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Baelde, David, Delaune, Stéphanie, Jacomme, Charlie, Koutsos, Adrien, Moreau, Solène.  2021.  An Interactive Prover for Protocol Verification in the Computational Model. 2021 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP). :537–554.
Given the central importance of designing secure protocols, providing solid mathematical foundations and computer-assisted methods to attest for their correctness is becoming crucial. Here, we elaborate on the formal approach introduced by Bana and Comon in [10], [11], which was originally designed to analyze protocols for a fixed number of sessions, and lacks support for proof mechanization.In this paper, we present a framework and an interactive prover allowing to mechanize proofs of security protocols for an arbitrary number of sessions in the computational model. More specifically, we develop a meta-logic as well as a proof system for deriving security properties. Proofs in our system only deal with high-level, symbolic representations of protocol executions, similar to proofs in the symbolic model, but providing security guarantees at the computational level. We have implemented our approach within a new interactive prover, the Squirrel prover, taking as input protocols specified in the applied pi-calculus, and we have performed a number of case studies covering a variety of primitives (hashes, encryption, signatures, Diffie-Hellman exponentiation) and security properties (authentication, strong secrecy, unlinkability).
Ooi, Boon-Yaik, Liew, Soung-Yue, Beh, Woan-Lin, Shirmohammadi, Shervin.  2021.  Inter-Batch Gap Filling Using Compressive Sampling for Low-Cost IoT Vibration Sensors. 2021 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC). :1—6.
To measure machinery vibration, a sensor system consisting of a 3-axis accelerometer, ADXL345, attached to a self-contained system-on-a-chip with integrated Wi-Fi capabilities, ESP8266, is a low-cost solution. In this work, we first show that in such a system, the widely used direct-read-and-send method which samples and sends individually acquired vibration data points to the server is not effective, especially using Wi-Fi connection. We show that the micro delays in each individual data transmission will limit the sensor sampling rate and will also affect the time of the acquired data points not evenly spaced. Then, we propose that vibration should be sampled in batches before sending the acquired data out from the sensor node. The vibration for each batch should be acquired continuously without any form of interruption in between the sampling process to ensure the data points are evenly spaced. To fill the data gaps between the batches, we propose the use of compressive sampling technique. Our experimental results show that the maximum sampling rate of the direct-read-and-send method is 350Hz with a standard uncertainty of 12.4, and the method loses more information compared to our proposed solution that can measure the vibration wirelessly and continuously up to 633Hz. The gaps filled using compressive sampling can achieve an accuracy in terms of mean absolute error (MAE) of up to 0.06 with a standard uncertainty of 0.002, making the low-cost vibration sensor node a cost-effective solution.
Malekzadeh, Milad, Papamichail, Ioannis, Papageorgiou, Markos.  2021.  Internal Boundary Control of Lane-free Automated Vehicle Traffic using a Linear Quadratic Integral Regulator. 2021 European Control Conference (ECC). :35—41.
Lane-free traffic has been recently proposed for connected automated vehicles (CAV). As incremental changes of the road width in lane-free traffic lead to corresponding incremental changes of the traffic flow capacity, the concept of internal boundary control can be used to optimize infrastructure utilization. Internal boundary control leads to flexible sharing of the total road width and capacity among the two traffic directions (of a highway or an arterial) in real-time, in response to the prevailing traffic conditions. A feedback-based Linear-Quadratic regulator with Integral action (LQI regulator) is appropriately developed in this paper to efficiently address this problem. Simulation investigations, involving a realistic highway stretch, demonstrate that the proposed simple LQI regulator is robust and very efficient.
Mygdalis, Vasileios, Tefas, Anastasios, Pitas, Ioannis.  2021.  Introducing K-Anonymity Principles to Adversarial Attacks for Privacy Protection in Image Classification Problems. 2021 IEEE 31st International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP). :1–6.
