debate. Drivers who have always been in complete control of their car are expected to willingly hand over control and blindly trust a technology that could kill them. We argue that trust in autonomous driving can be increased by means of a driver interface that visualizes the car's interpretation of the current situation and its corresponding actions. To verify this, we compared different visualizations in a user study, overlaid to a driving scene: (1) a chauffeur avatar, (2) a world in miniature, and (3) a display of the car's indicators as the baseline. The world in miniature visualization increased trust the most. The human-like chauffeur avatar can also increase trust, however, we did not find a significant difference between the chauffeur and the baseline.
Belk, Marios, Pamboris, Andreas, Fidas, Christos, Katsini, Christina, Avouris, Nikolaos, Samaras, George.  2017.  Sweet-spotting Security and Usability for Intelligent Graphical Authentication Mechanisms. Proceedings of the International Conference on Web Intelligence. :252–259.
This paper investigates the trade-off between security and usability in recognition-based graphical authentication mechanisms. Through a user study (N=103) based on a real usage scenario, it draws insights about the security strength and memorability of a chosen password with respect to the amount of images presented to users during sign-up. In particular, it reveals the users' predisposition in following predictable patterns when selecting graphical passwords, and its effect on practical security strength. It also demonstrates that a "sweet-spot" exists between security and usability in graphical authentication approaches on the basis of adjusting accordingly the image grid size presented to users when creating passwords. The results of the study can be leveraged by researchers and practitioners engaged in designing intelligent graphical authentication user interfaces for striking an appropriate balance between security and usability.
Daniels, Wilfried, Hughes, Danny, Ammar, Mahmoud, Crispo, Bruno, Matthys, Nelson, Joosen, Wouter.  2017.  SΜV - the Security Microvisor: A Virtualisation-based Security Middleware for the Internet of Things. Proceedings of the 18th ACM/IFIP/USENIX Middleware Conference: Industrial Track. :36–42.
The Internet of Things (IoT) creates value by connecting digital processes to the physical world using embedded sensors, actuators and wireless networks. The IoT is increasingly intertwined with critical industrial processes, yet contemporary IoT devices offer limited security features, creating a large new attack surface and inhibiting the adoption of IoT technologies. Hardware security modules address this problem, however, their use increases the cost of embedded IoT devices. Furthermore, millions of IoT devices are already deployed without hardware security support. This paper addresses this problem by introducing a Security MicroVisor (SμV) middleware, which provides memory isolation and custom security operations using software virtualisation and assembly-level code verification. We showcase SμV by implementing a key security feature: remote attestation. Evaluation shows extremely low overhead in terms of memory, performance and battery lifetime for a representative IoT device.
Murdock, Austin, Li, Frank, Bramsen, Paul, Durumeric, Zakir, Paxson, Vern.  2017.  Target Generation for Internet-wide IPv6 Scanning. Proceedings of the 2017 Internet Measurement Conference. :242–253.
Fast IPv4 scanning has enabled researchers to answer a wealth of new security and measurement questions. However, while increased network speeds and computational power have enabled comprehensive scans of the IPv4 address space, a brute-force approach does not scale to IPv6. Systems are limited to scanning a small fraction of the IPv6 address space and require an algorithmic approach to determine a small set of candidate addresses to probe. In this paper, we first explore the considerations that guide designing such algorithms. We introduce a new approach that identifies dense address space regions from a set of known "seed" addresses and generates a set of candidates to scan. We compare our algorithm 6Gen against Entropy/IP—the current state of the art—finding that we can recover between 1–8 times as many addresses for the five candidate datasets considered in the prior work. However, during our analysis, we uncover widespread IP aliasing in IPv6 networks. We discuss its effect on target generation and explore preliminary approaches for detecting aliased regions.
Jemel, M., Msahli, M., Serhrouchni, A..  2017.  Towards an Efficient File Synchronization between Digital Safes. 2017 IEEE 31st International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA). :136–143.
One of the main concerns of Cloud storage solutions is to offer the availability to the end user. Thus, addressing the mobility needs and device's variety has emerged as a major challenge. At first, data should be synchronized automatically and continuously when the user moves from one equipment to another. Secondly, the Cloud service should offer to the owner the possibility to share data with specific users. The paper's goal is to develop a secure framework that ensures file synchronization with high quality and minimal resource consumption. As a first step towards this goal, we propose the SyncDS protocol with its associated architecture. The synchronization protocol efficiency raises through the choice of the used networking protocol as well as the strategy of changes detection between two versions of file systems located in different devices. Our experiment results show that adopting the Hierarchical Hash Tree to detect the changes between two file systems and adopting the WebSocket protocol for the data exchanges improve the efficiency of the synchronization protocol.
