The economic progress of the Internet of Things (IoT) is phenomenal. Applications range from checking the alignment of some components during a manufacturing process, monitoring of transportation and pedestrian levels to enhance driving and walking path, remotely observing terminally ill patients by means of medical devices such as implanted devices and infusion pumps, and so on. To provide security, encrypting the data becomes an indispensable requirement, and symmetric encryptions algorithms are becoming a crucial implementation in the resource constrained environments. Typical symmetric encryption algorithms like Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) showcases an assumption that end points of communications are secured and that the encryption key being securely stored. However, devices might be physically unprotected, and attackers may have access to the memory while the data is still encrypted. It is essential to reserve the key in such a way that an attacker finds it hard to extract it. At present, techniques like White-Box cryptography has been utilized in these circumstances. But it has been reported that applying White-Box cryptography in IoT devices have resulted in other security issues like the adversary having access to the intermediate values, and the practical implementations leading to Code lifting attacks and differential attacks. In this paper, a solution is presented to overcome these problems by demonstrating the need of White-Box Cryptography to enhance the security by utilizing the cipher block chaining (CBC) mode.
Email privacy is of crucial importance. Existing email encryption approaches are comprehensive but seldom used due to their complexity and inconvenience. We take a new approach to simplify email encryption and improve its usability by implementing receiver-controlled encryption: newly received messages are transparently downloaded and encrypted to a locally-generated key; the original message is then replaced. To avoid the problem of moving a single private key between devices, we implement per-device key pairs: only public keys need be synchronized via a simple verification step. Compromising an email account or server only provides access to encrypted emails. We implemented this scheme on several platforms, showing it works with PGP and S/MIME, is compatible with widely used mail clients and email services including Gmail, has acceptable overhead, and that users consider it intuitive and easy to use.
In this paper, we explore the use of machine learning technique for wormhole attack detection in ad hoc network. This work has categorized into three major tasks. One of our tasks is a simulation of wormhole attack in an ad hoc network environment with multiple wormhole tunnels. A next task is the characterization of packet attributes that lead to feature selection. Consequently, we perform data generation and data collection operation that provide large volume dataset. The final task is applied to machine learning technique for wormhole attack detection. Prior to this, a wormhole attack has detected using traditional approaches. In those, a Multirate-DelPHI is shown best results as detection rate is 90%, and the false alarm rate is 20%. We conduct experiments and illustrate that our method performs better resulting in all statistical parameters such as detection rate is 93.12% and false alarm rate is 5.3%. Furthermore, we have also shown results on various statistical parameters such as Precision, F-measure, MCC, and Accuracy.
Security experts often recommend using password-management tools that both store passwords and generate random passwords. However, research indicates that only a small fraction of users use password managers with password generators. Past studies have explored factors in the adoption of password managers using surveys and online store reviews. Here we describe a semi-structured interview study with 30 participants that allows us to provide a more comprehensive picture of the mindsets underlying adoption and effective use of password managers and password-generation features. Our participants include users who use no password-specific tools at all, those who use password managers built into browsers or operating systems, and those who use separately installed password managers. Furthermore, past field data has indicated that users of built-in, browser-based password managers more often use weak and reused passwords than users of separate password managers that have password generation available by default. Our interviews suggest that users of built-in password managers may be driven more by convenience, while users of separately installed tools appear more driven by security. We advocate tailored designs for these two mentalities and provide actionable suggestions to induce effective password manager usage.
An MIT study suggests the use of crowdsourcing to devalue false news stories and misinformation online. Despite differences in political opinions, all groups can agree that fake and hyperpartisan sites are untrustworthy.
Todays analyzing web weaknesses and vulnerabilities in order to find security attacks has become more urgent. In case there is a communication contrary to the system security policies, a covert channel has been created. The attacker can easily disclosure information from the victim's system with just one public access permission. Covert timing channels, unlike covert storage channels, do not have memory storage and they draw less attention. Different methods have been proposed for their identification, which generally benefit from the shape of traffic and the channel's regularity. In this article, an entropy-based detection method is designed and implemented. The attacker can adjust the amount of channel entropy by controlling measures such as changing the channel's level or creating noise on the channel to protect from the analyst's detection. As a result, the entropy threshold is not always constant for detection. By comparing the entropy from different levels of the channel and the analyst, we conclude that the analyst must investigate traffic at all possible levels.