The network output activation values for a given input can be employed to produce a sorted ranking. Adversarial attacks typically generate the least amount of perturbation required to change the classifier label. In that sense, generated adversarial attack perturbation only affects the output in the 1st sorted ranking position. We argue that meaningful information about the adversarial examples i.e., their original labels, is still encoded in the network output ranking and could potentially be extracted, using rule-based reasoning. To this end, we introduce a novel adversarial attack methodology inspired by the K-anonymity principles, that generates adversarial examples that are not only misclassified, but their output sorted ranking spreads uniformly along K different positions. Any additional perturbation arising from the strength of the proposed objectives, is regularized by a visual similarity-based term. Experimental results denote that the proposed approach achieves the optimization goals inspired by K-anonymity with reduced perturbation as well.
Iashvili, Giorgi, Iavich, Maksim, Bocu, Razvan, Odarchenko, Roman, Gnatyuk, Sergiy.  2021.  Intrusion Detection System for 5G with a Focus on DOS/DDOS Attacks. 2021 11th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications (IDAACS). 2:861–864.
The industry of telecommunications is being transformed towards 5G technology, because it has to deal with the emerging and existing use cases. Because, 5G wireless networks need rather large data rates and much higher coverage of the dense base station deployment with the bigger capacity, much better Quality of Service - QoS, and the need very low latency [1–3]. The provision of the needed services which are envisioned by 5G technologies need the new service models of deployment, networking architectures, processing technologies and storage to be defined. These technologies will cause the new problems for the cybersecurity of 5G systems and the security of their functionality. The developers and researchers working in this field make their best to secure 5G systems. The researchers showed that 5G systems have the security challenges. The researchers found the vulnerabilities in 5G systems which allow attackers to integrate malicious code into the system and make the different types of the illegitimate actions. MNmap, Battery drain attacks and MiTM can be successfully implemented on 5G. The paper makes the analysis of the existing cyber security problems in 5G technology. Based on the analysis, we suggest the novel Intrusion Detection System - IDS by means of the machine-learning algorithms. In the related papers the scientists offer to use NSL-KDD in order to train IDS. In our paper we offer to train IDS using the big datasets of DOS/DDOS attacks, besides of training using NSL-KDD. The research also offers the methodology of integration of the offered intrusion detection systems into an standard architecture of 5G. The paper also offers the pseudo code of the designed system.
Lacava, Andrea, Giacomini, Emanuele, D'Alterio, Francesco, Cuomo, Francesca.  2021.  Intrusion Detection System for Bluetooth Mesh Networks: Data Gathering and Experimental Evaluations. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops and other Affiliated Events (PerCom Workshops). :661–666.
Bluetooth Low Energy mesh networks are emerging as new standard of short burst communications. While security of the messages is guaranteed thought standard encryption techniques, little has been done in terms of actively protecting the overall network in case of attacks aiming to undermine its integrity. Although many network analysis and risk mitigation techniques are currently available, they require considerable amounts of data coming from both legitimate and attack scenarios to sufficiently discriminate among them, which often turns into the requirement of a complete description of the traffic flowing through the network. Furthermore, there are no publicly available datasets to this extent for BLE mesh networks, due most to the novelty of the standard and to the absence of specific implementation tools. To create a reliable mechanism of network analysis suited for BLE in this paper we propose a machine learning Intrusion Detection System (IDS) based on pattern classification and recognition of the most classical denial of service attacks affecting this kind of networks, working on a single internal node, thus requiring a small amount of information to operate. Moreover, in order to overcome the gap created by the absence of data, we present our data collection system based on ESP32 that allowed the collection of the packets from the Network and the Model layers of the BLE Mesh stack, together with a set of experiments conducted to get the necessary data to train the IDS. In the last part, we describe some preliminary results obtained by the experimental setups, focusing on its strengths, as well as on the aspects where further analysis is required, hence proposing some improvements of the classification model as future work. Index Terms-Bluetooth, BLE Mesh, Intrusion Detection System, IoT, network security.
Alsyaibani, Omar Muhammad Altoumi, Utami, Ema, Hartanto, Anggit Dwi.  2021.  An Intrusion Detection System Model Based on Bidirectional LSTM. 2021 3rd International Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent System (ICORIS). :1–6.
Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is used to identify malicious traffic on the network. Apart from rule-based IDS, machine learning and deep learning based on IDS are also being developed to improve the accuracy of IDS detection. In this study, the public dataset CIC IDS 2017 was used in developing deep learning-based IDS because this dataset contains the new types of attacks. In addition, this dataset also meets the criteria as an intrusion detection dataset. The dataset was split into train data, validation data and test data. We proposed Bidirectional Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) for building neural network. We created 24 scenarios with various changes in training parameters which were trained for 100 epochs. The training parameters used as research variables are optimizer, activation function, and learning rate. As addition, Dropout layer and L2-regularizer were implemented on every scenario. The result shows that the model used Adam optimizer, Tanh activation function and a learning rate of 0.0001 produced the highest accuracy compared to other scenarios. The accuracy and F1 score reached 97.7264% and 97.7516%. The best model was trained again until 1000 iterations and the performance increased to 98.3448% in accuracy and 98.3793% in F1 score. The result exceeded several previous works on the same dataset.
Ali, Jokha.  2021.  Intrusion Detection Systems Trends to Counteract Growing Cyber-Attacks on Cyber-Physical Systems. 2021 22nd International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT). :1–6.
Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) suffer from extendable vulnerabilities due to the convergence of the physical world with the cyber world, which makes it victim to a number of sophisticated cyber-attacks. The motives behind such attacks range from criminal enterprises to military, economic, espionage, political, and terrorism-related activities. Many governments are more concerned than ever with securing their critical infrastructure. One of the effective means of detecting threats and securing their infrastructure is the use of Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) and Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS). A number of studies have been conducted and proposed to assess the efficacy and effectiveness of IDS through the use of self-learning techniques, especially in the Industrial Control Systems (ICS) era. This paper investigates and analyzes the utilization of IDS systems and their proposed solutions used to enhance the effectiveness of such systems for CPS. The targeted data extraction was from 2011 to 2021 from five selected sources: IEEE, ACM, Springer, Wiley, and ScienceDirect. After applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 20 primary studies were selected from a total of 51 studies in the field of threat detection in CPS, ICS, SCADA systems, and the IoT. The outcome revealed the trends in recent research in this area and identified essential techniques to improve detection performance, accuracy, reliability, and robustness. In addition, this study also identified the most vulnerable target layer for cyber-attacks in CPS. Various challenges, opportunities, and solutions were identified. The findings can help scholars in the field learn about how machine learning (ML) methods are used in intrusion detection systems. As a future direction, more research should explore the benefits of ML to safeguard cyber-physical systems.
Shipunov, Ilya S., Nyrkov, Anatoliy P., Ryabenkov, Maksim U., Morozova, Elena V., Goloskokov, Konstantin P..  2021.  Investigation of Computer Incidents as an Important Component in the Security of Maritime Transportation. 2021 IEEE Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (ElConRus). :657—660.
The risk of detecting incidents in the field of computer technology in Maritime transport is considered. The structure of the computer incident investigation system and its functions are given. The system of conducting investigations of computer incidents on sea transport is considered. A possible algorithm for investigating the incident using the tools of forensic science and an algorithm for transmitting the received data for further processing are presented.
Pai, Zhang, Qi, Yang.  2021.  Investigation of Time-delay Nonlinear Dynamic System in Batch Fermentation with Differential Evolution Algorithm. 2021 International Conference on Information Technology and Biomedical Engineering (ICITBE). :101–104.
Differential evolution algorithm is an efficient computational method that uses population crossover and variation to achieve high-quality solutions. The algorithm is simple in principle and fast in solving global solutions, so it has been widely used in complex optimization problems. In this paper, we applied the differential evolution algorithm to a time-delay dynamic system for microbial fermentation of 1,3-propanediol and obtained an average error of 22.67% comparing to baseline error of 48.53%.
Dutta, Arjun, Chaki, Koustav, Sen, Ayushman, Kumar, Ashutosh, Chakrabarty, Ratna.  2021.  IoT based Sanitization Tunnel. 2021 5th International Conference on Electronics, Materials Engineering Nano-Technology (IEMENTech). :1—5.
