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Feature Selection for Attacker Attribution in Industrial Automation amp; Control Systems. 2021 IV International Conference on Control in Technical Systems (CTS). :220–223.
2021. Modern Industrial Automation & Control Systems (IACS) are essential part of the critical infrastructures and services. They are used in health, power, water, and transportation systems, and the impact of cyberattacks on IACS could be severe, resulting, for example, in damage to the environment, public or employee safety or health. Thus, building IACS safe and secure against cyberattacks is extremely important. The attacker model is one of the key elements in risk assessment and other security related information system management tasks. The aim of the study is to specify the attacker's profile based on the analysis of network and system events. The paper presents an approach to the selection of attacker's profile attributes from raw network and system events of the Linux OS. To evaluate the approach the experiments were performed on data collected within the Global CPTC 2019 competition.
Federated Learning for Anomaly-Based Intrusion Detection. 2021 International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications (ISNCC). :1–8.
2021. We are attending a severe zero-day cyber attacks. Machine learning based anomaly detection is definitely the most efficient defence in depth approach. It consists to analyzing the network traffic in order to distinguish the normal behaviour from the abnormal one. This approach is usually implemented in a central server where all the network traffic is analyzed which can rise privacy issues. In fact, with the increasing adoption of Cloud infrastructures, it is important to reduce as much as possible the outsourcing of such sensitive information to the several network nodes. A better approach is to ask each node to analyze its own data and then to exchange its learning finding (model) with a coordinator. In this paper, we investigate the application of federated learning for network-based intrusion detection. Our experiment was conducted based on the C ICIDS2017 dataset. We present a f ederated learning on a deep learning algorithm C NN based on model averaging. It is a self-learning system for detecting anomalies caused by malicious adversaries without human intervention and can cope with new and unknown attacks without decreasing performance. These experimentation demonstrate that this approach is effective in detecting intrusion.
Federated Machine Learning Architecture for Searching Malware. 2021 IEEE East-West Design Test Symposium (EWDTS). :1—4.
2021. Modern technologies for searching viruses, cloud-edge computing, and also federated algorithms and machine learning architectures are shown. The architectures for searching malware based on the xor metric applied in the design and test of computing systems are proposed. A Federated ML method is proposed for searching for malware, which significantly speeds up learning without the private big data of users. A federated infrastructure of cloud-edge computing is described. The use of signature analysis and the assertion engine for searching malware is shown. The paradigm of LTF-computing for searching destructive components in software applications is proposed.
Fine Grained Confinement of Untrusted Third-Party Applications in Android. 2021 International Conference on Computing, Communication, and Intelligent Systems (ICCCIS). :372—376.
2021. Third party mobile applications are dominating the business strategies of organisations and have become an integral part of personal life of individuals. These applications are used for financial transactions, sharing of sensitive data etc. The recent breaches in Android clearly indicate that use of third party applications have become a serious security threat. By design, Android framework keeps all these applications in untrusted domain. Due to this a common policy of resource control exists for all such applications. Further, user discretion in granting permissions to specific applications is not effective because users are not always aware of deep functionalities, mala fide intentions (in case of spywares) and bugs/flaws in these third-party applications. In this regard, we propose a security scheme to mitigate unauthorised access of resources by third party applications. Our proposed scheme is based on SEAndroid policies and achieves fine grained confinement with respect to access control for the third party applications. To the best of our knowledge, the proposed scheme is unique and first of its kind. The proposed scheme is integrated with Android Oreo 8.1.0 for performance and security analysis. It is compatible with any Android device with AOSP support.
FireBugs: Finding and Repairing Cryptography API Misuses in Mobile Applications. 2021 IEEE 45th Annual Computers, Software, and Applications Conference (COMPSAC). :1194–1201.
2021. In this paper, we present FireBugs for Finding and Repairing Bugs based on security patterns. For the common misuse patterns of cryptography APIs (crypto APIs), we encode common cryptography rules into the pattern representations for bug detection and program repair regarding cryptography rule violations. In the evaluation, we conducted a case study to assess the bug detection capability by applying FireBugs to datasets mined from both open source and commercial projects. Also, we conducted a user study with professional software engineers at Mutual of Omaha Insurance Company to estimate the program repair capability. This evaluation showed that FireBugs can help professional engineers develop various cryptographic requirements in a resilient application.
