Visible to the public Security of software defined networks: Taxonomic modeling, key components and open research area

TitleSecurity of software defined networks: Taxonomic modeling, key components and open research area
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsKaur, R., Singh, A., Singh, S., Sharma, S.
Conference Name2016 International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Optimization Techniques (ICEEOT)
ISBN Number978-1-4673-9939-5
Keywordsartificial neural network, Artificial neural networks, Cloud Watcher, Collaboration, Companies, Computer architecture, Computer crime, computer network management, computer network security, control systems, cyber-attacks, Debugging, digital simulation, digital threats, FORTNOX, FRESCO, governance, Government, Hardware, L-IDs, low-level device configuration, network management, network operators, network specification, networking like routing, open research area, policy, policy-based governance, program debugging, pubcrawl, Resiliency, SDN architectural layers-interfaces, SDN architecture, security solutions, simulation framework, software defined network security, software defined networking, state distribution, taxonomic modeling, thematic taxonomy

Software defined networking promises network operators to dramatically simplify network management. It provides flexibility and innovation through network programmability. With SDN, network management moves from codifying functionality in terms of low-level device configuration to building software that facilitates network management and debugging[1]. SDN provides new techniques to solve long-standing problems in networking like routing by separating the complexity of state distribution from network specification. Despite all the hype surrounding SDNs, exploiting its full potential is demanding. Security is still the major issue and a striking challenge that reduces the growth of SDNs. Moreover the introduction of various architectural components and up cycling of novel entities of SDN poses new security issues and threats. SDN is considered as major target for digital threats and cyber-attacks[2] and have more devastating effects than simple networks. Initial SDN design doesn't considered security as its part; therefore, it must be raised on the agenda. This article discusses the security solutions proposed to secure SDNs. We categorize the security solutions in the article by presenting a thematic taxonomy based on SDN architectural layers/interfaces[3], security measures and goals, simulation framework. Moreover, the literature also points out the possible attacks[2] targeting different layers/interfaces of SDNs. For securing SDNs, the potential requirements and their key enablers are also identified and presented. Also, the articles sketch the design of secure and dependable SDNs. At last, we discuss open issues and challenges of SDN security that may be rated appropriate to be handled by professionals and researchers in the future.

Citation Keykaur_security_2016