The Covid-19 Pandemic has caused huge losses worldwide and is still affecting people all around the world. Even after rigorous, incessant and dedicated efforts from people all around the world, it keeps mutating and spreading at an alarming rate. In times such as these, it is extremely important to take proper precautionary measures to stay safe and help to contain the spread of the virus. In this paper, we propose an innovative design of one such commonly used public disinfection method, an Automatic Walkthrough Sanitization Tunnel. It is a walkthrough sanitization tunnel which uses sensors to detect the target and automatically disinfects it followed by irradiation using UV-C rays for extra protection. There is a proposition to add an IoT based Temperature sensor and data relay module used to detect the temperature of any person entering the tunnel and in case of any anomaly, contact nearby covid wards to facilitate rapid treatment.
Pinto, Thyago M. S., Vilela, João P., Gomes, Marco A. C., Harrison, Willie K..  2021.  Keyed Polar Coding for Physical-Layer Security without Channel State Information. ICC 2021 - IEEE International Conference on Communications. :1–6.
Polar codes have been shown to provide an effective mechanism for achieving physical-layer security over various wiretap channels. A majority of these schemes require channel state information (CSI) at the encoder for both intended receivers and eavesdroppers. In this paper, we consider a polar coding scheme for secrecy over a Gaussian wiretap channel when no CSI is available. We show that the availability of a shared keystream between friendly parties allows polar codes to be used for both secure and reliable communications, even when the eavesdropper knows a large fraction of the keystream. The scheme relies on a predetermined strategy for partitioning the bits to be encoded into a set of frozen bits and a set of information bits. The frozen bits are filled with bits from the keystream, and we evaluate the security gap when the cyclic redundancy check-aided successive cancellation list decoder is used at both receivers in the wiretap channel model.
Raich, Krispin, Kathrein, Robert, Döller, Mario.  2021.  Large Scale Multimodal Data Processing Middleware for Intelligent Transport Systems. 2021 30th Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT. :190—199.
Modern Intelligent Transport Systems (ITSs) are comprehensive applications that have to cope with a multitude of challenges while meeting strict service and security standards. A novel data-centric middleware that provides the foundation of such systems is presented in this paper. This middleware is designed for high scalability, fast data processing and multimodality. To achieve these goals, an innovative spatial annotation (SpatiaIJSON) is utilised. SpatialJSON allows the representation of geometry, topology and traffic information in one dataset. Data processing is designed in such a manner that any schema or ontology can be used to express information. Further, common concerns of ITSs are addressed, such as authenticity of messages. The core task, however, is to ensure a quick exchange of evaluated information between the individual traffic participants.
Gustafson, Erik, Holzman, Burt, Kowalkowski, James, Lamm, Henry, Li, Andy C. Y., Perdue, Gabriel, Isakov, Sergei V., Martin, Orion, Thomson, Ross, Beall, Jackson et al..  2021.  Large scale multi-node simulations of ℤ2 gauge theory quantum circuits using Google Cloud Platform. 2021 IEEE/ACM Second International Workshop on Quantum Computing Software (QCS). :72—79.
Simulating quantum field theories on a quantum computer is one of the most exciting fundamental physics applications of quantum information science. Dynamical time evolution of quantum fields is a challenge that is beyond the capabilities of classical computing, but it can teach us important lessons about the fundamental fabric of space and time. Whether we may answer scientific questions of interest using near-term quantum computing hardware is an open question that requires a detailed simulation study of quantum noise. Here we present a large scale simulation study powered by a multi-node implementation of qsim using the Google Cloud Platform. We additionally employ newly-developed GPU capabilities in qsim and show how Tensor Processing Units — Application-specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs) specialized for Machine Learning — may be used to dramatically speed up the simulation of large quantum circuits. We demonstrate the use of high performance cloud computing for simulating ℤ2 quantum field theories on system sizes up to 36 qubits. We find this lattice size is not able to simulate our problem and observable combination with sufficient accuracy, implying more challenging observables of interest for this theory are likely beyond the reach of classical computation using exact circuit simulation.
Mueller, Tobias.  2021.  Let’s Attest! Multi-modal Certificate Exchange for the Web of Trust. 2021 International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN). :758—763.