Forensic Digital Data Tamper Detection Using Image Steganography and S-Des. 2021 International Conference on Cyber Security and Internet of Things (ICSIoT). :59—64.
2021. In this current age, stakeholders exchange legal documents, as well as documents that are official, sensitive and confidential via digital channels[1]. To securely communicate information between stakeholders is not an easy task considering the intentional or unintentional changes and possible attacks that can occur during communication. This paper focuses on protecting and securing data by hiding the data using steganography techniques, after encrypting the data to avoid unauthorized changes or modification made by adversaries to the data through using the Simplified Data Encryption Technique. By leveraging on these two approaches, secret data security intensifies to two levels and a steganography image of high quality is attained. Cryptography converts plaintext into cipher text (unreadable text); whereas steganography is the technique of hiding secret messages in other messages. First encryption of data is done using the Simplified Data Encryption Standard (S-DES) algorithm after which the message encrypted is embedded in the cover image by means of the Least Significant Bit (LSB) approach.
Formal Specification and Verification of 5G Authentication and Key Agreement Protocol using mCRL2. 2021 International Conference on Networking and Advanced Systems (ICNAS). :1—6.
2021. The fifth-generation (5G) standard is the last telecommunication technology, widely considered to have the most important characteristics in the future network industry. The 5G system infrastructure contains three principle interfaces, each one follows a set of protocols defined by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project group (3GPP). For the next generation network, 3GPP specified two authentication methods systematized in two protocols namely 5G Authentication and Key Agreement (5G-AKA) and Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP). Such protocols are provided to ensure the authentication between system entities. These two protocols are critical systems, thus their reliability and correctness must be guaranteed. In this paper, we aim to formally re-examine 5G-AKA protocol using micro Common Representation Language 2 (mCRL2) language to verify such a security protocol. The mCRL2 language and its associated toolset are formal tools used for modeling, validation, and verification of concurrent systems and protocols. In this context, the authentication protocol 5G-AKA model is built using Algebra of Communication Processes (ACP), its properties are specified using Modal mu-Calculus and the properties analysis exploits Model-Checker provided with mCRL2. Indeed, we propose a new mCRL2 model of 3GPP specification considering 5G-AKA protocol and we specify some properties that describe necessary requirements to evaluate the correctness of the protocol where the parsed properties of Deadlock Freedom, Reachability, Liveness and Safety are positively assessed.
Formal Verification Approach to Detect Always-On Denial of Service Trojans in Pipelined Circuits. 2021 28th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems (ICECS). :1–6.
2021. Always-On Denial of Service (DoS) Trojans with power drain payload can be disastrous in systems where on-chip power resources are limited. These Trojans are designed so that they have no impact on system behavior and hence, harder to detect. A formal verification method is presented to detect sequential always-on DoS Trojans in pipelined circuits and pipelined microprocessors. Since the method is proof-based, it provides a 100% accurate classification of sequential Trojan components. Another benefit of the approach is that it does not require a reference model, which is one of the requirements of many Trojan detection techniques (often a bottleneck to practical application). The efficiency and scalability of the proposed method have been evaluated on 36 benchmark circuits. The most complex of these benchmarks has as many as 135,898 gates. Detection times are very efficient with a 100% rate of detection, i.e., all Trojan sequential elements were detected and all non-trojan sequential elements were classified as such.
Formal Verification of 5G EAP-AKA Protocol. 2021 31st International Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference (ITNAC). :140–146.
2021. The advent of 5G, one of the most recent and promising technologies currently under deployment, fulfills the emerging needs of mobile subscribers by introducing several new technological advancements. However, this may lead to numerous attacks in the emerging 5G networks. Thus, to guarantee the secure transmission of user data, 5G Authentication protocols such as Extensible Authentication Protocol - Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol (EAP-AKA) were developed. These protocols play an important role in ensuring security to the users as well as their data. However, there exists no guarantees about the security of the protocols. Thus formal verification is necessary to ensure that the authentication protocols are devoid of vulnerabilities or security loopholes. Towards this goal, we formally verify the security of the 5G EAP-AKA protocol using an automated verification tool called ProVerif. ProVerif identifies traces of attacks and checks for security loopholes that can be accessed by the attackers. In addition, we model the complete architecture of the 5G EAP-AKA protocol using the language called typed pi-calculus and analyze the protocol architecture through symbolic model checking. Our analysis shows that some cryptographic parameters in the architecture can be accessed by the attackers which cause the corresponding security properties to be violated.