Rocchetto, Marco, Tippenhauer, Nils Ole.  2017.  Towards Formal Security Analysis of Industrial Control Systems. Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :114–126.
We discuss the use of formal modeling to discover potential attacks on Cyber-Physical systems, in particular Industrial Control Systems. We propose a general approach to achieve that goal considering physical-layer interactions, time and state discretization of the physical process and logic, and the use of suitable attacker profiles. We then apply the approach to model a real-world water treatment testbed using ASLan++ and analyze the resulting transition system using CL-AtSe, identifying four attack classes. To show that the attacks identified by our formal assessment represent valid attacks, we compare them against practical attacks on the same system found independently by six teams from industry and academia. We find that 7 out of the 8 practical attacks were also identified by our formal assessment. We discuss limitations resulting from our chosen level of abstraction, and a number of modeling shortcuts to reduce the runtime of the analysis.
Allodi, Luca, Etalle, Sandro.  2017.  Towards Realistic Threat Modeling: Attack Commodification, Irrelevant Vulnerabilities, and Unrealistic Assumptions. Proceedings of the 2017 Workshop on Automated Decision Making for Active Cyber Defense. :23–26.
Current threat models typically consider all possible ways an attacker can penetrate a system and assign probabilities to each path according to some metric (e.g. time-to-compromise). In this paper we discuss how this view hinders the realness of both technical (e.g. attack graphs) and strategic (e.g. game theory) approaches of current threat modeling, and propose to steer away by looking more carefully at attack characteristics and attacker environment. We use a toy threat model for ICS attacks to show how a realistic view of attack instances can emerge from a simple analysis of attack phases and attacker limitations.
Rafique, Ansar, Van Landuyt, Dimitri, Reniers, Vincent, Joosen, Wouter.  2017.  Towards Scalable and Dynamic Data Encryption for Multi-tenant SaaS. Proceedings of the Symposium on Applied Computing. :411–416.
Application-level data management middleware solutions are becoming increasingly compelling to deal with the complexity of a multi-cloud or federated cloud storage and multitenant storage architecture. However, these systems typically support traditional data mapping strategies that are created under the assumption of a fixed and rigorous database schema, and mapping data objects while supporting varying data confidentiality requirements therefore leads to fragmentation of data over distributed storage nodes. This introduces performance over-head at the level of individual database transactions and negatively affects the overall scalability. This paper discusses these challenges and highlights the potential of leveraging the data schema flexibility of NoSQL databases to accomplish dynamic and fine-grained data encryption in a more efficient and scalable manner. We illustrate these ideas in the context of an industrial multi-tenant SaaS application.
Papp, Dorottya, Buttyán, Levente, Ma, Zhendong.  2017.  Towards Semi-automated Detection of Trigger-based Behavior for Software Security Assurance. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security. :64:1–64:6.
A program exhibits trigger-based behavior if it performs undocumented, often malicious, functions when the environmental conditions and/or specific input values match some pre-specified criteria. Checking whether such hidden functions exist in the program is important for increasing trustworthiness of software. In this paper, we propose a framework to effectively detect trigger-based behavior at the source code level. Our approach is semi-automated: We use automated source code instrumentation and mixed concrete and symbolic execution to generate potentially suspicious test cases that may trigger hidden, potentially malicious functions. The test cases must be investigated by a human analyst manually to decide which of them are real triggers. While our approach is not fully automated, it greatly reduces manual work by allowing analysts to focus on a few test cases found by our automated tools.
Yasin, M., Mazumdar, B., Rajendran, J. J. V., Sinanoglu, O..  2017.  TTLock: Tenacious and traceless logic locking. 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Hardware Oriented Security and Trust (HOST). :166–166.
Logic locking is an intellectual property (IP) protection technique that prevents IP piracy, reverse engineering and overbuilding attacks by the untrusted foundry or endusers. Existing logic locking techniques are all vulnerable to various attacks, such as sensitization, key-pruning and signal skew analysis enabled removal attacks. In this paper, we propose TTLock that provably withstands all known attacks. TTLock protects a designer-specified number of input patterns, enabling a controlled and provably-secure trade-off between key-pruning attack resilience and removal attack resilience. All the key-bits converge on a single signal, creating maximal interference and thus resisting sensitization attacks. And, obfuscation is performed by modifying the design IP in a secret and traceless way, thwarting signal skew analysis and the removal attack it enables. Experimental results confirm our theoretical expectations that the computational complexity of attacks launched on TTLock grows exponentially with increasing key-size, while the area, power, and delay overhead increases only linearly.