On the Internet, trust is difficult to obtain. With the rise of the possibility of obtaining gratis x509 certificates in an automated fashion, the use of TLS for establishing secure connections has significantly increased. However, other use cases, such as end-to-end encrypted messaging, do not yet have an easy method of managing trust in the public keys. This is particularly true for personal communication where two people want to securely exchange messages. While centralised solutions, such as Signal, exist, decentralised and federated protocols lack a way of conveniently and securely exchanging personal certificates. This paper presents a protocol and an implementation for certifying OpenPGP certificates. By offering multiple means of data transport protocols, it achieves robust and resilient certificate exchange between an attestee, the party whose key certificate is to be certified, and an attestor, the party who will express trust in the certificate once seen. The data can be transferred either via the Internet or via proximity-based technologies, i.e. Bluetooth or link-local networking. The former presents a challenge when the parties interested in exchanging certificates are not physically close, because an attacker may tamper with the connection. Our evaluation shows that a passive attacker learns nothing except the publicly visible metadata, e.g. the timings of the transfer while an active attacker can either have success with a very low probability or be detected by the user.
Zhang, Hongao, Yang, Zhen, Yu, Haiyang.  2021.  Lightweight and Privacy-preserving Search over Encryption Blockchain. 2021 7th IEEE International Conference on Network Intelligence and Digital Content (IC-NIDC). :423—427.
With the development of cloud computing, a growing number of users use the cloud to store their sensitive data. To protect privacy, users often encrypt their data before outsourcing. Searchable Symmetric Encryption (SSE) enables users to retrieve their encrypted data. Most prior SSE schemes did not focus on malicious servers, and users could not confirm the correctness of the search results. Blockchain-based SSE schemes show the potential to solve this problem. However, the expensive nature of storage overhead on the blockchain presents an obstacle to the implementation of these schemes. In this paper, we propose a lightweight blockchain-based searchable symmetric encryption scheme that reduces the space cost in the scheme by improving the data structure of the encrypted index and ensuring efficient data retrieval. Experiment results demonstrate the practicability of our scheme.
Ahmed, Homam, Jie, Zhu, Usman, Muhammad.  2021.  Lightweight Fire Detection System Using Hybrid Edge-Cloud Computing. 2021 IEEE 4th International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering Technology (CCET). :153—157.
The emergence of the 5G network has boosted the advancements in the field of the internet of things (IoT) and edge/cloud computing. We present a novel architecture to detect fire in indoor and outdoor environments, dubbed as EAC-FD, an abbreviation of edge and cloud-based fire detection. Compared with existing frameworks, ours is lightweight, secure, cost-effective, and reliable. It utilizes a hybrid edge and cloud computing framework with Intel neural compute stick 2 (NCS2) accelerator is for inference in real-time with Raspberry Pi 3B as an edge device. Our fire detection model runs on the edge device while also capable of cloud computing for more robust analysis making it a secure system. We compare different versions of SSD-MobileNet architectures with ours suitable for low-end devices. The fire detection model shows a good balance between computational cost frames per second (FPS) and accuracy.
Shepherd, Carlton, Markantonakis, Konstantinos, Jaloyan, Georges-Axel.  2021.  LIRA-V: Lightweight Remote Attestation for Constrained RISC-V Devices. 2021 IEEE Security and Privacy Workshops (SPW). :221–227.
This paper presents LIRA-V, a lightweight system for performing remote attestation between constrained devices using the RISC-V architecture. We propose using read-only memory and the RISC-V Physical Memory Protection (PMP) primitive to build a trust anchor for remote attestation and secure channel creation. Moreover, we show how LIRA-V can be used for trusted communication between two devices using mutual attestation. We present the design, implementation and evaluation of LIRA-V using an off-the-shelf RISC-V microcontroller and present performance results to demonstrate its suitability. To our knowledge, we present the first remote attestation mechanism suitable for constrained RISC-V devices, with applications to cyber-physical systems and Internet of Things (IoT) devices.
Xu, Ruikun.  2021.  Location Based Privacy Protection Data Interference Method. 2021 International Conference on Electronic Information Technology and Smart Agriculture (ICEITSA). :89–93.