FPGA Implementation of Computer Network Security Protection with Machine Learning. 2021 IEEE 32nd International Conference on Microelectronics (MIEL). :263–266.
2021. Network intrusion detection systems (NIDS) are widely used solutions targeting the security of any network device connected to the Internet and are taking the lead in the battle against intruders. This paper addresses the network security issues by implementing a hardware-based NIDS solution with a Naïve Bayes machine learning (ML) algorithm for classification using NSL Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) dataset. The proposed FPGA implementation of the Naive Bayes classifier focuses on low latency and provides intrusion detection in just 240ns, with accuracy/precision of 70/97%, occupying 1 % of the Virtex7 VC709 FPGA chip area.
FPGA Implementation of Hardware Accelerator for Real-time Video Image Edge Detection. 2021 IEEE 15th International Conference on Anti-counterfeiting, Security, and Identification (ASID). :16—20.
2021. Image edge is considered to be the most important attribute to provide valuable image perception information. At present, video image data is developing towards high resolution and high frame number. The image data processing capacity is huge, so the processing speed is very strict to meet the real-time performance of image data transmission. In this context, we present a method to accelerate the real-time video image edge detection. FPGA is used as the development platform. The real-time edge detection algorithm of image data with 1280x720 resolution and 30 frame/s, combined with median filter, Sobel edge detection algorithm and corrosion expansion algorithm, makes the running time of image processing module shorter. The color image of the video image collected by camera is processed. The HDMI interface shows that the scheme has achieved ideal results in the FPGA hardware platform simulation model, greatly improves the efficiency of the algorithm, and provides a guarantee for the speed and stability of the real-time image processing system.
FPTSA-SLP: A Fake Packet Time Slot Assignment-based Source Location Privacy Protection Scheme in Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks. 2021 Computing, Communications and IoT Applications (ComComAp). :307–311.
2021. Nowadays, source location privacy in underwater acoustic sensor networks (UASNs) has gained a lot of attention. The aim of source location privacy is to use specific technologies to protect the location of the source from being compromised. Among the many technologies available are fake packet technology, multi-path routing technology and so on. The fake packet technology uses a certain amount of fake packets to mask the transmission of the source packet, affecting the adversary's efficiency of hop-by-hop backtracking to the source. However, during the operation of the fake packet technology, the fake packet, and the source packet may interfere with each other. Focus on this, a fake packet time slot assignment-based source location privacy protection (FPTSA-SLP) scheme. The time slot assignment is adopted to avoid interference with the source packet. Also, a relay node selection method based on the handshake is further proposed to increase the diversity of the routing path to confuse the adversary. Compared with the comparison algorithm, the simulation results demonstrate that the proposed scheme has a better performance in safety time.
Generating Residue Number System Bases. 2021 IEEE 28th Symposium on Computer Arithmetic (ARITH). :86—93.
2021. Residue number systems provide efficient techniques for speeding up calculations and/or protecting against side channel attacks when used in the context of cryptographic engineering. One of the interests of such systems is their scalability, as the existence of large bases for some specialized systems is often an open question. In this paper, we present highly optimized methods for generating large bases for residue number systems and, in some cases, the largest possible bases. We show their efficiency by demonstrating their improvement over the state-of-the-art bases reported in the literature. This work make it possible to address the problem of the scalability issue of finding new bases for a specific system that arises whenever a parameter changes, and possibly open new application avenues.
GNN4IP: Graph Neural Network for Hardware Intellectual Property Piracy Detection. 2021 58th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC). :217–222.
2021. Aggressive time-to-market constraints and enormous hardware design and fabrication costs have pushed the semiconductor industry toward hardware Intellectual Properties (IP) core design. However, the globalization of the integrated circuits (IC) supply chain exposes IP providers to theft and illegal redistribution of IPs. Watermarking and fingerprinting are proposed to detect IP piracy. Nevertheless, they come with additional hardware overhead and cannot guarantee IP security as advanced attacks are reported to remove the watermark, forge, or bypass it. In this work, we propose a novel methodology, GNN4IP, to assess similarities between circuits and detect IP piracy. We model the hardware design as a graph and construct a graph neural network model to learn its behavior using the comprehensive dataset of register transfer level codes and gate-level netlists that we have gathered. GNN4IP detects IP piracy with 96% accuracy in our dataset and recognizes the original IP in its obfuscated version with 100% accuracy.