Canetti, R., Hogan, K., Malhotra, A., Varia, M..  2017.  A Universally Composable Treatment of Network Time. 2017 IEEE 30th Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF). :360–375.
The security of almost any real-world distributed system today depends on the participants having some "reasonably accurate" sense of current real time. Indeed, to name one example, the very authenticity of practically any communication on the Internet today hinges on the ability of the parties to accurately detect revocation of certificates, or expiration of passwords or shared keys.,,However, as recent attacks show, the standard protocols for determining time are subvertible, resulting in wide-spread security loss. Worse yet, we do not have security notions for network time protocols that (a) can be rigorously asserted, and (b) rigorously guarantee security of applications that require a sense of real time.,,We propose such notions, within the universally composable (UC) security framework. That is, we formulate ideal functionalities that capture a number of prevalent forms of time measurement within existing systems. We show how they can be realized by real-world protocols, and how they can be used to assert security of time-reliant applications - specifically, certificates with revocation and expiration times. This allows for relatively clear and modular treatment of the use of time consensus in security-sensitive systems.,,Our modeling and analysis are done within the existing UC framework, in spite of its asynchronous, event-driven nature. This allows incorporating the use of real time within the existing body of analytical work done in this framework. In particular it allows for rigorous incorporation of real time within cryptographic tools and primitives.
Zhao, Yongjun, Chow, Sherman S.M..  2017.  Updatable Block-Level Message-Locked Encryption. Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :449–460.
Deduplication is a widely used technique for reducing storage space of cloud service providers. Yet, it is unclear how to support deduplication of encrypted data securely until the study of Bellareetal on message-locked encryption (Eurocrypt 2013). Since then, there are many improvements such as strengthening its security, reducing client storage, etc. While updating a (shared) file is common, there is little attention on how to efficiently update large encrypted files in a remote storage with deduplication. To modify even a single bit, existing solutions require the trivial and expensive way of downloading and decrypting the large ciphertext. We initiate the study of updatable block-level message-locked encryption. We propose a provably secure construction that is efficiently updatable with O(logtextbarFtextbar) computational cost, where textbarFtextbar is the file size. It also supports proof-of-ownership, a nice feature which protects storage providers from being abused as a free content distribution network.
Ayoob, Mustafa, Adi, Wael, Prevelakis, Vassilis.  2017.  Using Ciphers for Failure-Recovery in ITS Systems. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security. :98:1–98:7.
Combining Error-Correction Coding ECC and cryptography was proposed in the recent decade making use of bit-quality parameters to improve the error correction capability. Most of such techniques combine authentication crypto-functions jointly with ECC codes to improve system reliability, while fewer proposals involve ciphering functions with ECC to improve reliability. In this work, we propose practical and pragmatic low-cost approaches for making use of existing ciphering functions for reliability improvement. The presented techniques show that ciphering functions (as deterministic, non-linear bijective functions) can serve to achieve error correction enhancement and hence allow error recovery and scalable security trade-offs with or without additional ECC components. We demonstrate two best-effort error-correcting strategies. It is further shown, that the targeted reliability improvement is scalable to attain practical usability. The first proposed technique is pure-cipher-based error correction procedure deploying hard decision, best-effort operations to improve the system-survivability without changing system configuration. The second strategy is making use of ECC in combination with the ciphering function to enhance system-survivability. The correction procedures are based on simple experimental search-and-modify the corrupted ciphertext until predefined criteria become valid. This procedure may, however, turn out to become equivalent to a successful integrity/authenticity attack that may reduce the system security level, however in a scalable and predictable non-significant fashion.
Ye, Katherine Q., Green, Matthew, Sanguansin, Naphat, Beringer, Lennart, Petcher, Adam, Appel, Andrew W..  2017.  Verified Correctness and Security of mbedTLS HMAC-DRBG. Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :2007–2020.
We have formalized the functional specification of HMAC-DRBG (NIST 800-90A), and we have proved its cryptographic security-that its output is pseudorandom–using a hybrid game-based proof. We have also proved that the mbedTLS implementation (C program) correctly implements this functional specification. That proof composes with an existing C compiler correctness proof to guarantee, end-to-end, that the machine language program gives strong pseudorandomness. All proofs (hybrid games, C program verification, compiler, and their composition) are machine-checked in the Coq proof assistant. Our proofs are modular: the hybrid game proof holds on any implementation of HMAC-DRBG that satisfies our functional specification. Therefore, our functional specification can serve as a high-assurance reference.