In recent years, with the rise of the Internet of things industry, a variety of user location-based applications came into being. While users enjoy these convenient services, their location information privacy is also facing a great threat. Therefore, the research on location privacy protection in the Internet of things has become a hot spot for scholars. Privacy protection microdata publishing is a hot spot in data privacy protection research. Data interference is an effective solution for privacy protection microdata publishing. Aiming at privacy protection clustering problem, a privacy protection data interference method is proposed. In this paper, the location privacy protection algorithm is studied, with the purpose of providing location services and protecting the data interference of users' location privacy. In this paper, the source location privacy protection protocol (PR \_ CECRP) algorithm with controllable energy consumption is proposed to control the energy consumption of phantom routing strategy. In the routing process from the source node to the phantom node, the source data packet forwarding mechanism based on sector area division is adopted, so that the random routing path is generated and the routing energy consumption and transmission delay are effectively controlled.
Wu, Juan.  2021.  Long Text Filtering in English Translation based on LSTM Semantic Association. 2021 Fifth International Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) (I-SMAC). :740–743.
Translation studies is one of the fastest growing interdisciplinary research fields in the world today. Business English is an urgent research direction in the field of translation studies. To some extent, the quality of business English translation directly determines the success or failure of international trade and the economic benefits. On the basis of sequence information encoding and decoding model of LSTM, this paper proposes a strategy combining attention mechanism with bidirectional LSTM model to handle the question of feature extraction of text information. The proposed method reduces the semantic complexity and improves the overall correlation accuracy. The experimental results show its advantages.
Ali, Nora A., Shokry, Beatrice, Rumman, Mahmoud H., ElSayed, Hany M., Amer, Hassanein H., Elsoudani, Magdy S..  2021.  Low-overhead Solutions For Preventing Information Leakage Due To Hardware Trojan Horses. 2021 16th International Conference on Computer Engineering and Systems (ICCES). :1–5.
The utilization of Third-party modules is very common nowadays. Hence, combating Hardware Trojans affecting the applications' functionality and data security becomes inevitably essential. This paper focuses on the detection/masking of Hardware Trojans' undesirable effects concerned with spying and information leakage due to the growing care about applications' data confidentiality. It is assumed here that the Trojan-infected system consists mainly of a Microprocessor module (MP) followed by an encryption module and then a Medium Access Control (MAC) module. Also, the system can be application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) based or Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) based. A general solution, including encryption, CRC encoder/decoder, and zero padding modules, is presented to handle such Trojans. Special cases are then discussed carefully to prove that Trojans will be detected/masked with a corresponding overhead that depends on the Trojan's location, and the system's need for encryption. An implementation of the CRC encoder along with the zero padding module is carried out on an Altera Cyclone IV E FPGA to illustrate the extra resource utilization required by such a system, given that it is already using encryption.
Tiwari, Krishnakant, Gangurde, Sahil J..  2021.  LSB Steganography Using Pixel Locator Sequence with AES. 2021 2nd International Conference on Secure Cyber Computing and Communications (ICSCCC). :302—307.
Image steganography is a technique of hiding confidential data in the images. We do this by incorporating the LSB(Least Significant Bit) of the image pixels. LSB steganography has been there for a while, and much progress has been made in it. In this paper, we try to increase the security of the LSB steganography process by incorporating a random data distribution method which we call pixel locator sequence (PLS). This method scatters the data to be infused into the image by randomly picking up the pixels and changing their LSB value accordingly. This random distribution makes it difficult for unknowns to look for the data. This PLS file is also encrypted using AES and is key for the data encryption/decryption process between the two parties. This technique is not very space-efficient and involves sending meta-data (PLS), but that trade-off was necessary for the additional security. We evaluated the proposed approach using two criteria: change in image dynamics and robustness against steganalysis attacks. To assess change in image dynamics, we measured the MSE and PSNR values. To find the robustness of the proposed method, we used the tool StegExpose which uses the stego image produced from the proposed algorithm and analyzes them using the major steganalysis attacks such as Primary Sets, Chi-Square, Sample Pairs, and RS Analysis. Finally, we show that this method has good security metrics for best known LSB steganography detection tools and techniques.