In AI Matters Volume 4, Issue 2, and Issue 4, we raised the notion of the possibility of an AI Cosmology in part in response to the "AI Hype Cycle" that we are currently experiencing. We posited that our current machine learning and big data era represents but one peak among several previous peaks in AI research in which each peak had accompanying "Hype Cycles". We associated each peak with an epoch in a possible AI Cosmology. We briefly explored the logic machines, cybernetics, and expert system epochs. One of the objectives of identifying these epochs was to help establish that we have been here before. In particular we've been in the territory where some application of AI research finds substantial commercial success which is then closely followed by AI fever and hype. The public's expectations are heightened only to end in disillusionment when the applications fall short. Whereas it is sometimes somewhat of a challenge even for AI researchers, educators, and practitioners to know where the reality ends and hype begins, the layperson is often in an impossible position and at the mercy of pop culture, marketing and advertising campaigns. We suggested that an AI Cosmology might help us identify a single standard model for AI that could be the foundation for a common shared understanding of what AI is and what it is not. A tool to help the layperson understand where AI has been, where it's going, and where it can't go. Something that could provide a basic road map to help the general public navigate the pitfalls of AI Hype.
The disclosure of an important yet sensitive link may cause serious privacy crisis between two users of a social graph. Only deleting the sensitive link referred to as a target link which is often the attacked target of adversaries is not enough, because the adversarial link prediction can deeply forecast the existence of the missing target link. Thus, to defend some specific adversarial link prediction, a budget limited number of other non-target links should be optimally removed. We first propose a path-based dissimilarity function as the optimizing objective and prove that the greedy link deletion to preserve target link privacy referred to as the GLD2Privacy which has monotonicity and submodularity properties can achieve a near optimal solution. However, emulating all length limited paths between any pair of nodes for GLD2Privacy mechanism is impossible in large scale social graphs. Secondly, we propose a Walk2Privacy mechanism that uses self-avoiding random walk which can efficiently run in large scale graphs to sample the paths of given lengths between the two ends of any missing target link, and based on the sampled paths we select the alternative non-target links being deleted for privacy purpose. Finally, we compose experiments to demonstrate that the Walk2Privacy algorithm can remarkably reduce the time consumption and achieve a very near solution that is achieved by the GLD2Privacy.
Atomic multicast is a communication primitive that delivers messages to multiple groups of processes according to some total order, with each group receiving the projection of the total order onto messages addressed to it. To be scalable, atomic multicast needs to be genuine, meaning that only the destination processes of a message should participate in ordering it. In this paper we propose a novel genuine atomic multicast protocol that in the absence of failures takes as low as 3 message delays to deliver a message when no other messages are multicast concurrently to its destination groups, and 5 message delays in the presence of concurrency. This improves the latencies of both the fault-tolerant version of classical Skeen's multicast protocol (6 or 12 message delays, depending on concurrency) and its recent improvement by Coelho et al. (4 or 8 message delays). To achieve such low latencies, we depart from the typical way of guaranteeing fault-tolerance by replicating each group with Paxos. Instead, we weave Paxos and Skeen's protocol together into a single coherent protocol, exploiting opportunities for white-box optimisations. We experimentally demonstrate that the superior theoretical characteristics of our protocol are reflected in practical performance pay-offs.
Ad fraud is becoming more common among websites. Ad fraud can help fraudsters to generate revenue for themselves through fake traffic, fake clicks and fake installs. It can also help the cybercriminals to deploy malware on users' computers.
Robots that interact with children are becoming more common in places such as child care and hospital environments. While such robots may mistakenly provide nonsensical information, or have mechanical malfunctions, we know little of how these robot errors are perceived by children, and how they impact trust. This is particularly important when robots provide children with information or instructions, such as in education or health care. Drawing inspiration from established psychology literature investigating how children trust entities who teach or provide them with information (informants), we designed and conducted an experiment to examine how robot errors affect how young children (3-5 years old) trust robots. Our results suggest that children utilize their understanding of people to develop their perceptions of robots, and use this to determine how to interact with robots. Specifically, we found that children developed their trust model of a robot based on the robot's previous errors, similar to how they would for a person. We however failed to replicate other prior findings with robots. Our results provide insight into how children as young as 3 years old might perceive robot errors and develop trust.
While the IT industry is embracing the cloud-native technologies, migrating from monolithic architecture to service-oriented architecture is not a trivial process. It involves a lot of dissection and abstraction. The layer of abstraction designed for simplifying the development quickly becomes the barrier of visibility and the source of misconfigurations. The complexity may give microservices a larger attack surface compared to monolithic applications. This talk presents a microservices threat modeling that uncovers the attack vectors hidden in each abstraction layer. Scenarios of security breaches in microservices platforms are discussed, followed by the countermeasures to close these attack vectors. Finally, a decision-making process for architecting secure microservices is presented.