Vincur, J., Navrat, P., Polasek, I..  2017.  VR City: Software Analysis in Virtual Reality Environment. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security Companion (QRS-C). :509–516.
This paper presents software visualization tool that utilizes the modified city metaphor to represent software system and related analysis data in virtual reality environment. To better address all three kinds of software aspects we propose a new layouting algorithm that provides a higher level of detail and position the buildings according to the coupling between classes that they represent. Resulting layout allows us to visualize software metrics and source code modifications at the granularity of methods, visualize method invocations involved in program execution and to support the remodularization analysis. To further reduce the cognitive load and increase efficiency of 3D visualization we allow users to observe and interact with our city in immersive virtual reality environment that also provides a source code browsing feature. We demonstrate the use of our approach on two open-source systems.
Liu, Zechao, Wang, Xuan, Cui, Lei, Jiang, Zoe L., Zhang, Chunkai.  2017.  White-box traceable dynamic attribute based encryption. 2017 International Conference on Security, Pattern Analysis, and Cybernetics (SPAC). :526–530.
Ciphertext policy attribute-based encryption (CP-ABE) is a promising technology that offers fine-grained access control over encrypted data. In a CP-ABE scheme, any user can decrypt the ciphertext using his secret key if his attributes satisfy the access policy embedded in the ciphertext. Since the same ciphertext can be decrypted by multiple users with their own keys, the malicious users may intentionally leak their decryption keys for financial profits. So how to trace the malicious users becomes an important issue in a CP-ABE scheme. In addition, from the practical point of view, users may leave the system due to resignation or dismissal. So user revocation is another hot issue that should be solved. In this paper, we propose a practical CP-ABE scheme. On the one hand, our scheme has the properties of traceability and large universe. On the other hand, our scheme can solve the dynamic issue of user revocation. The proposed scheme is proved selectively secure in the standard model.
Komargodski, Ilan, Naor, Moni, Yogev, Eylon.  2017.  White-Box vs. Black-Box Complexity of Search Problems: Ramsey and Graph Property Testing. 2017 IEEE 58th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS). :622–632.
Ramsey theory assures us that in any graph there is a clique or independent set of a certain size, roughly logarithmic in the graph size. But how difficult is it to find the clique or independent set? If the graph is given explicitly, then it is possible to do so while examining a linear number of edges. If the graph is given by a black-box, where to figure out whether a certain edge exists the box should be queried, then a large number of queries must be issued. But what if one is given a program or circuit for computing the existence of an edge? This problem was raised by Buss and Goldberg and Papadimitriou in the context of TFNP, search problems with a guaranteed solution. We examine the relationship between black-box complexity and white-box complexity for search problems with guaranteed solution such as the above Ramsey problem. We show that under the assumption that collision resistant hash function exist (which follows from the hardness of problems such as factoring, discrete-log and learning with errors) the white-box Ramsey problem is hard and this is true even if one is looking for a much smaller clique or independent set than the theorem guarantees. In general, one cannot hope to translate all black-box hardness for TFNP into white-box hardness: we show this by adapting results concerning the random oracle methodology and the impossibility of instantiating it. Another model we consider is the succinct black-box, where there is a known upper bound on the size of the black-box (but no limit on the computation time). In this case we show that for all TFNP problems there is an upper bound on the number of queries proportional to the description size of the box times the solution size. On the other hand, for promise problems this is not the case. Finally, we consider the complexity of graph property testing in the white-box model. We show a property which is hard to test even when one is given the program for computing the graph. The hard property is whether the graph is a two-source extractor.
Sima, Mihai, Brisson, André.  2017.  Whitenoise encryption implementation with increased robustness to side-channel attacks. 2017 IEEE SmartWorld, Ubiquitous Intelligence Computing, Advanced Trusted Computed, Scalable Computing Communications, Cloud Big Data Computing, Internet of People and Smart City Innovation (SmartWorld/SCALCOM/UIC/ATC/CBDCom/IOP/SCI). :1–4.
Two design techniques improve the robustness of Whitenoise encryption algorithm implementation to side-channel attacks based on dynamic and/or static power consumption. The first technique conceals the power consumption and has linear cost. The second technique randomizes the power consumption and has quadratic cost. These techniques are not mutually exclusive; their synergy provides a good robustness to power analysis attacks. Other circuit-level protection can be applied on top of the proposed techniques, opening the avenue for generating very robust implementations.