Aribisala, Adedayo, Khan, Mohammad S., Husari, Ghaith.  2021.  MACHINE LEARNING ALGORITHMS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS IN CLASSIFYING CYBER-ATTACKS ON A SMART GRID NETWORK. 2021 IEEE 12th Annual Information Technology, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference (IEMCON). :0063–0069.
Smart grid architecture and Software-defined Networking (SDN) have evolved into a centrally controlled infrastructure that captures and extracts data in real-time through sensors, smart-meters, and virtual machines. These advances pose a risk and increase the vulnerabilities of these infrastructures to sophisticated cyberattacks like distributed denial of service (DDoS), false data injection attack (FDIA), and Data replay. Integrating machine learning with a network intrusion detection system (NIDS) can improve the system's accuracy and precision when detecting suspicious signatures and network anomalies. Analyzing data in real-time using trained and tested hyperparameters on a network traffic dataset applies to most network infrastructures. The NSL-KDD dataset implemented holds various classes, attack types, protocol suites like TCP, HTTP, and POP, which are critical to packet transmission on a smart grid network. In this paper, we leveraged existing machine learning (ML) algorithms, Support vector machine (SVM), K-nearest neighbor (KNN), Random Forest (RF), Naïve Bayes (NB), and Bagging; to perform a detailed performance comparison of selected classifiers. We propose a multi-level hybrid model of SVM integrated with RF for improved accuracy and precision during network filtering. The hybrid model SVM-RF returned an average accuracy of 94% in 10-fold cross-validation and 92.75%in an 80-20% split during class classification.
Lakhdhar, Yosra, Rekhis, Slim.  2021.  Machine Learning Based Approach for the Automated Mapping of Discovered Vulnerabilities to Adversial Tactics. 2021 IEEE Security and Privacy Workshops (SPW). :309–317.
To defend networks against security attacks, cyber defenders have to identify vulnerabilities that could be exploited by an attacker and fix them. However, vulnerabilities are constantly evolving and their number is rising. In addition, the resources required (i.e., time and cost) to patch all the identified vulnerabilities and update the affected assets are not always affordable. For these reasons, the defender needs to have a set of metrics that could be used to automatically map new discovered vulnerabilities to potential attack tactics. Using such a mapping to attack tactics, will allow security solutions to better respond inline to any vulnerabilities exploitation tentatives, by selecting and prioritizing suitable response strategy. In this work, we provide a multilabel classification approach to automatically map a detected vulnerability to the MITRE Adversarial Tactics that could be used by the attacker. The proposed approach will help cyber defenders to prioritize their defense strategies, ensure a rapid and efficient investigation process, and well manage new detected vulnerabilities. We evaluate a set of machine learning algorithms (BinaryRelevance, LabelPowerset, ClassifierChains, MLKNN, BRKNN, RAkELd, NLSP, and Neural Networks) and found out that ClassifierChains with RandomForest classifier is the best method in our experiment.
Usman, Ali, Rafiq, Muhammad, Saeed, Muhammad, Nauman, Ali, Almqvist, Andreas, Liwicki, Marcus.  2021.  Machine Learning Computational Fluid Dynamics. 2021 Swedish Artificial Intelligence Society Workshop (SAIS). :1—4.
Numerical simulation of fluid flow is a significant research concern during the design process of a machine component that experiences fluid-structure interaction (FSI). State-of-the-art in traditional computational fluid dynamics (CFD) has made CFD reach a relative perfection level during the last couple of decades. However, the accuracy of CFD is highly dependent on mesh size; therefore, the computational cost depends on resolving the minor feature. The computational complexity grows even further when there are multiple physics and scales involved making the approach time-consuming. In contrast, machine learning (ML) has shown a highly encouraging capacity to forecast solutions for partial differential equations. A trained neural network has offered to make accurate approximations instantaneously compared with conventional simulation procedures. This study presents transient fluid flow prediction past a fully immersed body as an integral part of the ML-CFD project. MLCFD is a hybrid approach that involves initialising the CFD simulation domain with a solution forecasted by an ML model to achieve fast convergence in traditional CDF. Initial results are highly encouraging, and the entire time-based series of fluid patterns past the immersed structure is forecasted using a deep learning algorithm. Prepared results show a strong agreement compared with fluid flow simulation performed utilising CFD.