Visible to the public An adaptive interferometric sensor for all-optical photoacoustic microscopy

TitleAn adaptive interferometric sensor for all-optical photoacoustic microscopy
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsChitnis, P.V., Lloyd, H., Silverman, R.H.
Conference NameUltrasonics Symposium (IUS), 2014 IEEE International
Date PublishedSept
Keywordsacoustic coupling, acoustic microscopy, acoustic signal detection, acoustic wave interferometry, acoustic-coupling gel, adaptive interferometric microscopy, adaptive interferometric sensor, analogue-digital conversion, biological techniques, biological tissues, BiSiO2, bismuth compounds, bismuth silicon oxide photorefractive crystals, CW laser, focusing properties, glass slide, Image reconstruction, imaging ink patterns, laser beam, light interferometers, low noise amplifiers, low-noise amplifier, multiwave mixing, noise figure 20 dB, optical microscopy, optical PAM approach, optical photoacoustic microscopy, optical pumping, optical receivers, optical-intensity modulation, optically induced thermo-elastic wave detection, optimal interference, photoacoustic effect, photoacoustic image, photoacoustically induced surface displacement detection, photorefractive materials, thermoelasticity, ultrasonic focusing, ultrasonic transducers

Conventional photoacoustic microscopy (PAM) involves detection of optically induced thermo-elastic waves using ultrasound transducers. This approach requires acoustic coupling and the spatial resolution is limited by the focusing properties of the transducer. We present an all-optical PAM approach that involved detection of the photoacoustically induced surface displacements using an adaptive, two-wave mixing interferometer. The interferometer consisted of a 532-nm, CW laser and a Bismuth Silicon Oxide photorefractive crystal (PRC) that was 5x5x5 mm3. The laser beam was expanded to 3 mm and split into two paths, a reference beam that passed directly through the PRC and a signal beam that was focused at the surface through a 100-X, infinity-corrected objective and returned to the PRC. The PRC matched the wave front of the reference beam to that of the signal beam for optimal interference. The interference of the two beams produced optical-intensity modulations that were correlated with surface displacements. A GHz-bandwidth photoreceiver, a low-noise 20-dB amplifier, and a 12-bit digitizer were employed for time-resolved detection of the surface-displacement signals. In combination with a 5-ns, 532-nm pump laser, the interferometric probe was employed for imaging ink patterns, such as a fingerprint, on a glass slide. The signal beam was focused at a reflective cover slip that was separated from the fingerprint by 5 mm of acoustic-coupling gel. A 3x5 mm2 area of the coverslip was raster scanned with 100-mm steps and surface-displacement signals at each location were averaged 20 times. Image reconstruction based on time reversal of the PA-induced displacement signals produced the photoacoustic image of the ink patterns. The reconstructed image of the fingerprint was consistent with its photograph, which demonstrated the ability of our system to resolve micron-scaled features at a depth of 5 mm.

Citation Key6932143