Visible to the public Flow-based conflict detection in OpenFlow networks using first-order logic

TitleFlow-based conflict detection in OpenFlow networks using first-order logic
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsLopes Alcantara Batista, B., Lima de Campos, G.A., Fernandez, M.P.
Conference NameComputers and Communication (ISCC), 2014 IEEE Symposium on
Date PublishedJune
Keywordscentralization architecture, centralized controller, Clean Slate initiative, computer network management, control plane, control systems, first-order logic, flow-based conflict detection, Indexes, inference engine, inference mechanisms, Internet architecture, IP networks, knowledge based systems, management plane, Media Access Protocol, network devices, network elements, OpenFlow controller, OpenFlow network architecture, Proposals, transport protocols, unreachable flows

The OpenFlow architecture is a proposal from the Clean Slate initiative to define a new Internet architecture where the network devices are simple, and the control and management plane is performed by a centralized controller. The simplicity and centralization architecture makes it reliable and inexpensive. However, this architecture does not provide mechanisms to detect conflicting in flows, allowing that unreachable flows can be configured in the network elements, and the network may not behave as expected. This paper proposes an approach to conflict detection using first-order logic to define possible antagonisms and employ an inference engine to detect conflicting flows before the OpenFlow controller implement in the network elements.

Citation Key6912577