GNNUnlock: Graph Neural Networks-based Oracle-less Unlocking Scheme for Provably Secure Logic Locking. 2021 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE). :780–785.
2021. Logic locking is a holistic design-for-trust technique that aims to protect the design intellectual property (IP) from untrustworthy entities throughout the supply chain. Functional and structural analysis-based attacks successfully circumvent state-of-the-art, provably secure logic locking (PSLL) techniques. However, such attacks are not holistic and target specific implementations of PSLL. Automating the detection and subsequent removal of protection logic added by PSLL while accounting for all possible variations is an open research problem. In this paper, we propose GNNUnlock, the first-of-its-kind oracle-less machine learning-based attack on PSLL that can identify any desired protection logic without focusing on a specific syntactic topology. The key is to leverage a well-trained graph neural network (GNN) to identify all the gates in a given locked netlist that belong to the targeted protection logic, without requiring an oracle. This approach fits perfectly with the targeted problem since a circuit is a graph with an inherent structure and the protection logic is a sub-graph of nodes (gates) with specific and common characteristics. GNNs are powerful in capturing the nodes' neighborhood properties, facilitating the detection of the protection logic. To rectify any misclassifications induced by the GNN, we additionally propose a connectivity analysis-based post-processing algorithm to successfully remove the predicted protection logic, thereby retrieving the original design. Our extensive experimental evaluation demonstrates that GNNUnlock is 99.24% - 100% successful in breaking various benchmarks locked using stripped-functionality logic locking [1], tenacious and traceless logic locking [2], and Anti-SAT [3]. Our proposed post-processing enhances the detection accuracy, reaching 100% for all of our tested locked benchmarks. Analysis of the results corroborates that GNNUnlock is powerful enough to break the considered schemes under different parameters, synthesis settings, and technology nodes. The evaluation further shows that GNNUnlock successfully breaks corner cases where even the most advanced state-of-the-art attacks [4], [5] fail. We also open source our attack framework [6].
Graph-Based Lattices Cryptosystem As New Technique Of Post-Quantum Cryptography. 2021 IEEE 5th Advanced Information Technology, Electronic and Automation Control Conference (IAEAC). 5:9–13.
2021. A new method for judging degree sequence is shown by means of perfect ice-flower systems made by operators - stars (particular complete bipartite graphs), and moreover this method can be used to build up degree sequences and perfect ice-flower systems. Graphic lattice, graph-graphic lattice, caterpillar-graphic lattice and topological coding lattice are defined. We establish some connections between traditional lattices and graphic lattices trying to provide new techniques for Lattice-based cryptosystem and post-quantum cryptography, and trying to enrich the theoretical knowledge of topological coding.
Graph-Based Time Series Edge Anomaly Detection in Smart Grid. 2021 7th IEEE Intl Conference on Big Data Security on Cloud (BigDataSecurity), IEEE Intl Conference on High Performance and Smart Computing, (HPSC) and IEEE Intl Conference on Intelligent Data and Security (IDS). :1—6.
2021. With the popularity of smart devices in the power grid and the advancement of data collection technology, the amount of electricity usage data has exploded in recent years, which is beneficial for optimizing service quality and grid operation. However, current data analysis is mainly based on cloud platforms, which poses challenges to transmission bandwidth, computing resources, and transmission delays. To solve the problem, this paper proposes a graph convolution neural networks (GCNs) based edge-cloud collaborative anomaly detection model. Specifically, the time series is converted into graph data based on visibility graph model, and graph convolutional network model is adopted to classify the labeled graph data for anomaly detection. Then a model segmentation method is proposed to adaptively divide the anomaly detection model between the edge equipment and the back-end server. Experimental results show that the proposed scheme provides an effective solution to edge anomaly detection and can make full use of the computing resources of terminal equipment.
GRU and Multi-autoencoder based Insider Threat Detection for Cyber Security. 2021 IEEE Sixth International Conference on Data Science in Cyberspace (DSC). :203–210.
2021. The concealment and confusion nature of insider threat makes it a challenging task for security analysts to identify insider threat from log data. To detect insider threat, we propose a novel gated recurrent unit (GRU) and multi-autoencoder based insider threat detection method, which is an unsupervised anomaly detection method. It takes advantage of the extremely unbalanced characteristic of insider threat data and constructs a normal behavior autoencoder with low reconfiguration error through multi-level filter behavior learning, and identifies the behavior data with high reconfiguration error as abnormal behavior. In order to achieve the high efficiency of calculation and detection, GRU and multi-head attention are introduced into the autoencoder. Use dataset v6.2 of the CERT insider threat as validation data and threat detection recall as evaluation metric. The experimental results show that the effect of the proposed method is obviously better than that of Isolation Forest, LSTM autoencoder and multi-channel autoencoders based insider threat detection methods, and it's an effective insider threat detection technology.
G-TADOC: Enabling Efficient GPU-Based Text Analytics without Decompression. 2021 IEEE 37th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE). :1679–1690.
2021. Text analytics directly on compression (TADOC) has proven to be a promising technology for big data analytics. GPUs are extremely popular accelerators for data analytics systems. Unfortunately, no work so far shows how to utilize GPUs to accelerate TADOC. We describe G-TADOC, the first framework that provides GPU-based text analytics directly on compression, effectively enabling efficient text analytics on GPUs without decompressing the input data. G-TADOC solves three major challenges. First, TADOC involves a large amount of dependencies, which makes it difficult to exploit massive parallelism on a GPU. We develop a novel fine-grained thread-level workload scheduling strategy for GPU threads, which partitions heavily-dependent loads adaptively in a fine-grained manner. Second, in developing G-TADOC, thousands of GPU threads writing to the same result buffer leads to inconsistency while directly using locks and atomic operations lead to large synchronization overheads. We develop a memory pool with thread-safe data structures on GPUs to handle such difficulties. Third, maintaining the sequence information among words is essential for lossless compression. We design a sequence-support strategy, which maintains high GPU parallelism while ensuring sequence information. Our experimental evaluations show that G-TADOC provides 31.1× average speedup compared to state-of-the-art TADOC.
Hardware Implementation of IP-Enabled Wireless Sensor Network Using 6LoWPAN. 2021 1st International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics (CAIDA). :227–233.
2021. Wireless sensor networks have become so popular in many applications such as vehicle tracking and monitoring, environmental measurements and radiation analysis. These applications can be ready to go for further processing by connecting it to remote servers through protocols that outside world used such as internet. This brings IPv6 over low power wireless sensor network (6LowPAN) into very important role to develop a bridge between internet and WSN network. Though a reliable communication demands many parameters such as data rate, effective data transmission, data security as well as packet size etc. A gateway between 6lowPAN network and IPV6 is needed where frame size compression is required in order to increase payload of data frame on hardware platform.
Hardware Trojan Detection Method for Inspecting Integrated Circuits Based on Machine Learning. 2021 22nd International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED). :432–436.
2021. Nowadays malicious vendors can easily insert hardware Trojans into integrated circuit chips as the entire integrated chip supply chain involves numerous design houses and manufacturers on a global scale. It is thereby becoming a necessity to expose any possible hardware Trojans, if they ever exist in a chip. A typical Trojan circuit is made of a trigger and a payload that are interconnected with a trigger net. As trigger net can be viewed as the signature of a hardware Trojan, in this paper, we propose a gate-level hardware Trojan detection method and model that can be applied to screen the entire chip for trigger nets. In specific, we extract the trigger-net features for each net from known netlists and use the machine learning method to train multiple detection models according to the trigger modes. The detection models are used to identify suspicious trigger nets from the netlist of the integrated circuit under detection, and score each net in terms of suspiciousness value. By flagging the top 2% suspicious nets with the highest suspiciousness values, we shall be able to detect majority hardware Trojans, with an average accuracy rate of 96%.
Hardware-Trojan Classification based on the Structure of Trigger Circuits Utilizing Random Forests. 2021 IEEE 27th International Symposium on On-Line Testing and Robust System Design (IOLTS). :1–4.
2021. Recently, with the spread of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, embedded hardware devices have been used in a variety of everyday electrical items. Due to the increased demand for embedded hardware devices, some of the IC design and manufacturing steps have been outsourced to third-party vendors. Since malicious third-party vendors may insert malicious circuits, called hardware Trojans, into their products, developing an effective hardware Trojan detection method is strongly required. In this paper, we propose 25 hardware-Trojan features based on the structure of trigger circuits for machine-learning-based hardware Trojan detection. Combining the proposed features into 11 existing hardware-Trojan features, we totally utilize 36 hardware-Trojan features for classification. Then we classify the nets in an unknown netlist into a set of normal nets and Trojan nets based on the random-forest classifier. The experimental results demonstrate that the average true positive rate (TPR) becomes 63.6% and the average true negative rate (TNR) becomes 100.0%. They improve the average TPR by 14.7 points while keeping the average TNR compared to existing state-of-the-art methods. In particular, the proposed method successfully finds out Trojan nets in several benchmark circuits, which are not found by the existing method.
HashMTI: Scalable Mutation-based Taint Inference with Hash Records. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (SANER). :84–95.
2021. Mutation-based taint inference (MTI) is a novel technique for taint analysis. Compared with traditional techniques that track propagations of taint tags, MTI infers a variable is tainted if its values change due to input mutations, which is lightweight and conceptually sound. However, there are 3 challenges to its efficiency and scalability: (1) it cannot efficiently record variable values to monitor their changes; (2) it consumes a large amount of memory monitoring variable values, especially on complex programs; and (3) its excessive memory overhead leads to a low hit ratio of CPU cache, which slows down the speed of taint inference. This paper presents an efficient and scalable solution named HashMTI. We first explain the above challenges based on 4 observations. Motivated by these challenges, we propose a hash record scheme to efficiently monitor changes in variable values and significantly reduce the memory overhead. The scheme is based on our specially selected and optimized hash functions that possess 3 crucial properties. Moreover, we propose the DoubleMutation strategy, which applies additional mutations to mitigate the limitation of the hash record and detect more taint information. We implemented a prototype of HashMTI and evaluated it on 18 real-world programs and 4 LAVA-M programs. Compared with the baseline OrigMTI, HashMTI significantly reduces the overhead while having similar accuracy. It achieves a speedup of 2.5X to 23.5X and consumes little memory which is on average 70.4 times less than that of OrigMTI.
A High Speed SM3 Algorithm Implementation for Security Chip. 2021 IEEE 5th Advanced Information Technology, Electronic and Automation Control Conference (IAEAC). 5:915–919.
2021. High throughput of crypto circuit is critical for many high performance security applications. The proposed SM3 circuit design breaks the inherent limitation of the conventional algorithm flow by removing the "blocking point" on the critical path, and reorganizes the algebraic structure by adding four parallel compensation operations. In addition, the round expansion architecture, CSA (Carry Save Adder) and pre-calculation are also used in this design. Due to the optimization at both the algorithm level and the circuit level, the synthesized circuit of this design can reach maximum 415MHz operating clock frequency and 6.4Gbps throughput with SMIC 40nm high performance technology. Compared with the conventional implementation method, the throughput performance of the proposed SM3 circuit increases by 97.5% and the chip area of SM3 algorithm area is only increased by 16.2%.
A Homomorphic Cloud Framework for Big Data Analytics Based on Elliptic Curve Cryptography. 2021 International Conference on Innovation and Intelligence for Informatics, Computing, and Technologies (3ICT). :7—11.
2021. Homomorphic Encryption (HE) comes as a sophisticated and powerful cryptography system that can preserve the privacy of data in all cases when the data is at rest or even when data is in processing and computing. All the computations needed by the user or the provider can be done on the encrypted data without any need to decrypt it. However, HE has overheads such as big key sizes and long ciphertexts and as a result long execution time. This paper proposes a novel solution for big data analytic based on clustering and the Elliptical Curve Cryptography (ECC). The Extremely Distributed Clustering technique (EDC) has been used to divide big data into several subsets of cloud computing nodes. Different clustering techniques had been investigated, and it was found that using hybrid techniques can improve the performance and efficiency of big data analytic while at the same time data is protected and privacy is preserved using ECC.